Vị ngữ trong python là gì?

Ngoài ra, các hàm tiện ích được cung cấp để xây dựng các vị từ dựa trên các thuộc tính giao hoán của nhóm Pauli

qecc. đi lại_với(*paulis)¶

Trả về một vị từ kiểm tra xem một Pauli P có đi lại với từng danh sách toán tử Pauli đã cho hay không.

qecc. in_group_generated_by(*paulis)¶

Trả về một vị từ chọn các toán tử Pauli trong nhóm được tạo bởi một danh sách các trình tạo đã cho

Ví dụ sử dụng¶

Các hàm vị ngữ có thể được sử dụng để tạo nhanh các bộ sưu tập qecc. Các toán tử Pauli có một tập hợp các thuộc tính nhất định.

>>> from qecc import commutes_with, in_group_generated_by, pauli_group
>>> print filter(
..     commutes_with('XX', 'ZZ') & ~in_group_generated_by('XX'),
..     pauli_group(2)
..     )
[i^0 YY, i^0 ZZ]

Vì việc tìm kiếm theo cách này yêu cầu kiểm tra mọi phần tử của một trình vòng lặp nhất định, nên có thể nhanh hơn đáng kể nếu sử dụng các bộ giải ràng buộc, chẳng hạn như các bộ giải được ghi lại trong Bộ giải ràng buộc

Danny Yoo dyoo@hkn. eec. berkley. edu
Thứ hai ngày 24 tháng 3 năm 13. 24. 01 2003
On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:

> In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
> 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
> methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
> rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
> access method that test the validity of a condition.

A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of

>>> def is_even(x):
..     return x % 2 == 0
>>> def is_odd(x):
..     return not is_even(x)
>>> is_even(42)
>>> is_odd(42)
>>> def is_happy(word):
..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
>>> is_happy('me')
>>> is_happy('blissful')

(In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
see slightly different displays.)

In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
true or false value.

We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
"palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:

# pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
>>> is_palindrome('aba')
>>> is_palindrome('rotator')
>>> is_palindrome('palindrome')

So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
profound.  *grin*

Hope this helps!

Hầu hết các ngôn ngữ lập trình là thủ tục. chương trình là danh sách các hướng dẫn cho máy tính biết phải làm gì với đầu vào của chương trình. C, Pascal và thậm chí Unix shell là các ngôn ngữ thủ tục

  • Trong các ngôn ngữ khai báo, bạn viết một đặc tả mô tả vấn đề cần giải quyết và ngôn ngữ triển khai tìm ra cách thực hiện tính toán hiệu quả. SQL là ngôn ngữ khai báo mà bạn có thể quen thuộc nhất;

  • Các chương trình hướng đối tượng thao tác các tập hợp các đối tượng. Các đối tượng có trạng thái bên trong và hỗ trợ các phương thức truy vấn hoặc sửa đổi trạng thái bên trong này theo một cách nào đó. Smalltalk và Java là ngôn ngữ hướng đối tượng. C++ và Python là những ngôn ngữ hỗ trợ lập trình hướng đối tượng, nhưng không bắt buộc sử dụng các tính năng hướng đối tượng

  • Lập trình chức năng phân tách một vấn đề thành một tập hợp các chức năng. Lý tưởng nhất là các hàm chỉ nhận đầu vào và tạo đầu ra và không có bất kỳ trạng thái bên trong nào ảnh hưởng đến đầu ra được tạo cho một đầu vào nhất định. Các ngôn ngữ chức năng nổi tiếng bao gồm họ ML (ML tiêu chuẩn, OCaml và các biến thể khác) và Haskell

  • Các nhà thiết kế của một số ngôn ngữ máy tính chọn nhấn mạnh một cách tiếp cận cụ thể để lập trình. Điều này thường gây khó khăn khi viết chương trình sử dụng cách tiếp cận khác. Các ngôn ngữ khác là ngôn ngữ đa mô hình hỗ trợ một số cách tiếp cận khác nhau. Lisp, C++ và Python là đa mô hình; . Trong một chương trình lớn, các phần khác nhau có thể được viết bằng các cách tiếp cận khác nhau;

    Trong một chương trình chức năng, đầu vào chảy qua một tập hợp các chức năng. Mỗi chức năng hoạt động trên đầu vào của nó và tạo ra một số đầu ra. Kiểu chức năng không khuyến khích các hàm có tác dụng phụ sửa đổi trạng thái bên trong hoặc thực hiện các thay đổi khác không hiển thị trong giá trị trả về của hàm. Các chức năng hoàn toàn không có tác dụng phụ được gọi là chức năng thuần túy. Tránh tác dụng phụ có nghĩa là không sử dụng cấu trúc dữ liệu được cập nhật khi chương trình chạy;

    Một số ngôn ngữ rất nghiêm ngặt về độ tinh khiết và thậm chí không có câu lệnh gán như

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    2 hoặc
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    3, nhưng rất khó tránh khỏi tất cả các tác dụng phụ, chẳng hạn như in ra màn hình hoặc ghi vào tệp đĩa. Một ví dụ khác là lệnh gọi hàm
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    4 hoặc
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    5, cả hai hàm này đều không trả về giá trị hữu ích. Cả hai chỉ được gọi vì tác dụng phụ của chúng là gửi một số văn bản tới màn hình hoặc tạm dừng thực thi trong một giây

    Các chương trình Python được viết theo kiểu chức năng thường sẽ không đi đến mức cực đoan là tránh tất cả I/O hoặc tất cả các nhiệm vụ; . Ví dụ: việc triển khai một hàm sẽ vẫn sử dụng phép gán cho các biến cục bộ, nhưng sẽ không sửa đổi các biến toàn cục hoặc có các tác dụng phụ khác

    Lập trình hàm có thể được coi là đối lập với lập trình hướng đối tượng. Các đối tượng là những viên nang nhỏ chứa một số trạng thái bên trong cùng với một tập hợp các lệnh gọi phương thức cho phép bạn sửa đổi trạng thái này và các chương trình bao gồm việc thực hiện đúng tập hợp các thay đổi trạng thái. Lập trình hàm muốn tránh thay đổi trạng thái càng nhiều càng tốt và hoạt động với dữ liệu chảy giữa các hàm. Trong Python, bạn có thể kết hợp hai cách tiếp cận bằng cách viết các hàm nhận và trả về các thể hiện đại diện cho các đối tượng trong ứng dụng của bạn (e-mail, giao dịch, v.v. )

    Thiết kế theo chức năng có vẻ như là một hạn chế kỳ lạ để làm việc theo. Tại sao bạn nên tránh các đối tượng và tác dụng phụ?

    • khả năng chứng minh chính thức

    • tính mô đun

    • Khả năng kết hợp

    • Dễ gỡ lỗi và thử nghiệm

    Khả năng chứng minh hình thức¶

    Một lợi ích về mặt lý thuyết là việc xây dựng một bằng chứng toán học rằng một chương trình chức năng là đúng sẽ dễ dàng hơn.

    Trong một thời gian dài, các nhà nghiên cứu đã quan tâm đến việc tìm cách chứng minh các chương trình đúng về mặt toán học. Điều này khác với việc thử nghiệm một chương trình trên nhiều đầu vào và kết luận rằng đầu ra của nó thường đúng hoặc đọc mã nguồn của chương trình và kết luận rằng mã đó có vẻ đúng;

    Kỹ thuật được sử dụng để chứng minh chương trình đúng là viết ra các bất biến, thuộc tính của dữ liệu đầu vào và của các biến của chương trình luôn đúng. Đối với mỗi dòng mã, sau đó bạn chỉ ra rằng nếu các bất biến X và Y là đúng trước khi dòng được thực thi, thì các bất biến hơi khác một chút X’ và Y’ là đúng sau khi dòng được thực thi. Điều này tiếp tục cho đến khi bạn kết thúc chương trình, tại thời điểm đó, các bất biến phải khớp với các điều kiện mong muốn trên đầu ra của chương trình

    Lập trình chức năng tránh các nhiệm vụ phát sinh vì các nhiệm vụ khó xử lý bằng kỹ thuật này;

    Thật không may, việc chứng minh chương trình đúng phần lớn là không thực tế và không liên quan đến phần mềm Python. Ngay cả các chương trình tầm thường cũng yêu cầu bằng chứng dài vài trang; . Ngay cả khi bạn đã viết ra hoặc tạo ra một bằng chứng, thì sẽ có câu hỏi về việc xác minh bằng chứng đó;

    Tính mô đun¶

    Một lợi ích thiết thực hơn của lập trình hàm là nó buộc bạn phải chia nhỏ vấn đề của mình thành từng phần nhỏ. Kết quả là các chương trình có tính mô-đun hơn. Việc chỉ định và viết một hàm nhỏ thực hiện một việc sẽ dễ dàng hơn so với một hàm lớn thực hiện một phép biến đổi phức tạp. Các hàm nhỏ cũng dễ đọc và dễ kiểm tra lỗi hơn

    Dễ gỡ lỗi và thử nghiệm¶

    Kiểm tra và gỡ lỗi chương trình kiểu chức năng dễ dàng hơn

    Gỡ lỗi được đơn giản hóa vì các chức năng thường nhỏ và được chỉ định rõ ràng. Khi một chương trình không hoạt động, mỗi chức năng là một điểm giao diện nơi bạn có thể kiểm tra xem dữ liệu có chính xác không. Bạn có thể xem các đầu vào và đầu ra trung gian để nhanh chóng cô lập chức năng gây ra lỗi

    Kiểm tra dễ dàng hơn vì mỗi chức năng là một chủ đề tiềm năng cho một bài kiểm tra đơn vị. Các chức năng không phụ thuộc vào trạng thái hệ thống cần được sao chép trước khi chạy thử nghiệm;

    Khả năng kết hợp¶

    Khi bạn làm việc trên một chương trình kiểu hàm, bạn sẽ viết một số hàm với các đầu vào và đầu ra khác nhau. Một số chức năng này chắc chắn sẽ được chuyên biệt hóa cho một ứng dụng cụ thể, nhưng những chức năng khác sẽ hữu ích trong nhiều chương trình khác nhau. Ví dụ, một hàm lấy đường dẫn thư mục và trả về tất cả các tệp XML trong thư mục hoặc một hàm lấy tên tệp và trả về nội dung của nó, có thể được áp dụng cho nhiều tình huống khác nhau

    Theo thời gian, bạn sẽ hình thành một thư viện tiện ích cá nhân. Thông thường, bạn sẽ tập hợp các chương trình mới bằng cách sắp xếp các chức năng hiện có trong một cấu hình mới và viết một số chức năng chuyên biệt cho tác vụ hiện tại

    Trình vòng lặp¶

    Tôi sẽ bắt đầu bằng cách xem xét một tính năng của ngôn ngữ Python, đây là nền tảng quan trọng để viết các chương trình kiểu chức năng. vòng lặp

    Trình vòng lặp là một đối tượng đại diện cho một luồng dữ liệu; . Trình lặp Python phải hỗ trợ một phương thức có tên là

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    6 không nhận đối số và luôn trả về phần tử tiếp theo của luồng. Nếu không có thêm phần tử nào trong luồng,
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    6 phải tăng ngoại lệ
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    8. Tuy nhiên, các trình vòng lặp không nhất thiết phải là hữu hạn;


    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    9 tích hợp nhận một đối tượng tùy ý và cố gắng trả về một trình vòng lặp sẽ trả về nội dung hoặc thành phần của đối tượng, tăng _______100 nếu đối tượng không hỗ trợ phép lặp. Một số kiểu dữ liệu có sẵn của Python hỗ trợ phép lặp, phổ biến nhất là danh sách và từ điển. Một đối tượng được gọi là có thể lặp lại nếu bạn có thể có một trình vòng lặp cho nó.

    Bạn có thể thử nghiệm giao diện lặp theo cách thủ công

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Python mong đợi các đối tượng có thể lặp lại trong một số ngữ cảnh khác nhau, quan trọng nhất là câu lệnh

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    01. Trong câu lệnh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    02, Y phải là một trình lặp hoặc một số đối tượng mà
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    9 có thể tạo một trình lặp. Hai tuyên bố này là tương đương

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Các trình vòng lặp có thể được cụ thể hóa dưới dạng danh sách hoặc bộ dữ liệu bằng cách sử dụng hàm tạo

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    04 hoặc
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Trình tự giải nén cũng hỗ trợ các trình vòng lặp. nếu bạn biết một trình vòng lặp sẽ trả về N phần tử, bạn có thể giải nén chúng thành một N-tuple

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Các hàm tích hợp như

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    06 và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    07 có thể nhận một đối số biến lặp duy nhất và sẽ trả về phần tử lớn nhất hoặc nhỏ nhất. Các toán tử
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    08 và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    09 cũng hỗ trợ các trình vòng lặp.
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    40 là đúng nếu X được tìm thấy trong luồng được trả về bởi trình vòng lặp. Bạn sẽ gặp vấn đề rõ ràng nếu trình vòng lặp là vô hạn;

    Lưu ý rằng bạn chỉ có thể đi tiếp trong một trình vòng lặp; . Các đối tượng iterator có thể tùy ý cung cấp các khả năng bổ sung này, nhưng giao thức iterator chỉ xác định phương thức

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    6. Do đó, các chức năng có thể sử dụng tất cả đầu ra của trình vòng lặp và nếu bạn cần làm điều gì đó khác với cùng một luồng, bạn sẽ phải tạo một trình vòng lặp mới

    Các kiểu dữ liệu hỗ trợ Iterator¶

    Chúng ta đã thấy cách danh sách và bộ dữ liệu hỗ trợ trình vòng lặp. Trên thực tế, bất kỳ loại trình tự Python nào, chẳng hạn như chuỗi, sẽ tự động hỗ trợ tạo trình vòng lặp


    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    9 trên từ điển trả về một trình vòng lặp sẽ lặp qua các khóa của từ điển

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Lưu ý rằng bắt đầu với Python 3. 7, thứ tự lặp lại từ điển được đảm bảo giống với thứ tự chèn. Trong các phiên bản trước, hành vi không được chỉ định và có thể khác nhau giữa các lần triển khai

    Áp dụng

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    9 cho từ điển luôn lặp lại các khóa, nhưng từ điển có các phương thức trả về các trình vòng lặp khác. Nếu bạn muốn lặp lại các giá trị hoặc cặp khóa/giá trị, bạn có thể gọi rõ ràng các phương thức
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    48 hoặc
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    49 để nhận một trình lặp thích hợp

    Hàm tạo

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    50 có thể chấp nhận một trình vòng lặp trả về một luồng hữu hạn các bộ dữ liệu
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Các tệp cũng hỗ trợ lặp bằng cách gọi phương thức

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    52 cho đến khi không còn dòng nào trong tệp. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn có thể đọc từng dòng của một tệp như thế này

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Các bộ có thể lấy nội dung của chúng từ một lần lặp và cho phép bạn lặp lại các phần tử của bộ

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Biểu thức trình tạo và khả năng hiểu danh sách¶

    Hai thao tác phổ biến trên đầu ra của iterator là 1) thực hiện một số thao tác cho mọi phần tử, 2) chọn một tập hợp con các phần tử đáp ứng một số điều kiện. Ví dụ: đưa ra một danh sách các chuỗi, bạn có thể muốn loại bỏ khoảng trắng ở cuối mỗi dòng hoặc trích xuất tất cả các chuỗi chứa một chuỗi con đã cho

    Liệt kê khả năng hiểu và biểu thức trình tạo (dạng ngắn. “listcomps” và “genexps”) là một ký hiệu ngắn gọn cho các hoạt động như vậy, mượn từ ngôn ngữ lập trình chức năng Haskell (https. //www. haskell. tổ chức/). Bạn có thể loại bỏ tất cả khoảng trắng khỏi một luồng chuỗi bằng đoạn mã sau

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Bạn chỉ có thể chọn một số phần tử nhất định bằng cách thêm điều kiện

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Với khả năng hiểu danh sách, bạn lấy lại danh sách Python; . Các biểu thức trình tạo trả về một trình vòng lặp tính toán các giá trị khi cần thiết, không cần cụ thể hóa tất cả các giá trị cùng một lúc. Điều này có nghĩa là khả năng hiểu danh sách không hữu ích nếu bạn đang làm việc với các trình vòng lặp trả về một luồng vô hạn hoặc một lượng dữ liệu rất lớn. Biểu thức trình tạo thích hợp hơn trong những tình huống này

    Biểu thức trình tạo được bao quanh bởi dấu ngoặc đơn (“()”) và cách hiểu danh sách được bao quanh bởi dấu ngoặc vuông (“[]”). Biểu thức trình tạo có dạng

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Một lần nữa, để hiểu danh sách, chỉ có các dấu ngoặc bên ngoài là khác nhau (dấu ngoặc vuông thay vì dấu ngoặc đơn)

    Các phần tử của đầu ra được tạo sẽ là các giá trị kế tiếp của

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    55. Các mệnh đề
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    56 đều là tùy chọn;

    Biểu thức trình tạo luôn phải được viết bên trong dấu ngoặc đơn, nhưng dấu ngoặc đơn báo hiệu lệnh gọi hàm cũng được tính. Nếu bạn muốn tạo một trình vòng lặp sẽ được chuyển ngay đến một hàm, bạn có thể viết

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Các mệnh đề

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    59 chứa các trình tự được lặp đi lặp lại. Các chuỗi không nhất thiết phải có cùng độ dài vì chúng được lặp từ trái sang phải, không song song. Đối với mỗi phần tử trong
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    501 được lặp lại từ đầu. Sau đó,
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    502 được lặp lại cho từng cặp phần tử kết quả từ
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    500 và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Nói cách khác, một biểu thức hiểu danh sách hoặc trình tạo danh sách tương đương với mã Python sau

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Điều này có nghĩa là khi có nhiều mệnh đề

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    59 nhưng không có mệnh đề
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    56, thì độ dài của kết quả đầu ra sẽ bằng tích độ dài của tất cả các chuỗi. Nếu bạn có hai danh sách có độ dài 3, danh sách đầu ra dài 9 phần tử

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Để tránh đưa sự mơ hồ vào ngữ pháp của Python, nếu

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    55 đang tạo một bộ dữ liệu, thì nó phải được bao quanh bằng dấu ngoặc đơn. Cách hiểu danh sách đầu tiên bên dưới là một lỗi cú pháp, trong khi cách hiểu thứ hai là đúng

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Máy phát điện¶

    Trình tạo là một lớp hàm đặc biệt giúp đơn giản hóa tác vụ viết trình vòng lặp. Các hàm thông thường tính toán một giá trị và trả về giá trị đó, nhưng các trình tạo trả về một trình vòng lặp trả về một luồng giá trị

    Chắc chắn bạn đã quen với cách hoạt động của các lệnh gọi hàm thông thường trong Python hoặc C. Khi bạn gọi một hàm, nó sẽ nhận được một không gian tên riêng nơi các biến cục bộ của nó được tạo. Khi hàm đạt đến câu lệnh

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    508, các biến cục bộ bị hủy và giá trị được trả về cho người gọi. Một cuộc gọi sau tới cùng một hàm sẽ tạo một không gian tên riêng mới và một tập hợp các biến cục bộ mới. Nhưng, nếu các biến cục bộ không bị loại bỏ khi thoát khỏi một hàm thì sao?

    Đây là ví dụ đơn giản nhất về hàm tạo

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Bất kỳ hàm nào chứa từ khóa

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 đều là hàm tạo; . bytecode compiler which compiles the function specially as a result.

    Khi bạn gọi một hàm tạo, nó không trả về một giá trị nào; . Khi thực thi biểu thức

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509, trình tạo sẽ xuất ra giá trị của
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    511, tương tự như câu lệnh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    508. Sự khác biệt lớn giữa câu lệnh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 và câu lệnh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    508 là khi đạt đến một câu lệnh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509, trạng thái thực thi của trình tạo bị tạm dừng và các biến cục bộ được giữ nguyên. Trong lần gọi tiếp theo tới phương thức
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    6 của trình tạo, hàm sẽ tiếp tục thực thi

    Đây là cách sử dụng mẫu của trình tạo

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Bạn cũng có thể viết

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    518, hoặc
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Bên trong hàm tạo,

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    520 làm cho
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    521 được nâng lên từ phương thức
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    6. Khi điều này xảy ra hoặc đạt đến đáy của hàm, quá trình xử lý các giá trị kết thúc và trình tạo không thể tạo ra bất kỳ giá trị nào nữa

    Bạn có thể đạt được hiệu ứng của trình tạo theo cách thủ công bằng cách viết lớp của riêng bạn và lưu trữ tất cả các biến cục bộ của trình tạo dưới dạng biến thể hiện. Ví dụ: việc trả về một danh sách các số nguyên có thể được thực hiện bằng cách đặt

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    523 thành 0 và yêu cầu phương thức
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    6 tăng
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    523 và trả về nó. Tuy nhiên, đối với một trình tạo phức tạp vừa phải, việc viết một lớp tương ứng có thể phức tạp hơn nhiều

    Bộ thử nghiệm đi kèm với thư viện của Python, Lib/test/test_generators. py, chứa một số ví dụ thú vị hơn. Đây là một trình tạo thực hiện duyệt theo thứ tự của cây bằng cách sử dụng trình tạo đệ quy

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Hai ví dụ khác trong

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    526 đưa ra các giải pháp cho bài toán N-Queens (đặt N quân hậu trên một bàn cờ NxN sao cho không quân hậu nào đe dọa quân khác) và Chuyến đi của Hiệp sĩ (tìm một con đường đưa quân mã đến mọi ô của bàn cờ NxN mà không cần đến thăm

    Truyền các giá trị vào một trình tạo¶

    Trong Python 2. 4 trở về trước, máy phát điện chỉ tạo ra công suất. Khi mã của trình tạo được gọi để tạo một trình vòng lặp, không có cách nào để chuyển bất kỳ thông tin mới nào vào hàm khi quá trình thực thi của nó được tiếp tục. Bạn có thể hack khả năng này cùng nhau bằng cách làm cho trình tạo xem xét một biến toàn cục hoặc bằng cách chuyển vào một số đối tượng có thể thay đổi mà người gọi sau đó sửa đổi, nhưng những cách tiếp cận này rất lộn xộn

    Trong Python 2. 5, có một cách đơn giản để chuyển các giá trị vào trình tạo.

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 đã trở thành một biểu thức, trả về một giá trị có thể được gán cho một biến hoặc hoạt động trên

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Tôi khuyên bạn nên luôn đặt dấu ngoặc đơn xung quanh biểu thức

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 khi bạn đang làm gì đó với giá trị được trả về, như trong ví dụ trên. Dấu ngoặc đơn không phải lúc nào cũng cần thiết, nhưng sẽ dễ dàng hơn khi thêm chúng vào thay vì phải ghi nhớ khi cần thiết

    (PEP 342 giải thích các quy tắc chính xác, đó là biểu thức

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 phải luôn được đặt trong ngoặc đơn trừ khi nó xuất hiện ở biểu thức cấp cao nhất ở phía bên tay phải của phép gán. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn có thể viết
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    530 nhưng phải sử dụng dấu ngoặc đơn khi có phép toán, như trong
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    531. )

    Các giá trị được gửi vào một trình tạo bằng cách gọi phương thức

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    532 của nó. Phương thức này tiếp tục mã của trình tạo và biểu thức
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 trả về giá trị đã chỉ định. Nếu phương thức
    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    6 thông thường được gọi, thì
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 trả về
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Đây là một bộ đếm đơn giản tăng thêm 1 và cho phép thay đổi giá trị của bộ đếm bên trong

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Và đây là một ví dụ về việc thay đổi bộ đếm

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Bởi vì

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    509 thường sẽ trả về
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    536, bạn phải luôn kiểm tra trường hợp này. Đừng chỉ sử dụng giá trị của nó trong các biểu thức trừ khi bạn chắc chắn rằng phương thức
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    539 sẽ là phương thức duy nhất được sử dụng để tiếp tục chức năng trình tạo của bạn


    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    539, còn có hai phương thức khác trên máy phát điện

    • On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      541 được sử dụng để đưa ra một ngoại lệ bên trong trình tạo;

    • On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      543 đưa ra một ngoại lệ
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      544 bên trong trình tạo để chấm dứt quá trình lặp. Khi nhận được ngoại lệ này, mã của trình tạo phải tăng
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      544 hoặc
      for line in file:
          # do something for each line
      8; .
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      543 cũng sẽ được gọi bởi trình thu gom rác của Python khi trình tạo được thu gom rác

      Nếu bạn cần chạy mã dọn dẹp khi xảy ra

      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      544, tôi khuyên bạn nên sử dụng bộ
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      550 thay vì bắt
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!

    Tác động tích lũy của những thay đổi này là biến những người tạo ra thông tin một chiều thành người sản xuất và người tiêu dùng.

    Trình tạo cũng trở thành coroutines, một dạng tổng quát hơn của chương trình con. Các chương trình con được nhập tại một điểm và thoát tại một điểm khác (đỉnh của hàm và câu lệnh

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    508), nhưng các chương trình con có thể được nhập, thoát và tiếp tục tại nhiều điểm khác nhau (câu lệnh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Chức năng tích hợp sẵn¶

    Hãy xem chi tiết hơn về các hàm tích hợp thường được sử dụng với các trình vòng lặp

    Hai trong số các hàm dựng sẵn của Python,

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    554 và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    555 sao chép các tính năng của biểu thức trình tạo

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    556 trả về một trình vòng lặp trên chuỗi

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Tất nhiên, bạn có thể đạt được hiệu quả tương tự với việc hiểu danh sách

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    558 trả về một trình vòng lặp trên tất cả các phần tử trình tự đáp ứng một điều kiện nhất định và được sao chép tương tự bằng cách hiểu danh sách. Vị ngữ là một hàm trả về giá trị thực của một số điều kiện;

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Điều này cũng có thể được viết dưới dạng hiểu danh sách

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    560 đếm các phần tử trong 2 bộ lặp trả về có thể lặp lại chứa số lượng (từ đầu) và từng phần tử

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    561 thường được sử dụng khi lặp qua một danh sách và ghi lại các chỉ mục đáp ứng các điều kiện nhất định

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    562 thu thập tất cả các phần tử của iterable vào một danh sách, sắp xếp danh sách và trả về kết quả đã sắp xếp. Các đối số chính và đảo ngược được chuyển qua phương thức
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    563 của danh sách được xây dựng

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    (Để thảo luận chi tiết hơn về sắp xếp, hãy xem Sắp xếp CÁCH . )

    Các phần dựng sẵn của

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    564 và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    565 xem xét các giá trị thực của nội dung của một lần lặp.
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    566 trả về
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    567 nếu bất kỳ phần tử nào trong iterable là giá trị thực và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    568 trả về
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    567 nếu tất cả phần tử là giá trị thực

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    570 lấy một phần tử từ mỗi lần lặp và trả về chúng trong một bộ dữ liệu

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Nó không xây dựng danh sách trong bộ nhớ và sử dụng hết tất cả các trình vòng lặp đầu vào trước khi quay lại; . (Thuật ngữ kỹ thuật cho hành vi này là đánh giá lười biếng. )

    Trình lặp này được thiết kế để sử dụng với các lần lặp có cùng độ dài. Nếu các lần lặp có độ dài khác nhau, luồng kết quả sẽ có cùng độ dài với lần lặp ngắn nhất

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Tuy nhiên, bạn nên tránh làm điều này vì một phần tử có thể được lấy từ các trình vòng lặp dài hơn và bị loại bỏ. Điều này có nghĩa là bạn không thể tiếp tục sử dụng các trình vòng lặp nữa vì bạn có nguy cơ bỏ qua một phần tử bị loại bỏ

    Mô-đun itertools¶


    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    0 chứa một số trình vòng lặp thường được sử dụng cũng như các hàm để kết hợp một số trình vòng lặp. Phần này sẽ giới thiệu nội dung của mô-đun bằng cách hiển thị các ví dụ nhỏ

    Các chức năng của mô-đun rơi vào một vài lớp rộng

    • Các hàm tạo một trình vòng lặp mới dựa trên một trình vòng lặp hiện có

    • Các hàm xử lý các phần tử của iterator làm đối số hàm

    • Các chức năng để chọn các phần của đầu ra của trình vòng lặp

    • Một chức năng để nhóm đầu ra của một iterator

    Tạo trình vòng lặp mới¶

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    572 trả về một luồng vô hạn các giá trị cách đều nhau. Bạn có thể tùy chọn cung cấp số bắt đầu, mặc định là 0 và khoảng cách giữa các số, mặc định là 1

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    573 lưu một bản sao nội dung của một iterable được cung cấp và trả về một iterator mới trả về các phần tử của nó từ đầu đến cuối. Trình vòng lặp mới sẽ lặp lại các phần tử này vô tận

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    574 trả về phần tử được cung cấp n lần hoặc trả về phần tử vô tận nếu n không được cung cấp

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    575 lấy một số lượng iterable tùy ý làm đầu vào và trả về tất cả các phần tử của iterator đầu tiên, sau đó là tất cả các phần tử của iterator thứ hai, v.v., cho đến khi hết tất cả các iterable

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    576 trả về luồng là một phần của trình vòng lặp. Với một đối số dừng duy nhất, nó sẽ trả về các phần tử dừng đầu tiên. Nếu bạn cung cấp chỉ mục bắt đầu, bạn sẽ nhận được các phần tử dừng-bắt đầu và nếu bạn cung cấp một giá trị cho bước, các phần tử sẽ bị bỏ qua tương ứng. Không giống như cắt chuỗi và danh sách của Python, bạn không thể sử dụng các giá trị âm cho bắt đầu, dừng hoặc bước

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    577 sao chép một trình vòng lặp; . Nếu bạn không cung cấp giá trị cho n, giá trị mặc định là 2. Việc sao chép các trình vòng lặp yêu cầu lưu một số nội dung của trình vòng lặp nguồn, vì vậy điều này có thể tiêu tốn bộ nhớ đáng kể nếu trình vòng lặp lớn và một trong các trình vòng lặp mới được sử dụng nhiều hơn các trình vòng lặp khác

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Gọi hàm trên phần tử¶


    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    578 chứa một tập hợp các hàm tương ứng với các toán tử của Python. Một số ví dụ là
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    579 (thêm hai giá trị),
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    580 (giống như
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    581) và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    582 (trả về một cuộc gọi có thể tìm nạp thuộc tính
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    584 giả định rằng iterable sẽ trả về một luồng các bộ dữ liệu và gọi func bằng cách sử dụng các bộ dữ liệu này làm đối số

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Lựa chọn phần tử¶

    Một nhóm hàm khác chọn một tập hợp con các phần tử của trình vòng lặp dựa trên một vị từ

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    585 ngược lại với
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    555, trả về tất cả các phần tử mà vị từ trả về false

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    587 trả về các phần tử miễn là vị từ trả về true. Khi vị từ trả về false, trình lặp sẽ báo hiệu kết thúc kết quả của nó

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    588 loại bỏ các phần tử trong khi vị từ trả về true, sau đó trả về phần còn lại của kết quả có thể lặp lại

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    589 nhận hai bộ lặp và chỉ trả về những phần tử dữ liệu mà phần tử tương ứng của bộ chọn là đúng, dừng bất cứ khi nào hết một trong hai

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Hàm tổ hợp¶

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    590 trả về một iterator cung cấp tất cả các kết hợp r-tuple có thể có của các phần tử có trong iterable

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Các phần tử trong mỗi bộ vẫn giữ nguyên thứ tự khi iterable trả về chúng. Ví dụ: số 1 luôn ở trước 2, 3, 4 hoặc 5 trong các ví dụ trên. Một hàm tương tự,

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    591, loại bỏ ràng buộc này đối với thứ tự, trả về tất cả các cách sắp xếp có thể có độ dài r

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Nếu bạn không cung cấp giá trị cho r thì độ dài của lần lặp được sử dụng, nghĩa là tất cả các phần tử được hoán vị

    Lưu ý rằng các hàm này tạo ra tất cả các kết hợp có thể có theo vị trí và không yêu cầu nội dung của iterable là duy nhất

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Bộ giống hệt nhau

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    592 xảy ra hai lần, nhưng hai chuỗi 'a' đến từ các vị trí khác nhau


    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    593 nới lỏng một ràng buộc khác. các phần tử có thể được lặp lại trong một tuple duy nhất. Về mặt khái niệm, một phần tử được chọn cho vị trí đầu tiên của mỗi bộ và sau đó được thay thế trước khi phần tử thứ hai được chọn

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Nhóm các phần tử¶

    Chức năng cuối cùng tôi sẽ thảo luận,

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    594, là chức năng phức tạp nhất.
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    595 là một hàm có thể tính giá trị khóa cho mỗi phần tử được trả về bởi iterable. Nếu bạn không cung cấp chức năng chính, thì chìa khóa chỉ đơn giản là từng phần tử

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    596 thu thập tất cả các phần tử liên tiếp từ khả năng lặp bên dưới có cùng giá trị khóa và trả về một luồng gồm 2 bộ chứa giá trị khóa và trình lặp cho các phần tử có khóa đó

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    596 giả định rằng nội dung của iterable cơ bản sẽ được sắp xếp dựa trên khóa. Lưu ý rằng các trình lặp được trả về cũng sử dụng trình lặp bên dưới, vì vậy bạn phải sử dụng kết quả của trình lặp-1 trước khi yêu cầu trình lặp-2 và khóa tương ứng của nó

    Mô-đun funcools¶


    for line in file:
        # do something for each line
    1 chứa một số chức năng bậc cao hơn. Hàm bậc cao hơn nhận một hoặc nhiều hàm làm đầu vào và trả về một hàm mới. Công cụ hữu ích nhất trong mô-đun này là hàm
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Đối với các chương trình được viết theo phong cách chức năng, đôi khi bạn sẽ muốn xây dựng các biến thể của các chức năng hiện có có một số tham số được điền vào. Hãy xem xét một hàm Python

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    800; . Điều này được gọi là "ứng dụng chức năng một phần"

    Hàm tạo cho

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    804 nhận các đối số
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    805. Đối tượng kết quả có thể gọi được, vì vậy bạn chỉ cần gọi nó để gọi
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    806 với các đối số được điền vào

    Đây là một ví dụ nhỏ nhưng thực tế

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    807 thực hiện tích lũy một thao tác trên tất cả các phần tử của iterable và do đó, không thể áp dụng cho các iterable vô hạn. func phải là một hàm nhận hai phần tử và trả về một giá trị duy nhất.
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    808 lấy hai phần tử đầu tiên A và B được trả về bởi iterator và tính toán
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    809. Sau đó, nó yêu cầu phần tử thứ ba, C, tính toán
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    810, kết hợp kết quả này với phần tử thứ tư được trả về và tiếp tục cho đến khi hết lần lặp. Nếu iterable hoàn toàn không trả về giá trị nào, một ngoại lệ
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    00 sẽ được đưa ra. Nếu giá trị ban đầu được cung cấp, nó được sử dụng làm điểm bắt đầu và
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    812 là phép tính đầu tiên

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Nếu bạn sử dụng

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    813 với
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    808, bạn sẽ cộng tất cả các thành phần của iterable. Trường hợp này phổ biến đến mức có một phần mềm tích hợp đặc biệt gọi là
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    815 để tính toán trường hợp này

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Tuy nhiên, đối với nhiều cách sử dụng của

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    808, có thể rõ ràng hơn nếu chỉ viết vòng lặp
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    01 rõ ràng

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Một chức năng liên quan là

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    818. Nó thực hiện phép tính tương tự, nhưng thay vì chỉ trả về kết quả cuối cùng,
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    819 trả về một trình vòng lặp cũng mang lại từng kết quả một phần

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Mô-đun vận hành¶


    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    578 đã được đề cập trước đó. Nó chứa một tập hợp các hàm tương ứng với các toán tử của Python. Các hàm này thường hữu ích trong mã kiểu chức năng vì chúng giúp bạn không phải viết các hàm tầm thường thực hiện một thao tác đơn lẻ

    Một số chức năng trong mô-đun này là

    • phép toán.

      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      825, …

    • Các phép toán logic. ________ 1826, ________ 1827

    • hoạt động bitwise.

      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!

    • so sánh.

      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
      > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
      > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
      > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
      > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
      > access method that test the validity of a condition.
      A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
      depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
      >>> def is_even(x):
      ..     return x % 2 == 0
      >>> def is_odd(x):
      ..     return not is_even(x)
      >>> is_even(42)
      >>> is_odd(42)
      >>> def is_happy(word):
      ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
      ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
      >>> is_happy('me')
      >>> is_happy('blissful')
      (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
      return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
      see slightly different displays.)
      In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
      is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
      true or false value.
      We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
      the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
      fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
      "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
      # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
      >>> is_palindrome('aba')
      >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
      >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
      So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
      profound.  *grin*
      Hope this helps!
      832, ________ 1833, ________ 1834, ________ 1835 và ________ 1836

    • nhận dạng đối tượng. ________ 1837, ________ 1838

    Tham khảo tài liệu của mô-đun người vận hành để biết danh sách đầy đủ

    Hàm nhỏ và biểu thức lambda¶

    Khi viết các chương trình kiểu hàm, bạn sẽ thường cần các hàm nhỏ hoạt động như các vị từ hoặc kết hợp các phần tử theo một cách nào đó

    Nếu có sẵn Python hoặc chức năng mô-đun phù hợp, bạn hoàn toàn không cần xác định chức năng mới

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Nếu chức năng bạn cần không tồn tại, bạn cần viết nó. Một cách để viết các hàm nhỏ là sử dụng biểu thức

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    839 lấy một số tham số và một biểu thức kết hợp các tham số này và tạo một hàm ẩn danh trả về giá trị của biểu thức

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Một cách khác là chỉ sử dụng câu lệnh

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    841 và xác định hàm theo cách thông thường

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Lựa chọn thay thế nào là thích hợp hơn?

    Một lý do cho sở thích của tôi là

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    839 khá hạn chế về chức năng mà nó có thể xác định. Kết quả phải có thể tính toán được dưới dạng một biểu thức duy nhất, điều đó có nghĩa là bạn không thể có các phép so sánh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    844 nhiều chiều hoặc câu lệnh
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    845. Nếu bạn cố gắng làm quá nhiều trong một câu lệnh ________ 1839, bạn sẽ nhận được một biểu thức quá phức tạp và khó đọc. Nhanh lên, mã sau đây đang làm gì?

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Bạn có thể tìm ra nó, nhưng phải mất thời gian để gỡ rối biểu thức để tìm ra điều gì đang xảy ra. Sử dụng một câu lệnh

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    841 lồng nhau ngắn giúp mọi thứ tốt hơn một chút

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Nhưng sẽ là tốt nhất nếu tôi chỉ đơn giản sử dụng một vòng lặp

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Hoặc biểu thức trình tạo và tích hợp sẵn

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    for line in file:
        # do something for each line

    Nhiều cách sử dụng của

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    808 rõ ràng hơn khi được viết dưới dạng vòng lặp
    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    Fredrik Lundh đã từng đề xuất bộ quy tắc sau để tái cấu trúc việc sử dụng

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!

    1. Viết một hàm lambda

    2. Viết một bình luận giải thích cái quái gì mà lambda làm

    3. Nghiên cứu bình luận một lúc và nghĩ ra một cái tên nắm bắt được bản chất của bình luận

    4. Chuyển đổi lambda thành câu lệnh def, sử dụng tên đó

    5. Xóa bình luận

    Tôi thực sự thích những quy tắc này, nhưng bạn có quyền không đồng ý về việc liệu phong cách không có lambda này có tốt hơn không

    Lịch sử sửa đổi và lời cảm ơn¶

    Tác giả xin cảm ơn những người sau đây đã góp ý, sửa chữa và hỗ trợ với các bản thảo khác nhau của bài viết này. Ian Bicking, Nick Coghlan, Nick Efford, Raymond Hettinger, Jim Jewett, Mike Krell, Leandro Lameiro, Jussi Salmela, Collin Winter, Blake Winton

    Phiên bản 0. 1. đăng ngày 30 tháng 6 năm 2006

    Phiên bản 0. 11. đăng ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 2006. sửa lỗi đánh máy

    Phiên bản 0. 2. đăng ngày 10 tháng 7 năm 2006. Đã hợp nhất các phần genexp và listcomp thành một. sửa lỗi đánh máy

    Phiên bản 0. 21. Đã thêm nhiều tài liệu tham khảo được đề xuất trong danh sách gửi thư gia sư

    Phiên bản 0. 30. Thêm một phần trên mô-đun

    On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, ahimsa wrote:
    > In Deitel, et al. ("Python: how to program", 2002:233), the concept of
    > 'predicate' methods is introduced with reference to access control
    > methods protecting object's attributes from being 'gotten' at and
    > rendered inconsistent by client code. It is described as a 'read-only'
    > access method that test the validity of a condition.
    A "predicate" is a function that either returns a true or false value,
    depending on what it's trying to test.  Here are some examples of
    >>> def is_even(x):
    ..     return x % 2 == 0
    >>> def is_odd(x):
    ..     return not is_even(x)
    >>> is_even(42)
    >>> is_odd(42)
    >>> def is_happy(word):
    ..     return word in ('happy', 'blissful', 'bright', 'elysian',
    ..                     'golden', 'halycyon', 'joyful', 'laughing')
    >>> is_happy('me')
    >>> is_happy('blissful')
    (In the newest versions of Python, the results of the above tests will
    return the values 'True' and 'False', rather than 1 and 0, so expect to
    see slightly different displays.)
    In that sense, a predicate is simply a function that tells us if something
    is true or not.  A predicate method, then, is a method that gives us that
    true or false value.
    We often bundle these condition tests into predicates when we want to make
    the code clearer: we want to often give a concrete name to something that
    fulfills certain requirements.  For example, we might say that a word is
    "palindromic" if it's spelled forwards and backwards the same:
    # pseudocode, since we haven't really defined is_palindrome() yet...
    >>> is_palindrome('aba')
    >>> is_palindrome('rotator')
    >>> is_palindrome('palindrome')
    So the concept of a predicate --- a boolean function --- isn't really that
    profound.  *grin*
    Hope this helps!
    853 do Collin Winter viết;

    Người giới thiệu¶


    Cấu trúc và diễn giải các chương trình máy tính, của Harold Abelson và Gerald Jay Sussman với Julie Sussman. Toàn văn tại https. //nhấn nhẹ. mit. edu/sicp/. Trong sách giáo khoa khoa học máy tính cổ điển này, chương 2 và 3 thảo luận về việc sử dụng trình tự và luồng để tổ chức luồng dữ liệu bên trong chương trình. Cuốn sách sử dụng Lược đồ cho các ví dụ của nó, nhưng nhiều cách tiếp cận thiết kế được mô tả trong các chương này có thể áp dụng cho mã Python kiểu chức năng

    https. //www. defmacro. org/lan man/fp. html. Giới thiệu chung về lập trình hàm sử dụng các ví dụ Java và có phần giới thiệu lịch sử dài

    https. // vi. wikipedia. org/wiki/Functional_programming. Mục Wikipedia chung mô tả lập trình chức năng

    https. // vi. wikipedia. org/wiki/Coroutine. Nhập cảnh cho coroutines

    https. // vi. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cà ri. Nhập cảnh cho khái niệm cà ri

    Dành riêng cho Python¶

    https. // nhận biết. cx/TPiP/. Chương đầu tiên của cuốn sách Xử lý văn bản trong Python của David Mertz thảo luận về lập trình hàm để xử lý văn bản, trong phần có tiêu đề “Sử dụng các hàm bậc cao hơn trong xử lý văn bản”

    Mertz cũng đã viết một loạt bài gồm 3 phần về lập trình chức năng cho trang DeveloperWorks của IBM;

    Vị ngữ trong mã hóa là gì?

    Hàm vị ngữ là hàm trả về một giá trị TRUE hoặc FALSE . Bạn sử dụng các hàm vị ngữ để kiểm tra xem đầu vào của bạn có đáp ứng một số điều kiện không. Ví dụ, là. ký tự () là một hàm vị ngữ trả về TRUE nếu đầu vào của nó thuộc loại ký tự và FALSE nếu không.

    Chức năng và vị ngữ là gì?

    Trong logic hình thức và các nhánh toán học có liên quan, một vị từ hàm hoặc ký hiệu hàm, là một ký hiệu logic có thể được áp dụng cho một thuật ngữ đối tượng để tạo ra một thuật ngữ đối tượng khác. Functional predicates are also sometimes called mappings, but that term has additional meanings in mathematics.

    Vị ngữ trong OOP là gì?

    Các lớp vị ngữ mở rộng các cấu trúc mô hình hóa hướng đối tượng tiêu chuẩn bằng cách điều chỉnh các trạng thái nhất thời hoặc chế độ hành vi của các đối tượng . Một lớp vị từ có tất cả các thuộc tính của một lớp bình thường, bao gồm tên, tập hợp các lớp cha, tập hợp các phương thức và tập hợp các biến thể hiện.

    Vị ngữ trong Lisp là gì?

    Các vị từ là các hàm kiểm tra các đối số của chúng đối với một số điều kiện cụ thể và trả về nil nếu điều kiện sai hoặc một số giá trị khác 0 là điều kiện đúng.