phenomenons là gì - Nghĩa của từ phenomenons

phenomenons có nghĩa là

The fictional phenomenon describing the possible existence of a self aware AI or government conspiracy which sent every e-mail account in existence a message containing the phrase "Hello world! Thanks for Creating me. I'll Keep an eye on your stuff. Love Gary." at exactly 1AM on January 1st 1997. The e-mails, having no discernible origin, were formed from messages embedded randomly throughout lines of indecipherable data. The message were even received by computers which were, at the time, not connected to the internet.


Martin: "I just received an e-mail and my computer was not even online"
Clinton: "It's probably just Gary...Haven't you heard of the Gary Phenomenon?"

phenomenons có nghĩa là

An observable fact or event that is strange, mysterious, or amazing. Generally, but not always, used to describe something impressive and out of the ordinary.


The viewers reported the phenomenon of an unknown spacecraft flying over the hill, but managed to get no photos. The young children were awed by the phenomenon of the magnets pushing away at each other. It was quite a strange phenomenon to see Brad get a B on his paper.

phenomenons có nghĩa là

Estonia is a small country in northern Europe that feels and would like to be nordic, but actually belongs to the baltic countries south of the baltic sea. Due to its size and since just about 1.4 million people live there (for reference: New York has 8.4 million inhabitants) , somthing that has been dubbed the "estonian phenomenon" can be witnessed here. The term describes that everyone practically knows everyone or at least someone who knows them. This makes gossip equally more interesting and more dangerous, since the person you are gossiping about will almost certainly hear about it. Sometimes Estonia feels like a big family gathering of a country where even someone who seems to be a random stranger has most likely some kind of relation to you.


"Oh hey, I know the girl who just delivered our food... that was an awkward interaction"
"How do you know her?" "Its just a case of estonian phenomenon, my classmate used to work at her families store and she used to play soccer with my second cousin. Did you know that she broke up with her Boyfriend?"

phenomenons có nghĩa là

1. a supernatural event where a car approaches and causes delay only when one looks to cross the street or to walk around a car parked next to the curb; while walking along the curb and not crossing the street, cars are not present.
2. may also occur while driving; event where a car approaches one's vehicle only when attempting to move to another lane or when pulling out of traffic.


Ex. 1
Lenny: Darn. Looks like we'll have to walk around the car. Crap, here comes a car. We'll have to wait- again.
Shawn: Jesus! This car phenomenon is out of control.

Ex. 2
Hector: Alright, we have 3 minutes to get to Sarah's house. (signals and looks over left shoulder to check for cars) Not again!
Erin: What's wrong?
Hector: The car phenomenon! The light just turned green and 20 cars are coming. Ugh!

phenomenons có nghĩa là

1.Someone who appears to be amazing but probably just thinks they are to gain self recognition.



Matt is a local Phenomenon because he is in a band.

phenomenons có nghĩa là

The result of acquiring a machine and pressing all the right buttons.
See machine for details.


Look at that phenomenon I just made, all thanks this machine!

phenomenons có nghĩa là

The majority female presence in every swirl community involving black women. On every social media platform (Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok...) there are always more women than men. Usually it's the inverse. Men outnumber women on dating apps by as much as 8:2. However this isn't true in the swirl community. Whether Asian men (r/ambw), white men (#bwwm), or any combination involving black women.. there will always be more women involved than men.


Why are these women so thirsty? It's the swirl phenomenon.

phenomenons có nghĩa là

A strange occurrence whereby a number of factors lead to an individual not ever being friend-zoned. The individual is always single and likely not looking for anyone, but is unable to create a friend-zone. They are always very good looking and good around members of the opposite gender.


"No one seems to just want to be friends with me. I just don't get it."
"Are you looking for anyone?"
"No, not really."
"I think you are experiencing the Michael Phenomenon."

phenomenons có nghĩa là

The theory that the aftereffect of prolonged time spent in the presence of an associate, leads to a higher chance of developing a romantic interest in them. The affection could be mutual or one-sided. Unsubstantiated studies show that this phenomenon also presents itself when an individual's thoughts are consistently filled with any type of reference to the opposite party.


Guy 1: Dude, I think I love this chick.
Guy 2: Could just be the Bierman phenomenon. Spend some time away from her. Think about something else. The feelings will probably go away.

phenomenons có nghĩa là

when you fart or shit yourself on a ventilated seat in a car and the stench blows back in your face.


Paul asked Rene, what is that stench, did you fart? Rene responded--yea about 10 minutes ago, but I just turned on the ventilated seat, so your experiencing the Ventosity Phenomenon

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