Extract 6 digit number from string python

An example string is "CPLR_DUK10_772989_2". I want to pick out "772989" specifically. I would imagine using re.findall is a good way to go about it, however, I don't have a very good grasp on regular expression so I find myself stumped on this one.

Here is a sample of code that I thought would work, until I looked at the full list of strings, and saw that it definitely doesn't. I suppose I'm looking for some more robustness!

for ad in Ads:
    num = ''.join(re.findall(numbers,ad)[1:7])
ID = pd.Series(ID)

Other sample strings: "Teb1_110765", "PAN1_111572_5".

Extract 6 digit number from string python


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asked Apr 16, 2015 at 17:42


The regex you are looking for is

p = re.findall(r'_(\d{6})', ad)

This will match a six-digit number preceded by an underscore, and give you a list of all matches (should there be more than one)


>>> import re
>>> stringy =  'CPLR_DUK10_772989_2'
>>> re.findall(r'_(\d{6})', stringy)

answered Apr 16, 2015 at 17:52

Extract 6 digit number from string python


27.4k6 gold badges75 silver badges92 bronze badges


This should append all sets of 6 numbers that follow an underscore

for ad in Ads:
    blocks = re.split('_', ad)
    for block in blocks[1:]:
        if len(block) == 6 and block.isdigit(): 
ID = pd.Series(ID)

answered Apr 16, 2015 at 17:47

Extract 6 digit number from string python

Beth CraneBeth Crane

6253 silver badges8 bronze badges


You can use a list comprehension:

>>> s="CPLR_DUK10_772989_2"
>>> [x for x in s.split('_') if len(x)==6 and x.isdigit()]

If your strings are really long and you are only looking for one number, you could use intertools like so:

>>> from itertools import dropwhile
>>> next(dropwhile(lambda x: not(len(x)==6 and x.isdigit()), s.split('_')))

answered Apr 16, 2015 at 18:31

Extract 6 digit number from string python


93.1k23 gold badges122 silver badges200 bronze badges

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    While programming, sometimes, we just require a certain type of data and need to discard other. This type of problem is quite common in Data Science domain, and since Data Science uses Python worldwide, its important to know how to extract specific elements. This article discusses certain ways in which only digit can be extracted. Let’s discuss the same.

    Method #1 : Using join() + isdigit() + filter()

    This task can be performed using the combination of above functions. The filter function filters the digits detected by the isdigit function and join function performs the task of reconstruction of join function.  


    test_string = 'g1eeks4geeks5'

    print("The original string : " + test_string)

    res = ''.join(filter(lambda i: i.isdigit(), test_string))

    print("The digits string is : " + str(res))

    Output : 

    The original string : g1eeks4geeks5
    The digits string is : 145

     Method #2 : Using re 

    The regular expressions can also be used to perform this particular task. We can define the digit type requirement, using “\D”, and only digits are extracted from the string. 


    import re

    test_string = 'g1eeks4geeks5'

    print("The original string : " + test_string)

    res = re.sub("\D", "", test_string)

    print("The digits string is : " + str(res))

    Output : 

    The original string : g1eeks4geeks5
    The digits string is : 145

    Method 3: Using loops:

    This task is done by using for loop.



    for i in s:



    The original string : g1eeks4geeks5
    The digits string is : 145

    Method 4: Using recursion:


    def ExtractDigits(s,i=0):

        if i==len(s):


        if s[i].isdigit():

            print(s[i], end='')





    Method 5: Using ord() method 



    for i in s:

        if ord(i) in range(48,58):


    How do you extract digits from a string in Python?

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