Php fopen get file size

I wrote a benchmark to improve this topic, and to avoid people arguing there's some kind of php/cache, I create unique files in another process.

This is a new benchmark I did to remain no doubt.

Tests ignore fopen and close time, since user asks the fastest way to calculate the size of an already opened file. Each test is run with 200 files.

The code which creates files in a separate process is the first comment of this post.

<?php class timeIt { static private $times = []; static function new() { self::$times[] = hrtime(true); } static function stop() { self::$times[] = -1; } static function dif() { $dif = 0; $sum = 0; $i = count(self::$times) - 1; if (self::$times[$i] === -1) unset(self::$times[$i--]); for ($i = count(self::$times) - 1; $i > 0; --$i) { if (self::$times[$i - 1] === -1) { $sum += $dif; $dif = 0; --$i; continue; } $dif += self::$times[$i] - self::$times[$i - 1]; } return $sum + $dif; } static function printNReset() { echo "diffTime:" . self::dif() . "\n\n"; self::reset(); } static function reset() { self::$times = []; } } function fseek_size_from_current($handle) { $current = ftell($handle); fseek($handle, 0, SEEK_END); $size = ftell($handle); fseek($handle, $current); return $size; } function fseek_size_from_start($handle) { fseek($handle, 0, SEEK_END); $size = ftell($handle); fseek($handle, 0); return $size; } function uniqueProcessId() { return (string) hrtime(true); } function getUniqueForeignProcessFiles($quantity, $size) { $returnedFilenames = $filenames = []; while ($quantity--){ $filename = uniqueProcessId(); $filenames[$filename] = $size; $returnedFilenames[] = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; } $data = base64_encode(json_encode($filenames)); $foreignCgi = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "createFileByNames.php"; $command = "php $foreignCgi $data"; if (shell_exec($command) !== 'ok') die("An error ocurred"); return $returnedFilenames; } const FILESIZE = 20 * 1024 * 1024; foreach(getUniqueForeignProcessFiles(200, FILESIZE) as $filename){ $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); timeIt::new(); $size = fstat($handle)['size']; timeIt::new(); timeIt::stop(); fclose($handle); unlink($filename); } echo "**fstat**\n"; timeIt::printNReset(); foreach(getUniqueForeignProcessFiles(200, FILESIZE) as $filename){ $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); timeIt::new(); $size = fseek_size_from_start($handle); timeIt::new(); timeIt::stop(); fclose($handle); unlink($filename); } echo "**fseek with static/defined**\n"; timeIt::printNReset(); foreach(getUniqueForeignProcessFiles(200, FILESIZE) as $filename){ $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); timeIt::new(); $size = fseek_size_from_current($handle); timeIt::new(); timeIt::stop(); fclose($handle); unlink($filename); } echo "**fseek with current offset**\n"; timeIt::printNReset(); foreach(getUniqueForeignProcessFiles(200, FILESIZE) as $filename){ $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); timeIt::new(); $size = filesize($filename); timeIt::new(); timeIt::stop(); fclose($handle); unlink($filename); } echo "**filesize after fopen**\n"; timeIt::printNReset(); foreach(getUniqueForeignProcessFiles(200, FILESIZE) as $filename){ timeIt::new(); $size = filesize($filename); timeIt::new(); timeIt::stop(); unlink($filename); } echo "**filesize no fopen**\n"; timeIt::printNReset();

Results with 20MB files, times in nanoseconds

fstat diffTime:2745700

fseek with static/defined diffTime:1267400

fseek with current offset diffTime:983500

filesize after fopen diffTime:283052500

filesize no fopen diffTime:4259203800

Results with 1MB file, times in nanoseconds:

fstat diffTime:1490400

fseek with static/defined diffTime:706800

fseek with current offset diffTime:837900

filesize after fopen diffTime:22763300

filesize no fopen diffTime:216512800

Previously this answer had another benchmark, which I removed the algorithm to let this answer cleaner. That algorithm used file created by own process and the assumption was:

ftell + fseek is half the time of fstat['size'], even inside another function and calling both functions twice. fstat is slower because it has a lot more information than just the file size, so if you need the other infos alongside your code, to check for changes, just stick to fstat.

Current benchmark shows that assumption to be valid, which is: **fseek + ftell++ is 2-2.8x faster than fstat for files of 1-20MB.

Feel free to run your benchmarks and share your results.

How will you get the size of a file in PHP?

To get the file size, we will use filesize() function. The filesize() function returns the size of a file in bytes. This function accepts the filename as a parameter and returns the size of a file in bytes on success and False on failure.

How do you find the file size?

Right-click the file and click Properties. The image below shows that you can determine the size of the file or files you have highlighted from in the file properties window. In this example, the chrome. jpg file is 18.5 KB (19,032 bytes), and that the size on disk is 20.0 KB (20,480 bytes).

What is $_ files in PHP?

PHP $_FILES The global predefined variable $_FILES is an associative array containing items uploaded via HTTP POST method. Uploading a file requires HTTP POST method form with enctype attribute set to multipart/form-data.

Which of the following provides the size of the uploaded file in PHP?

The PHP global $_FILES contains all the information of file. By the help of $_FILES global, we can get file name, file type, file size, temp file name and errors associated with file.

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