Pascal to python converter online


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# pascal2python Конвертер кода из паскаля в питон. sudo apt install antlr4 git clone // cd pas2py virtualenv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt make Использование: ./ test.pas

syntax highlight

time limit: 5s 15s

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I understand. But how can I understand the datastructure of the binary data set, that is only accessible through the program? Are there any tools that could "guess" the structure of such a dataset, written i pascal (presumably)?

In the code I only find a reference to the data source (redbas.dat) in the following snippet and I assume it is this Procedure I want. Is it possible, as in Python, to run just this procedure and get an output in lets say a Python Pandas dataframe?

Procedure TDialog_05.StartSimulate; { Use data, and simulate here }

label ut;


SimNxt := 0;


{$I-} reset(RedBasFile); {$I+}

if IOresult <> 0 then


MessageBox(0,'Cannot open "redbas.dat"','File read error',mb_iconhand or mb_OK);



if filesize(RedBasFile)<1 then


MessageBox(0,'Empty file, "redbas.dat"','File size error',mb_iconhand or mb_OK);

goto ut;



{$I-} read(RedBasFile,RedBasData); {$I+}

if IOresult <> 0 then goto UT; { Read error??? }

if ThisOK then PlotIt;

until eof(RedBasFile);

ForcePaint(RegHw); { Repaint with all simulate data }

if Chk_Var_05[6] then { list results also }


if Chk_Var_05[5] then { to printer also }



{$I-} close(RedBasFile); {$I+}

if IOresult <> 0 then;


Chk_Var_05[5] := false; { Print once only }

Chk_Var_05[6] := false; { List once only }

SetChkRad(Hwindow,Chk_Var_05[5],Chk_id_05[5]); { brukes til chec'boxer }



I have the following Pascal routine:

function TForm1.ldExtractFromLine (ldline: String; Post: Integer): String; var s: String; t: array[1..15] of String; i, iT: Integer; begin s := Trim(ldline); iT := 1; while s <> '' do begin s := Trim(s) + ' '; i := 1; while s[i] <> ' ' do Inc(i); t[iT] := Copy(s, 1, i-1); Inc(iT); s := Copy(s, i, Length(s)); end; ldExtractFromLine := ''; if Post < iT then ldExtractFromLine := t[Post]; end;

I am trying to convert to Python. Here is what I have so far:

def ldExtractFromLine (ldline, post): post -= 1 # mjh t = [] s = ldline.strip() iT = 0; # mjh while s <> '': s = s.strip() + ' ' i = 0 # mjh while s[i] <> ' ': i += 1 # t[iT] = Copy(s, 1, i-1) # function Copy(const S: string; From: integer = 1; Count: integer = MaxInt): string; t.insert(iT, s[0:i-1+1]) # mjh iT += 1 s = s[i:(i+len(s)+1)] print "lala" result = '' if post < iT: result = t[post] # mjh return result

However, executing the routine results in endless "lala" printed to stdout. The problem is that Pascal lists start with index 1 and Python lists start with index 0. This is really confusing me. Can anyone find my error? The variable post is an integer generally less than 20. The variable ldline is a string that looks somewhat like "1 0 60 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat".


The entire script can be viewed here:


Here is some example input data:

0 Safe House 0 Name: building_013_safehouse.ldr 0 Author: Kevin Loch 0 ROTATION CENTER 0 0 0 1 "Custom" 0 ROTATION CONFIG 0 0 1 0 60 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat 1 0 60 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat 1 0 -20 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat 1 0 -20 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat 1 0 -100 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat 1 0 -100 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat 1 0 -180 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat 1 0 -180 -24 -160 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3001.dat

More examples of input data can be found here:


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