What is the purpose of tags?

anisgazig at gmail dot com

10 months ago

If you want your file to be interpreted as php then your file must start and end with <?php and ?> and everything outside of that is ignored by the php parser.

php code
php code..//parsed
hellow..//normal test but ignred by php parser

Three types of tag are available in php
1.normal tag(<?php ?>)
2.short echo tag(<?= ?>)
3.short tag(<? ?>)

short tag are bydefault available but can be disabled by short_open_tag = Off and also disabled bydefault if php will  built with --disabe--short--tags()

As short tag can be disabled so only use the normal and short echo tag.

If your file only have php code then  do not use closing tag.
//php code;
//php code;
//php code;
but if you are embedding php with html then enclose php code with opening and closing tag.
//php code;
//php code;
//php code;

If you want to just print single text or something ,you should use shorthand version .<?= $var ?>

But if you want to process something, you should use normal tag.
//$var = 3;
        //$var2 = 2;
        //$var3 = $var+$var2;

If you embedded php with html and single line, do not need to use semicolon
<?= $var ?>
but if you have multiple line, then use semicolon.
//line 1;
//line 2;
//line 3;

Definition and Usage

A PHP code script is a text file having .php extension and is stored on web server. The PHP parser on server looks for special sequence of characters <?php and ?>. These are called PHP's opening and closing tags. Statements witihn these two are interpreted by the parser. PHP script within these tags can be embedded in HTML document, so that embedded code is executed on server, leaving rest of the document to be processed by client browser's HTML parser.


//one or more PHP statements

Short tags

PHP allows a using a shorter representation of opening tag <? instead of cannonical usage <?php if it s enabled in php.ini file by enabling short_open_tag in php.ini file

//one or more PHP statements

PHP Version

This setting is recommended to be Off for production environment. Use of ASP style tags <%, %> and <script language="PHP"> has been discontinued since PHP 7.0

Following example shows use of PHP tags


 Live Demo

//cannonical PHP tags
echo "Hello World";


This will produce following result −

Hello World

PHP supports a short echo tag <?= which is equivalent to the more verbose <?php echo.


 Live Demo

<?= "Hello World";


This will produce following result −

Hello World

Example using short tags


 Live Demo

//set short_open_tag=on
echo "Hello World";


This will produce following result −

Hello World

What is the purpose of  tags?

Updated on 19-Sep-2020 14:19:48

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What is
The <= tag is called short open tag in PHP. To use the short tags, one must have to enable it from settings in the PHP. ini file. First of all ensure that short tags are not disabled, To check it, go into php.

What are the PHP code tags used?

php and ?>. These are called PHP's opening and closing tags. Statements witihn these two are interpreted by the parser. PHP script within these tags can be embedded in HTML document, so that embedded code is executed on server, leaving rest of the document to be processed by client browser's HTML parser.

Should you close PHP tags?

According to the docs, it's preferable to omit the closing tag if it's at the end of the file for the following reason: If a file is pure PHP code, it is preferable to omit the PHP closing tag at the end of the file.

Do you need PHP tags in a PHP file?

From the PHP Manual: The closing tag of a PHP block at the end of a file is optional, and in some cases omitting it is helpful when using include() or require(), so unwanted whitespace will not occur at the end of files, and you will still be able to add headers to the response later.