Should i learn bootstrap before javascript reddit

JS is far more universally required, useful, and long-lasting than Bootstrap (or pretty much anything else). It is trivial to find a site that doesn't use Bootstrap, but try finding one that doesn't use JS.

Plus, JS can lead to JS libraries and frameworks and all that.

But a mile, do JS. Maybe come back up Bootstrap... It's optional, but JS is required.

Bit of background, I have been learning for a little while and I am decent with HTML and CSS now, can write semantic HTML and I am comfortable with grid and flexbox etc.

My goal is essentially to be employable ASAP

I am taking Colt Steele’s ‘Web Developer Bootcamp’ on Udemy, really enjoying it so far and find myself wanting to spend all my time on it which is encouraging. *But before the Javascript section he introduced Bootstrap. I am now torn whether to skip over learning it and go straight to the Javascript basics and return to Bootstrap later.

My thought are:

For skipping Bootstrap: 1 - Excited to dig into JS asap 2 - Don’t want to depend on a framework, have heard people do this and it stunts their ‘development’ in learning the vanilla language 3 - Javascript knowledge seems a very desirable skill

Against skipping Bootstrap: 1 - Would allow me to throw up nice sites for my portfolio quicker 2 - The course is set out this way 3 - In the UK (where im from and looking for work) it seems Bootstrap is reasonably common on job postings, as well as SASS

I would also like to add I tend to go quite in depth on a subject when learning, I haven’t been just going through the udemy course material and moving on, so a new subject is a reasonable chunk in my ‘learning timeline’. This is why I am quite keen to choose the right path.

Any advice appreciated, thanks.

JavaScript absolutely. Bootstrap is very cool, don't get me wrong, but unless you are going into a design role, JavaScript is the more crucial and fundamental element of web development, and one you should master.

Once you have done a little bit of JS, consider learning about a JS Framework like React or Angular. From my experience, bootstrap is more tedious than difficult to understand, and the amount that you will be writing will most likely be minimal.

Greetings, everyone. I am trying to become an autodidact front-end web dev and want to know when the appropriate time is to learn Bootstrap. Right now, I am still trying to build on my knowledge of HTML and CSS before I move on to Javascript, but I am also interested in learning Bootstrap.

I still have every intention of learning Javascript plus one or two back-end languages, but just want to know when I should fit Bootstrap in. Should I learn Bootstrap before I get into Javascript or does the order not matter much in this instance? Thanks!

I was doing colt steele bootcamp, but because I wasn't in a place to use headphones or speakers, I've just been doing freecodecamp and just started the responsive design with bootstrap section.

On reading about bootstrap, i've realised fcc uses bootstrap 3 which isn't even the latest version. Furthermore, when reading about webdev I've also read that its better to learn foundational(?? i think thats the word) languages rather (or before) the languages built on it e.g. learn javascript rather than nodejs.

So basically should i stop doing freecodecamp and just something else and just learn html and css more (or just learn javascript) or do i keep doing fcc, or even just do beta.fcc?

Edit: Just realised Colt Steele's bootcamp also has bootstrap 3 sections. Sames questions go for this.

It's a holy trinity of sorts, that can be explored concurrently. Don't be afraid. It will take you a much longer time to master javascript anyway, so you might as well start now with the very basics.

One thing that I would advise in general, HTML/CSS/JS aside, is that you know how the web works on in a broad way. What happens if you type in a domain name into the browser? what's a DNS Server? What actually happens on a web server when you visit a site, what actually happens on your computer (Server-side / Client side). What's HTTPS etc.

I think it's much easier to advance in javascript if you actually have a good understanding how the web actually works.

I see that a lot of these projects people recommend use jQuery but I feel with tutorials that my knowledge of JavaScript isn't good enough yet.

I was wondering, if I continue with my course and do jQuery, bootstrap and the other bits, will it make it easier to learn JavaScript?

Or shall I stop my course for a while to deep dive in JavaScript? Or will learning something else like React make my JS learning easier?

I've paused my web developer course and I'm doing a JavaScript specific course so I can make projects to cement my knowledge but I still get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I don't know.

Thank you or your help.

Tldr: Should I learn any else or just deep dive into pure JavaScript before continuing my programming journey?

Should I learn Bootstrap before JavaScript?

While it is possible to learn Bootstrap without any JavaScript knowledge, you won't be able to customize things fully or create your interactive web elements if you don't know at least basic JavaScript.

What should I learn before starting JavaScript?

You are advised to work through the following modules before starting on JavaScript: Getting started with the Web (which includes a really basic JavaScript introduction). Introduction to HTML. Introduction to CSS.

Should I learn Bootstrap first?

You should definitely learn Bootstrap. It is easy to pick up and remains the most used CSS framework in the world. It's also a fantastic entry point to CSS frameworks if you haven't learned one before and has great documentation.

When should I learn Bootstrap?

You should learn it when you want to start building websites with Bootstrap ;) I would recommend that you at least know the basics of HTML and CSS. I think it's important that you understand why certain things are done with Bootstrap and also how you can customize the different components.

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