Is an HSM a key management system?

). This key must be managed as securely as possible since it is assumed that the potential attacker can know or have access to all the other parameters of the cryptographic system (the algorithm used, encrypted text, clear text). If the key is compromised, the entire cryptographic system is compromised ("a cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the system except the key, is in the public knowledge"). 

In this sense, one of the most recommended alternatives to manage the cryptographic keys is through the use of a Hardware Security Module (HSM). An HSM is also known as Secure Application Module (SAM), Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD), Hardware Cryptographic Device (HCD), or Cryptographic Module. It is a secure, tamper-resistant cryptographic processor designed specifically to protect the life cycle of cryptographic keys and to execute encryption and decryption routines. It provides a high level of security in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cryptographic keys and any sensitive data processed.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a hardware safety module (HSM). Source: University of Patras. 

HSMs can be found in smart cards, portable devices, dedicated cards (cryptographic cards), self-contained devices (appliances) or offered as a cloud service (HSM-as-a-Service). 

Figure 2. Different types of HSM: cryptographic card, appliance, USB (nano) HSM and smart card

HSM Types  

Depending on requirements, HSM devices can be classified into two types:

1. General Purpose HSM: HSM devices that include a variety of standard encryption algorithms (symmetric, asymmetric and hash functions) with support for API interconnectivity using Public-Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #11, Microsoft Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (CAPI), Cryptography API Next Generation (CNG), Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA), Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) and others. These devices are typically used in PKI environments, HTTPS channels, DNSSEC, generic sensitive data protection, and crypto-wallets, among others. 

2. Transaction and Payment HSM: Specific HSM devices for the protection of payment transactions which include the use of PIN (generation, management, validation and translation of the PIN Block in transactions carried out at POS and ATMs), the protection of electronic fund transfers (EFT), the generation of data for magnetic strips and EMV chips in card production and personalization processes, the processing of payment transactions with debit and credit cards and the validation of cards, users and cryptograms. These devices typically provide cryptographic support for the payment applications of most brands of cards, and their interconnection interfaces are usually more limited than the generic use HSMs. 

Validation of the security levels of HSM devices

A series of international standards have been defined to validate the security levels of this type of device, among which we find the following:

1. FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) 140-2 (Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules): It is a standard aimed at validating the effectiveness of cryptographic hardware. Despite being a federal standard in the USA and Canada, it is recognized worldwide in both the government and private sectors. This certification defines four levels of security, from the lowest (Level 1) to the most restrictive (Level 4): 

  • Level 1: Includes basic security requirements (at least one approved algorithm or function must be used), allowing the software and firmware components of the cryptographic module to be executed on a general-purpose system using an untested operating system. No physical security mechanisms are included. Example: encryption card of a personal computer. 
  • Level 2: This level enhances level 1 security by requiring the use of mechanisms for tamper-evidence detection and role-based authentication. Software implementations must run on a Common Criteria EAL2 approved operating system. 
  • Level 3: This level requires additional requirements for tamper-resistance, tamper-response, and identity-based authentication. It also requires a logical separation between interfaces through which critical security parameters enter and exit the system. Private keys can only be imported or exported in encrypted form. 
  • Level 4: This last level includes advanced intrusion protection (tamper-active) and is designed for products operating in physically unprotected environments. 

2. Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408): Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation is an internationally recognized certification standard for IT product and system security. It was developed by Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA in the 1990s. Products evaluated under Common Criteria are categorized into levels (Evaluation Assurance Level - EAL), with EAL1 being the lowest and EAL 7 the strictest. 

3. Payment Card Industry (PCI) PTS HSM Security Requirements (PCI HSM): The PCI HSM standard is part of the PCI SSC PIN Transaction Security (PTS) group of standards and defines the security controls required during the manufacturing, shipment, use, and dismantling of HSM devices used in financial transactions. 

Additionally, some countries such as Germany, France (CB MEPS), Australia (APCA CECS), or Italy have developed specific standards for key and algorithm management in HSM devices, which may require special certifications.

HSM devices and their relationship to PCI SSC standards

Cryptography is one of the primary mechanisms used for the protection of transactional data related to payment cards. Because of this, many of the controls in the PCI SSC standards (PCI DSS, PCI PIN, PCI P2PE, PCI 3DS, PCI Card Production, etc.) require formal management of cryptographic keys and - in some cases - require the use of specific HSMs and certificates. Listed below are some of the PCI SSC standards and their requirements in terms of HSM device usage:

PCI DSS v3.2.1

Related requirements: 

3.5.x, 3.6.x


The PCI DSS standard does not require the use of an HSM device to manage encryption keys. However, the use of these devices facilitates the processes of secure key storage (3.5.3 and 3.6.3), key generation (3.6.1), key distribution (3.6.2), rotation/crypt periods (3.6.4), key replacement (3.6.5), implementation of "dual control" and "split knowledge" (3.6.6), key replacement prevention (3.6.7) and custodian management (3.6.8).

PCI PIN v3.0

Related requirements: 



The PCI PIN standard requires that:

- The PIN data is processed in devices that are classified as Secure Cryptographic Device (SCD) and certified as PCI HSM or FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher

- All cryptographic keys used for PIN encryption/decryption must be generated in devices certified as PCI HSM, FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher or using a NIST 800-22 aligned random number generator.

- Key injection processes must be performed on devices certified as PCI HSM or FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher.

PCI P2PE v3.0

Related requirements: 



The PCI P2PE requires that

- The devices used in the decryption environment are HSMs certified as PCI HSM or FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher.

- All cryptographic keys used for PIN encryption/decryption must be generated in devices certified as PCI HSM, FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher or using a NIST 800-22 aligned random number generator.

- Key injection processes must be performed on devices certified as PCI HSM or FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher

PCI 3DS v1.0

Related requirements: 



The PCI 3DS standard requires that entities offering Access Control Server (ACS) or Directory Server (DS) services employ a PCI HSM or FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher certified HSM.

For entities that offer services such as 3DS Server (3DSS), the use of an HSM is not mandatory but highly recommended.

PCI Card Production (Logical) v2.0

Related requirements: 

8.5 (Key generation)
8.7 (Key loading)
8.14 (Key-Management Security Hardware)


The PCI Card Production (Logical) standard requires the use of HSMs certified as PCI HSM or FIPS 140-2 Level 3 or higher for key generation, key loading and sensitive data protection processes.

Cloud HSM and HSM-as-a-Service (HSMaaS)

In addition to the locally deployed (on-premise) HSM model, many cloud service providers and HSM device manufacturers are offering Hardware Security Module "as a Service" or managed services. This new model offers many advantages over the traditional model, including high scalability, availability, and additional integration options. Some examples of these services are:

  • Microsoft Azure:  and Azure Key Vault 
  • Google Cloud Platform: Cloud HSM and Cloud Key Management Service 
  • Amazon Web Services: AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and AWS CloudHSM 
  • IBM Cloud Hardware Security Module 
  • Utimaco HSM-as-a-Service 
  • nCipher nShield-as-a-Service 
  • Thales CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager 

However, it is essential to note that the use of these managed or cloud services offer general-purpose HSM devices that may be useful for integration with PCI DSS environments but not for use in PCI PIN, PCI P2PE or PCI 3DS environments. These standards require transactional HSMs with special cryptographic support and additional physical and device lifecycle security controls that none of these vendors offer today. 

UPDATE (March 2021)

According to AWS and Azure press notes, their services are certified as PCI 3DS providers:

  • Amazon Web Services: June 2020(//
  • Microsoft Azure: February 2021(//

Both cloud providers offer a PCI 3DS shared responsibility matrix (aligned with the PCI SSC’s Information Supplement - Cloud Computing Guidelines) and implementation whitepapers.

On the other hand, MyHSM ( is the only provider offering fully managed cloud-based HSM (HSM-as-a-Service) in a PCI PIN-compliant environment.

We will update this post when new updates in this field are identified.


Bruce Schneier, in his book "Applied Cryptography," said: "The management of cryptographic keys is the most difficult part of cryptography and often the Achilles' heel of a secure system." A safe and not so complicated way to perform this management is by using hardware security modules (HSM). These devices allow secure key management, secure processing of sensitive data, and meet strict certifiable security requirements and are a secure alternative to the use of generic cryptographic software libraries. 

What is HSM key management?

Hardware security modules (HSMs) are hardened, tamper-resistant hardware devices that secure cryptographic processes by generating, protecting, and managing keys used for encrypting and decrypting data and creating digital signatures and certificates.

What is an example of key management?

A popular example of a key management systems is public key infrastructure (PKI), which is used in Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS).

What are the two types of key management?

There are two aspects for Key Management:.
Distribution of public keys..
Use of public-key encryption to distribute secrets..

What is HSM system?

A hardware security module (HSM) is a physical device that provides extra security for sensitive data. This type of device is used to provision cryptographic keys for critical functions such as encryption, decryption and authentication for the use of applications, identities and databases.

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