What is organizational culture and what are its common characteristics quizlet?

Exhibit 16-6 depicts organizational culture as an intervening variable. Employees form an overall subjective perception of the organization based on factors such as degree of risk tolerance, team emphasis, and support of people. This overall perception becomes, in effect, the organization's culture or personality and affects employee performance and satisfaction, with stronger cultures
having greater impact.

● Just as people's personalities tend to be stable over time, so too do strong cultures. This makes a strong culture difficult for managers to change if it becomes mismatched to its environment. Changing an organization's culture is a long and difficult process. Thus, at least in the short term,
managers should treat their organization's culture as relatively fixed.

● One of the most important managerial implications of organizational culture relates to selection decisions. Hiring individuals whose values don't align with those of the organization is likely to yield employees who lack
motivation and commitment and are dissatisfied with their jobs and the organization. 70 Not surprisingly, "misfits" have considerably higher turnover rates.

● An employee's performance also depends to a considerable degree on knowing what to do and not do. Understanding the right way to do a job indicates proper socialization.

● As a manager, you can shape the culture of your work environment, sometimes as much as it shapes you. All managers can especially do their part to create an ethical culture and to consider spirituality and its role in creating a positive organizational culture.

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The values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization

Organizational culture is the behavior of humans who are part of an organization and the meanings that the people attach to their actions.

--Culture includes the organization values, visions, norms, working language, systems, symbols, beliefs and habits
--It is also the pattern of such collective behaviors and assumptions that are taught to new organizational members as a way of perceiving, and even thinking and feeling
--Organizational culture affects the way people and groups interact with each other, with clients, and with stakeholders.

Organizational culture is a set of shared mental assumptions that guide interpretation and action in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations. At the same time although a company may have their "own unique culture", in larger organizations, there are diverse and sometimes conflicting cultures that co-exist due to different characteristics of the management team. The organizational culture may have negative and positive aspects.

A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.

The shared attitudes, experiences, beliefs, and values of a group...
--The culture drives all aspects of the organization's decisions about its priorities, operations, and problem-solving
"How we do things here..."

Organizational culture includes assumptions about the external environment, the place of the organization in the business arena, and the nature of human behavior and values
--Successful organizations start with a values-driven culture

What is organizational culture and what are its common characteristics?

Organizational Culture Definition and Characteristics Organizational culture includes an organization's expectations, experiences, philosophy, as well as the values that guide member behavior, and is expressed in member self-image, inner workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations.

What is organizational culture quizlet?

Organizational Culture. Is the shared social knowledge within an organization regarding the rules, norms, and values that shape the attitudes and behaviors of its employees. Observable Artifacts. Aspects of an organization's culture that employees and outsiders can easily see or talk about.

What are the four characteristics of organizational culture?

characteristics to describe organisational culture, namely innovation and risk-taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation aggressiveness and stability.

What are the characteristics of a good organizational culture?

7 Key Characteristics Of Organizational Culture.
Financial Stability (Level 1) ... .
Harmonious Relationships (Level 2) ... .
High Performance (Level 3) ... .
Continuous Renewal And Learning (Level 4) ... .
Building Internal Community (Level 5) ... .
Making A Difference: Strategic Partnerships And Alliances (Level 6).

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