String to html string python

When I print the string (in Python) coming from a website I scraped it from, it looks like this:

"His this 


a sample


It does not show the \n breaks. this is what I see in a Python interpreter.

And I want to convert it to HTML that will add in the line breaks. I was looking around and didn't see any libraries that do this out of the box.

I was thinking BeautifulSoup, but wasn't quite sure.


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asked Mar 9, 2019 at 16:07

Morgan AllenMorgan Allen

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If you have a String that you have readed it from a file you can just replace \n to <br>, which is a line break in html, by doing:

my_string.replace('\n', '<br>')

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 16:12

String to html string python


You can use the python replace(...) method to replace all line breaks with the html version <br> and possibly surround the string in a paragraph tag <p>...</p>. Let's say the name of the variable with the text is text:

html = "<p>" + text.replace("\n", "<br>") + "</p>"

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 16:30

String to html string python

Omari CelestineOmari Celestine

1,3431 gold badge10 silver badges20 bronze badges

searching for this answer in found this, witch is likely better because it encodes all characters, at least for python 3 Python – Convert HTML Characters To Strings

# import html
import html

# Create Text
text = 'Γeeks for Γeeks'

# It Converts given text To String

# It Converts given text to HTML Entities

answered Sep 27 at 8:21

String to html string python

I believe this will work

for line in text:
   for char in line:
      if char == "/n":
         text.replace(char, "<br>")

answered Mar 9, 2019 at 16:16

String to html string python


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    Prerequisites: html module

    Given a string with HTML characters, the task is to convert HTML characters to a string. This can be achieved with the help of html.escape() method(for Python 3.4+), we can convert the ASCII string into HTML script by replacing ASCII characters with special characters by using html.escape()method.

    By this method we can decode the HTML entities into text.



    We can also use Beautiful Soupwhich handles entity conversion. In Beautiful Soup 4, entities get decoded automatically.

    Example 1: Python 3.6+


    import html

    text = 'Γeeks for Γeeks'




    Γeeks for Γeeks

    &Gamma;eeks for &Gamma;eeks

    Example 2: Python 2.6-3.3

    We can use HTMLParser.unescape() from the standard library:

    • For Python 2.6-2.7 it’s in HtmlParser.
    • For Python 3 it’s in html.parser


    import html


        from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

    except ImportError:

        from html.parser import HTMLParser

    h = html.parser

    print(h.unescape('Γeeks for Γeeks'))  


    Γeeks for Γeeks

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