How check array is unique or not in php?

Performance-Optimized Solution

If you care about performance and micro-optimizations, check this one-liner:

function no_dupes(array $input_array) {
    return count($input_array) === count(array_flip($input_array));

Function compares number of array elements in $input_array with array_flip'ed elements. Values become keys and guess what - keys must be unique in associative arrays so not unique values are lost and final number of elements is lower than original.

As noted in the manual, array keys can be only type of int or string so this is what you must have in original array values to compare, otherwise PHP will start casting with unexpected results. See for an example of this fringe-case failure mode.

Proof for an array with 10 million records:

  • The top-voted solution by Jason McCreary: 14.187316179276s 🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌🐌
  • The accepted solution by Mike Sherov: 2.0736091136932s 🐌🐌
  • This answer's solution: 0.14155888557434s 🐌/10

Test case:


$elements = array_merge(range(1,10000000),[1]);

$time = microtime(true);
echo 'Accepted solution: ', (microtime(true) - $time), 's', PHP_EOL;

$time = microtime(true);
echo 'Most voted solution: ', (microtime(true) - $time), 's', PHP_EOL;

$time = microtime(true);
echo 'This answer solution: ', (microtime(true) - $time), 's', PHP_EOL;

function accepted_solution($array){
 $dupe_array = array();
 foreach($array as $val){
  // sorry, but I had to add below line to remove millions of notices
  if(++$dupe_array[$val] > 1){
   return true;
 return false;

function most_voted_solution($array) {
   return count($array) !== count(array_unique($array));

function this_answer_solution(array $input_array) {
    return count($input_array) === count(array_flip($input_array));

Notice that accepted solution might be faster in certain condition when not unique values are near the beginning of huge array.

(PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

array_uniqueRemoves duplicate values from an array


array_unique(array $array, int $flags = SORT_STRING): array

Note that keys are preserved. If multiple elements compare equal under the given flags, then the key and value of the first equal element will be retained.

Note: Two elements are considered equal if and only if (string) $elem1 === (string) $elem2 i.e. when the string representation is the same, the first element will be used.



The input array.


The optional second parameter flags may be used to modify the sorting behavior using these values:

Sorting type flags:

  • SORT_REGULAR - compare items normally (don't change types)
  • SORT_NUMERIC - compare items numerically
  • SORT_STRING - compare items as strings
  • SORT_LOCALE_STRING - compare items as strings, based on the current locale.

Return Values

Returns the filtered array.


7.2.0 If flags is SORT_STRING, formerly array has been copied and non-unique elements have been removed (without packing the array afterwards), but now a new array is built by adding the unique elements. This can result in different numeric indexes.


Example #1 array_unique() example

= array("a" => "green""red""b" => "green""blue""red");
$result array_unique($input);

The above example will output:

    [a] => green
    [0] => red
    [1] => blue

Example #2 array_unique() and types

= array(4"4""3"43"3");
$result array_unique($input);

The above example will output:

array(2) {
  [0] => int(4)
  [2] => string(1) "3"


Note: Note that array_unique() is not intended to work on multi dimensional arrays.

Ghanshyam Katriya(anshkatriya at gmail)

7 years ago

Create multidimensional array unique for any single key index.
e.g I want to create multi dimentional unique array for specific code

Code :
My array is like this,

= array(
0 => array("id"=>"1", "name"=>"Mike",    "num"=>"9876543210"),
1 => array("id"=>"2", "name"=>"Carissa", "num"=>"08548596258"),
2 => array("id"=>"1", "name"=>"Mathew""num"=>"784581254"),

You can make it unique for any field like id, name or num.

I have develop this function for same :
function unique_multidim_array($array, $key) {
$temp_array = array();
$i = 0;
$key_array = array();


$array as $val) {
        if (!
in_array($val[$key], $key_array)) {
$key_array[$i] = $val[$key];
$temp_array[$i] = $val;

Now, call this function anywhere from your code,

something like this,
= unique_multidim_array($details,'id');

Output will be like this :
= array(
0 => array("id"=>"1","name"=>"Mike","num"=>"9876543210"),
1 => array("id"=>"2","name"=>"Carissa","num"=>"08548596258"),

falundir at gmail dot com

4 years ago

I find it odd that there is no version of this function which allows you to use a comparator callable in order to determine items equality (like array_udiff and array_uintersect). So, here's my version for you:

function array_uunique(array $array, callable $comparator): array {
$unique_array = [];
    do {
$element = array_shift($array);
$unique_array[] = $element;$array = array_udiff(
    } while (
count($array) > 0);



And here is a test code:

class Foo {



    public function

__construct(int $a) {
$this->a = $a;
$array_of_objects = [new Foo(2), new Foo(1), new Foo(3), new Foo(2), new Foo(2), new Foo(1)];$comparator = function (Foo $foo1, Foo $foo2): int {
$foo1->a <=> $foo2->a;
var_dump(array_uunique($array_of_objects, $comparator)); // should output [Foo(2), Foo(1), Foo(3)]


5 years ago

In reply to performance tests array_unique vs foreach.

In PHP7 there were significant changes to Packed and Immutable arrays resulting in the performance difference to drop considerably. Here is the same test on php7.1 here;

$max = 770000; //large enough number within memory allocation
$arr = range(1,$max,3);
$arr2 = range(1,$max,2);
$arr = array_merge($arr,$arr2);

$time = -microtime(true);
$res1 = array_unique($arr);
$time += microtime(true);
echo "deduped to ".count($res1)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 513333 in 1.0876770019531

$time = -microtime(true);
$res2 = array();
foreach($arr as $key=>$val) {   
    $res2[$val] = true;
$res2 = array_keys($res2);
$time += microtime(true);
echo "<br />deduped to ".count($res2)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 513333 in 0.054931879043579


12 years ago

It's often faster to use a foreache and array_keys than array_unique:



= 1000000;
$arr = range(1,$max,3);
$arr2 = range(1,$max,2);
$arr = array_merge($arr,$arr2); $time = -microtime(true);
$res1 = array_unique($arr);
$time += microtime(true);
"deduped to ".count($res1)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 666667 in 32.300781965256 $time = -microtime(true);
$res2 = array();
$arr as $key=>$val) {   
$res2[$val] = true;
$res2 = array_keys($res2);
$time += microtime(true);
"<br />deduped to ".count($res2)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 666667 in 0.84372591972351 ?>


4 years ago

As for PHP 7.1.12, this is the comparison between array_keys(array_flip()), array_flip(array_flip()), for each elimination and array_unique. The array_keys(array_flip()) is the fastest method to remove duplication values from a single dimension array:



= 1000000;
$arr = range(1,$max,3);
$arr2 = range(1,$max,2);
$arr = array_merge($arr,$arr2);$time = -microtime(true);
$res1 = array_unique($arr);
$time += microtime(true);


"<br>deduped to ".count($res1)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 666667 in 0.78185796737671
// memory used: 33558528
$time = -microtime(true);
$res2 = array_flip(array_flip($arr));
$time += microtime(true);


"<br><br>deduped to ".count($res2)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 666667 in 0.072191953659058
// memory used: 3774873
$time = -microtime(true);
$res3 = array();
$arr as $key=>$val) {
$res3[$val] = true;
$res3 = array_keys($res3);
$time += microtime(true);


"<br /><br>deduped to ".count($res3)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 666667 in 0.095494985580444
// memory used: 33558528
$time = -microtime(true);
$res4 = array_keys(array_flip($arr));
$time += microtime(true);


"<br /><br>deduped to ".count($res4)." in ".$time;
// deduped to 666667 in 0.05807900428772
// memory used: 33558528

Ray dot Paseur at SometimesUsesGmail dot com

14 years ago

I needed to identify email addresses in a data table that were replicated, so I wrote the array_not_unique() function:

<?phpfunction array_not_unique($raw_array) {
$dupes = array();
reset ($raw_array);$old_key    = NULL;
$old_value    = NULL;
    foreach (
$raw_array as $key => $value) {
        if (
$value === NULL) { continue; }
        if (
$old_value == $value) {
$dupes[$old_key]    = $old_value;
$dupes[$key]        = $value;
$old_value    = $value;
$old_key    = $key;
$raw_array     = array();
$raw_array[1]    = '';
$raw_array[2]    = '';
$raw_array[3]    = '';
$raw_array[4]    = ''; // Duplicate$common_stuff    = array_not_unique($raw_array);


14 years ago

Case insensitive; will keep first encountered value.

<?php function array_iunique($array) {
$lowered = array_map('strtolower', $array);
array_intersect_key($array, array_unique($lowered));

keneks at gmail dot com

15 years ago

Taking the advantage of array_unique, here is a simple function to check if an array has duplicate values.

It simply compares the number of elements between the original array and the array_uniqued array.

<?php function array_has_duplicates(array $array)
$uniq = array_unique($array);
count($uniq) != count($array);

contact at evoweb dot fr

1 year ago

Here is a solution to make unique values keeping empty values for an array with keys :

function array_unique_kempty($array) {
$values = array_unique($array);
$return = array_combine(array_keys($array), array_fill(0,count($array),null));
$myArray = [
"test1" => "aaa",
"test2" => null,
"test3" => "aaa",
"test4" => "bbb",
"test5" => null,
"test6" => "ccc",
"test7" => "ddd",
"test8" => "ccc"


    [test1] => aaa
    [test2] =>
    [test3] =>
    [test4] => bbb
    [test5] =>
    [test6] => ccc
    [test7] => ddd
    [test8] =>

calexandrepcjr at gmail dot com

5 years ago

Following the Ghanshyam Katriya idea, but with an array of objects, where the $key is related to object propriety that you want to filter the uniqueness of array:

function obj_multi_unique($obj, $key = false)
$totalObjs = count($obj);
        if (
is_array($obj) && $totalObjs > 0 && is_object($obj[0]) && ($key && !is_numeric($key))) {
            for (
$i = 0; $i < $totalObjs; $i++) {
                if (isset(
$obj[$i])) {
                    for (
$j = $i + 1; $j < $totalObjs; $j++) {
                        if (isset(
$obj[$j]) && $obj[$i]->{$key} === $obj[$j]->{$key}) {
        } else {
            throw new
Exception('Invalid argument or your array of objects is empty');

mostafatalebi at rocketmail dot com

8 years ago

If you find the need to get a sorted array without it preserving the keys, use this code which has worked for me:



= array("hello", "fine", "good", "fine", "hello", "bye"); $get_sorted_unique_array = array_values(array_unique($array)); ?>

The above code returns an array which is both unique and sorted from zero.

regeda at inbox dot ru

12 years ago

recursive array unique for multiarrays

function super_unique($array)
$result = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $array)));

  foreach (

$result as $key => $value)
    if (
is_array($value) )
$result[$key] = super_unique($value);



sashasimkin at gmail dot com

10 years ago

My object unique function:

function object_unique( $obj ){
$objArray = (array) $obj;$objArray = array_intersect_assoc( array_unique( $objArray ), $objArray );


$obj as $n => $f ) {
        if( !
array_key_exists( $n, $objArray ) ) unset( $obj->$n );



And these code:

class Test{
$pr0 = 'string';
$pr1 = 'string1';
$pr2 = 'string';
$pr3 = 'string2';
$obj = new Test;var_dump( object_unique( $obj ) );

  public 'pr0' => string 'string' (length=6)
  public 'pr1' => string 'string1' (length=7)
  public 'pr3' => string 'string2' (length=7)

agarcia at rsn dot com dot co

16 years ago

This is a script for multi_dimensional arrays

function remove_dup($matriz) {



Ludovico Grossi

7 years ago

[Editor's note: please note that this will not work well with non-scalar values in the array. Array keys can not be arrays themselves, nor streams, resources, etc. Flipping the array causes a change in key-name]

You can do a super fast version of array_unique directly in PHP, even faster than the other solution posted in the comments!

Compared to the built in function it is 20x faster! (2x faster than the solution in the comments).

function superfast_array_unique($array) {

This works faster for small and big arrays.

quecoder at gmail

14 years ago

another method to get unique values is :

=array('a','b','c','a','b','d','e','f','f'); $alpha= array_keys(array_count_values($alpha)); print_r($alpha);

Array ( [0] => a [1] => b [2] => c [3] => d [4] => e [5] => f )

subhrajyoti dot de007 at gmail dot com

4 years ago

Simple and clean way to get duplicate entries removed from a multidimensional array.

= $multi_array [0];
$multi_array = array_unique($multi_array);

jusvalceanu - SPAM at SPAM - yahoo dot com

13 years ago

so .... my problem was multidimensional sort.

= array();
$exclude = array("");
      for (
$i = 0; $i<=count($attribs)-1; $i++) {
         if (!
in_array(trim($attribs[$i]["price"]) ,$exclude)) { $new[] = $attribs[$i]; $exclude[] = trim($attribs[$i]["price"]); }

Array $attribs is an array contaning arrays. Each array in the $attrib array consists in multiple fields (ex: name, lenght, price, etc.) to be more simpler in speech think that $attrib is the array resulted by a search sql query done by a visitator on your online shoopping website ... (so ... each array in the $attrib is a product :P) if you want to sort only the uniq results use the above or use this:

<?php /* Our Array of products */
$attribs[] = array(
"name"         => "Test Product 1",
"length"     => "42 cm",
"weight"     => "0,5 kg",
"price"     => "10 $",
"stock"     => "100",
$attribs[] = array(
"name"         => "Test Product 2",
"length"     => "42 cm",
"weight"     => "1,5 kg",
"price"     => "10 $",
"stock"     => "200",
/* The nice stuff */ $new = array();
$exclude = array("");
      for (
$i = 0; $i<=count($attribs)-1; $i++) {
         if (!
in_array(trim($attribs[$i]["price"]) ,$exclude)) { $new[] = $attribs[$i]; $exclude[] = trim($attribs[$i]["price"]); }
print_r($new); // $new is our sorted array ?>

Have fun tweaking this ;)) i know you will ;))

From Romania With Love

webmaster at jukkis dot net

15 years ago

Another way to 'unique column' an array, in this case an array of objects:
Keep the desired unique column values in a static array inside the callback function for array_filter.

/* example object */
class myObj {
__construct( $id, $value ) {
$this->id = $id;
$this->value = $value;
/* callback function */
function uniquecol( $obj ) {
$idlist = array();

  if (

in_array( $obj->id, $idlist ) )
false;$idlist[] = $obj->id;
/* a couple of arrays with second array having an element with same id as the first */
$list  = array( new myObj( 1, ), new myObj( 2, 100 ) );
$list2 = array( new myObj( 1, 10 ), new myObj( 3, 100 ) );
$list3 = array_merge( $list, $list2 );$unique = array_filter( $list3, 'uniquecol' );
print_r( $list3 );
print_r( $unique );?>

In addition, use array_merge( $unique ) to reindex.

zoolyka at gmail dot com

6 years ago

I found the simplest way to "unique" multidimensional arrays as follows:



= array(
'a' => array(1, 2),
'b' => array(1, 2),
'c' => array(2, 2),
'd' => array(2, 1),
'e' => array(1, 1),
$array = array_map('json_encode', $array);
$array = array_unique($array);
$array = array_map('json_decode', $array);print_r($array);?>

As you can see "b" will be removed without any errors or notices.

amri [ at t] dhstudio dot eu

12 years ago

I searched how to show only the de-duplicate elements from array, but failed.
Here is my solution:

function arrayUniqueElements($array)

= array('foo', 'bar', 'xyzzy', '&', 'xyzzy',
'baz', 'bat', '|', 'xyzzy', 'plugh',
'xyzzy', 'foobar', '|', 'plonk', 'xyzzy',
'apples', '&', 'xyzzy', 'oranges', 'xyzzy',
'pears','foobar'); $result=arrayUniqueElements($arr1);


[4] => xyzzy
[12] => |
[16] => &
[21] => foobar

csaba at alum dot mit dot edu

18 years ago

The following is an efficient, adaptable implementation of array_unique which always retains the first key having a given value:

function array_unique2(&$aray) {
$aHash = array();
    foreach (
$aray as $key => &$val) if (@$aHash[$val]++) unset ($aray[$key]);

It is also adaptable to multi dimensional arrays.  For example, if your array is a sequence of (multidimensional) points, then in place of @$aHash[$val]++ you could use @$aHash[implode("X",$val)]++
If you want to not have holes in your array, you can do an array_merge($aray) at the end.

Csaba Gabor


3 months ago

Because of PHP comparaisons modalities, you can never distinguish null from others falsy values.
Note the absorbing nature of true and false booleans in mix types array.



= [true, false, null, '', '0', '123', 0, 123];
foreach ([
$a_new = array_unique($a, constant($flag));
"{$flag} ==> ";

Gives :

SORT_REGULAR ==> array(2) {
  [0]=> bool(true)
  [1]=> bool(false)
SORT_NUMERIC ==> array(3) {
  [0]=> bool(true)
  [1]=> bool(false)
  [5]=> string(3) "123"
SORT_STRING ==> array(4) {
  [0]=> bool(true)
  [1]=> bool(false)
  [4]=> string(1) "0"
  [5]=> string(3) "123"
SORT_LOCALE_STRING ==> array(4) {
  [0]=> bool(true)
  [1]=> bool(false)
  [4]=> string(1) "0"
  [5]=> string(3) "123"


dirk dot avery a t gmail

13 years ago

Although array_unique is not intended to work with multi-dimensional arrays, it does on 5.2.9.  However, it does not for 5.2.5.  Beware.


14 years ago

I had a problem with array_unique and multidimensional arrays ... Maybe there's a better way to do this, but this will work for any dimensional arrays.

function arrayUnique($myArray)

    foreach (

$myArray as &$myvalue){

    foreach (

$myArray as &$myvalue){





PHP Expert

14 years ago

Case insensitive for PHP v4.x and up.

<?php function in_iarray($str, $a) {
    foreach (
$a as $v) {
        if (
strcasecmp($str, $v) == 0) {


array_iunique($a) {
$n = array();
    foreach (
$a as $k => $v) {
        if (!
in_iarray($v, $n)) {
$input = array("aAa","bBb","cCc","AaA","ccC","ccc","CCC","bBB","AAA","XXX");
$result = array_iunique($input);
print_r($result); /*
    [0] => aAa
    [1] => bBb
    [2] => cCc
    [9] => XXX

geuis dot teses at gmail dot com

15 years ago

Here's the shortest line of code I could find/create to remove all duplicate entries from an array and then reindex the keys.

<?php // Fruits, vegetables, and other food:
$var = array('apple','banana','carrot','cat','dog','egg','eggplant','fish'); $var = array_values(array_unique($var));

memandeemail at gmail dot com

16 years ago

I have loaded an array with the results of a database
query.  The Fields are 'FirstName' and 'LastName'.

I would like to find a way to contactenate the two
fields, and then return only unique values for the
array.  For example, if the database query returns
three instances of a record with the FirstName John
and the LastName Smith in two distinct fields, I would
like to build a new array that would contain all the
original fields, but with John Smith in it only once.
Thanks for: Colin Campbell


* The same thing than implode function, but return the keys so
* <code>
* $_GET = array('id' => '4587','with' => 'key');
* ...
* echo shared::implode_with_key('&',$_GET,'='); // Resultado: id=4587&with=key
* ...
* </code>
* @param string $glue Oque colocar entre as chave => valor
* @param array $pieces Valores
* @param string $hifen Separar chave da array do valor
* @return string
* @author memandeemail at gmail dot com
function implode_with_key($glue = null, $pieces, $hifen = ',') {
$return = null;
  foreach (
$pieces as $tk => $tv) $return .= $glue.$tk.$hifen.$tv;
* Return unique values from a tree of values
* @param array $array_tree
* @return array
* @author memandeemail at gmail dot com
function array_unique_tree($array_tree) {
$will_return = array(); $vtemp = array();
  foreach (
$array_tree as $tkey => $tvalue) $vtemp[$tkey] = implode_with_key('&',$tvalue,'=');
  foreach (
array_keys(array_unique($vtemp)) as $tvalue) $will_return[$tvalue] = $array_tree[$tvalue];
$problem = array_fill(0,3,
'FirstName' => 'John', 'LastName' => 'Smith')
$problem[] = array('FirstName' => 'Davi', 'LastName' => 'S. Mesquita');
$problem[] = array('FirstName' => 'John', 'LastName' => 'Tom'); print_r($problem); print_r(array_unique_tree($problem));

Is unique in array PHP?

Definition and Usage. The array_unique() function removes duplicate values from an array. If two or more array values are the same, the first appearance will be kept and the other will be removed. Note: The returned array will keep the first array item's key type.

How do you check if an element in an array is unique?

To check if an array contains duplicates: Pass the array to the Set constructor and access the size property on the Set . Compare the size of the Set to the array's length. If the Set contains as many values as the array, then the array doesn't contain duplicates.

How can I get unique values from two arrays in PHP?

The array_diff() (manual) function can be used to find the difference between two arrays: $array1 = array(10, 20, 40, 80); $array2 = array(10, 20, 100, 200); $diff = array_diff($array1, $array2); // $diff = array(40, 80, 100, 200);

What is Array_flip function in PHP?

The array_flip() function is used to exchange the keys with their associated values in an array. The function returns an array in flip order, i.e. keys from array become values and values from array become keys. Note: The values of the array need to be valid keys, i.e. they need to be either integer or string.