Id card python assignment expert

ID Card: In Rahul's college, every student is uniquely identified by a string(unique id) which is printed on the ID card of the student.This unique id is comprised if letters and digits separated by hyphens into groups of different lengths.The college administration decides to standardize this unique id on the ID card by regrouping the letters of the previous unique id to a fixed group length.The college administration also does not want to have lowercase letters in the new id .You need to help the college administration with this task.Given the previous id, and the n0.of characters to group (group length),you need to generate the new id.NOTE: While generating the unique id,group the characters from right to left.

INPUT: The first line contains a string S representing a unique id.

Second line contains an integer N representing group length.

OUTPUT: Output should be a single string representing the new unique id.











In rahul's school every student is uniquely identified by a string which is printed on the id card of the student .This unique id is comprised of letters and digits separated by hyphens into groups of different lengths.The college administration decides to standardize this unique id on the id card by regrouping the letters of the previous unique id to a fixed group length.the college administration also does not want to have lowercase letters in the new need to help the college administration with this task.Given the previous id,and the no.of characters to group,you need to generate the new id

note:while generating the new unique id ,group the characters from right to left

input:the 1st line containing a string S representing a unique id.

the 2nd line containing an integer N representing group length








Best Help With Python Assignment From Professional Developers

Python assignment help is getting very popular among computer science students. Nowadays, most students are enrolling in themselves to learn Python programming. Therefore the need for help with Python assignments is also increasing at a rapid pace. For this, the students look for the most reliable and experienced programming assignment helpers to help with their assignments.

Our experts are the best among the other online assignment help providers and offer you world-class assignment help service at the lowest price. Our experts also offer online Python solutions that are absolutely error-free and easy to understand.

If you have any queries, you can use our live chat facility and talk to our Python assignment experts anytime and share your requirements and queries. Apart from this, you can contact us to get other assignments like Statistics, Excel, and more. Therefore, you can contact us to get any subject help.

  • Quality assurance
  • How it works

Qualified Experts

We hire only the top 11% of the experts worldwide who are highly qualified and experienced in their subject matters.

Accurate Solution

Our professionals always provide 100% accurate & authentic solutions that fulfill the requirements shared during the order placement.

24/7 Support

You can use our live chat support option to access instant expert help at pocket-friendly prices.

Place Your Order

Provide all the python assignment requirements with the necessary attachment(s) and pay for your order.

Track Progress

Get updates from the professionals about your python assignment solutions by tracking the progress.

Order Delivery

Get services before the deadline. Receive the notification on the completion of your python assignment.

Reasons why students Need Help From python assignment helper

There are several reasons for not completing the python assignments. We have listed specific points that might create a hurdle while doing python assignments.

Lack of coding skills

One of the biggest reasons students need python programming help is because of their inadequate coding skills. Therefore, students are not able to write python programming assignment solutions even without using the simplest skills.

Negligent approach

Many of the students do not concentrate on the lessons in the class because of any reason. By which they miss important elements of a programming language that are useful to write a python assignment. Therefore, students start seeking out the best help with python assignments to complete their assignments.

Puzzled python codes

Python programming language has its simplicity in its coding, but several programmers get confused with the syntax formation. Therefore, they cannot complete their assignments on time, and they take online help with python assignments.

Plagiarized assignments

When a student is assigned to write an assignment, the first thing mentioned by their tutors is that they need to write an assignment with zero plagiarism. But students fail to do so; therefore, they prefer to take help from a python assignment helper.

Inadequate practice

Everyone is familiar with the quote “Practice makes a man perfect,” but sometimes students do not know the proper syntax of python programming. Therefore, they do not take an interest in practicing the coding, leading to inadequate knowledge of the programming assignments.

What makes us the best around the globe

Best Price Guarantee

We always deliver our service at the lowest possible price so that each student can afford it. Moreover, we accept payment by secure & trusted payment gateways through Visa, MasterCard, Direct Bank Payment and many more

Instant Help

We are accessible 24/7 -365/366 days to provide instant help in the hour of need. It is available at pocket-friendly prices. You can get our instant expert services without paying any extra charges

100% Accurate Solutions

We have a large team of qualified experts around the globe who are well experienced in their subject matter. Therefore, they always provide error-free and easy-to-understand solutions. Before delivery of a solution, our quality team checks the solution's quality.

What is Python and its unique features?

Python is an interactive, general-purpose, and high-level language. It was introduced in the1991, and programmers widely use it. Python programming is easy to write as it needs fewer lines of code. Additionally, it is stuffed with an automated memory management system and with dynamic features.

Python is used for various programming paradigms involving functional and imperative programming, object-oriented programming languages, and more. Below is the simplest Python program that a beginner can run.


# This program prints Hello, world
print('Hello, world!')


Hello, world!

In this program, we have used the built-in print() function to print the string Hello, world!

Key features that make this language unique

Python is rated among the top 8 coding languages because of its significant TIOBE coding community index measurement.

This language is the third most renowned programming language whose grammar syntaxes are not based on other conventional languages C#, C++, and Java.

Python is one of the programming languages influenced by the C programming language, with the syntax statements help the user transit between these two languages.

By analyzing empirical studies, Python is considered more productive than Java and C.

What are some of the basic concepts of Python Programming Language?

To understand the advanced concepts of Python in-depth, you should have a strong understanding of the basics. A few of the basics of this programming language involve:

  • Loops
  • There are two different kinds of loops possible in the Python programming language. These incorporate a while loop, and another is for a loop. The “while” loop will have a condition located either at the beginning of the code or at the end. And the “for” loop has a modifier, condition test, and initializer. The elements located in the for loop body can or cannot be empty.

  • Statements
  • There are two kinds of statements provided with the Python programming language. These incorporate ‘if then else’ and the other is ‘switched.’

  • Comments
  • The comments that are used in this language are ‘’ ’’ and #. The ‘’ ’’ is used to mark the session, while # is utilized to leave comments on a single line.

  • Functions
  • There are two kinds of functions involved in this programming language: static and lambda. The static function is utilized to cue the already available object, whereas lambda is utilized to describe a simple method to pass to a routine.

How can experts provide solutions to the students for Python assignment queries?

It is quite common that students are assigned to write a long Python program for just the 3-4 line Python programming queries. But still, students are unable to write the solutions. Here, we have mentioned the program that our experts have answered to the students' assignment query.

# Write a program to check the age of the person
from datetime import date
def calculateAge(born):
today =
birthday = born.replace(year = today.year)
# work while the birth date is February 29 and the present (current) year is not a leap year
except ValueError:
birthday = born.replace(year = today.year,
month = born.month + 1, day = 1)
if birthday > today:
return today.year - born.year - 1
return today.year - born.year
# check the age with DOB code
print(calculateAge(date(1996, 11, 14)), "years")


24 years

Now, you can understand how easily we provide the solutions to your Python queries. That is why do not waste your time; just get in touch with our experts. We always offer these kinds of solutions at reasonable prices so that each student can reach us for the best help.

Can I pay someone to do my Python Assignment?

Yes, it is quite easy to get help from the best Python developers. That is why you can send us the request as "do my Python assignment." And we will support you with the best ever solutions. Our experts are always ready to assist the students and deliver their Python assignment solutions within the deadline. This also helps you to check the solutions before submitting them to the tutors.

We are not limited to a single country. Our experts' Python assignment help is available in the US, UK, AUS, CA, etc. That is why you can say that we are available to each corner of the world. You can connect with our Python developers by sending us a message or email as "do my Python assignment."

Moreover, as we say, we offer the best service at the lowest prices; it does not mean that we will compromise with the solutions' quality. This is not applicable in our Python assignment help. Therefore, when you deal with us, you will always get 100% accurate and easy-to-understand solutions. So do not think twice while dealing with us. Just send us the query and let us take your Python assignment stress.

Low-cost Python programming assignment help as compared to other competitors

We have a team of well-qualified experts who are well experienced in their respective fields. Our experts always offer you top-quality services at the lowest price. We always provide you an error-free python assignment that means your assignment always contains unique content. We are offering the best help with python assignments for several years.

We have succeeded in making happy and thousands of satisfied customers because of our specific policies and hardworking professionals. Our python developers always supply your assignments before deadlines. Our team members are self-motivated, and they always value your time and money, so they provide you with the best help with Python assignments. We are the only service provider who gives the solution to all your programming problems in one place.

Why do students take our service continuously without any hesitation?

Our interaction platform offers excellent contact channels between you and our experts. We encourage you to take advantage of this option to ensure that you and your expert clearly understand the task and can work together to complete it.

We will work within your time constraints. Even if you've missed a deadline and need to complete a task as quickly as possible, anything is achievable. It is, nonetheless, preferable to plan such tasks. It would offer you more time to discuss the paper and ensure that you get exactly what you want for a clear understanding. Second, if your request isn't as urgent it is usually less expensive.

Looking for help with the Python framework and tools assignments? Get it here!

Yes, there is the possibility that you are assigned with the Python framework or the tools. In that case, it becomes quite difficult to deal with the Python assignments. But not anymore. Our professional developers are available here who offer the best help with different frameworks and tools of Python. There are various frameworks and tools on which you can contact our experts for help. Some of those are:

ORM: Django ORM, SQLAlchemy

Test frameworks: py.test, UnitTest, nose

Python build tools: pip, Setup-tools, tox

Asyncio: Tornado, Python 3.5, Twisted

Data analysis tools: SciPy, NumPy, Pandas

Python web frameworks: Flask, Django, Bottle, web2py, Tornado

Now, you can see that you can get all kinds of Python assignment help on different topics. Connect with us anytime and receive the best solutions. Check the below section to know on which topics we offer the best help at low prices.

List Of Some Of The Most Asked Queries By Students To Our Python Assignment Helper

Several students studying Python-related courses are looking for solutions that they find difficult. That is why they start searching for the best experts who can solve the Python queries. Students search their queries as:

  • String lookup in Python assignment expert
  • Replace elements with zeros in Python assignment expert
  • Swap letters in Python assignment expert
  • String lookup Python assignment expert
  • List indexing 3 in Python assignment expert

The experts that assist you in achieving your goal of assisting students with their assignments and learning are chosen after a thorough assessment of their skills. Furthermore, they are trained, and their talents are further supported before hiring. All of these training recruiting procedures are in place to ensure that our quality meets the expectations of each student. Our professionals have received extensive training in writing the best possible solutions. The training enables them to deliver assignment help with the highest levels of devotion, ingenuity, quality, originality, and qualification. So, contact us without thinking twice.

Do Us A Request As I Need Help With My Python Assignment & Get Unmatched Service

"Who might do this difficult task for me?" "I need help with my Python assignment" or "Who could complete my assignment?" are all questions you can ask yourself. Simply contact our experts, look at the special offers, and receive your non-plagiarism answer quickly. On our website, you can get help with a wide range of topics from several disciplines.

Select the appropriate topic, and we look forward to working with you. We will respect all of your decisions, but we strongly advise you to invest any spare time in yourself and your future abilities. It is all about being more marketable on the job market by studying. Consider what you can rely on to deliver you the most profit. And our programmers will assist you with your Python assignment solutions.

Why look forward to online Python Assignment Help?

Many websites and companies offer Python help online, but there are also good Python resources available, where you can easily follow step-by-step instructions on how to install and use Python. Additionally, there are numerous free programming tutorials accessible to teach you how to program in Python.

If you're having trouble learning Python, consider taking one of the many online Python assignment help services. These assignments are designed to take you from beginner to expert, so they will provide you with all of the services you require.

Why is taking an online Python assignment help is a good decision?

There are other good online services (offered by us) that are absolutely free to help you save money by taking the most reliable help. These include loops, objects, and arrays, which you will be able to apply when working with the Python library. These services will support you to learn new programming concepts.

Whether or not you wish to learn Python programming, you can make your work more efficient and effective. This will relieve some of your stress and ensure that you always create high-quality programming p[rojects and assignments.

If you're interested in Python, you'll discover that it can lead to better employment, a more fulfilling career, and happier personal life. Take all of this into account as you move forward with your studies.

Topics on which our Python developer provide error-free solutions

Below we have mentioned some of the Python Topics that our developers cover:

Network Scripting ECMAScript
Parallel system tools Internet Scripting
Databases and Persistence Client-Side scripting
Server-side scripting Loop Structures and Booleans
Data Structures Algorithm design and recursion
Decision Structures Objects and Graphics
List, Tuples, Dictionary Classes, Loops, Exceptions
CGI programming Multithreading
Network application Programming Data visualization, analysis
Regular expressions Socket programming
GUI programming XML processing

Check a Python programming code sample provided by our Python developers


# To Check The Length Of The Set
intSet = set()
number = int(input("Please enter the set element's number = "))
for j in range(1, number + 1):
value = int(input("Please enter the %d Set value = " %j))
print("The Set Elements = ", intSet)
intSetLength = len(intSet)
print("The length of Set = ", intSetLength)


Please enter the set element's number = 5
Please enter the 1 Set value = 5
Please enter the 2 Set value = 12
Please enter the 3 Set value = 36
Please enter the 4 Set value = 45
Please enter the 5 Set value = 49
The Set Elements = {36, 5, 12, 45, 49}
The length of Set = 5

Get in touch with us to get lifetime experience for Python assignments

Experienced Experts

Our experts hold Ph.D. & Masters in their respective subject area from the top universities of the world. Therefore, they can answer your academic queries effectively. Moreover, their years of experience let them help you Instantly.

24/7 Support

We have dedicated support departments that are accessible 24/7 to offer instant help. Feel free to contact us at any time and from around the globe to get quality solutions.

Data Privacy

Your confidentiality and data privacy is always our first priority. We never share your personal details with a third party or anyone else. Feel secure & confident to contact us.

On-Time Delivery

We always guarantee you to deliver the solutions before the deadline. This helps you to check your solutions before submitting them to your tutors.


Our quality assurance team always makes sure that each solution must be accurate, well-structured, and fulfill the order requirement. So that they can mitigate the chances of possible errors.

100% Plagiarism-Free Service

Our Experts deliver plagiarism-free solutions with a Turnitin report attached for customer satisfaction. We understand irrelevancy and duplicacy are two motor factors of low grades. Therefore, our experts always take care of all these kinds of factors.

Free and exciting services offered in our assignment help service

There are several other services that are available at zero cost. Some of those services are:

  • Limitless Amendments
  • Bibliography
  • Title Page
  • Outline
  • Formatting
  • Plagiarism Report

Don't waste your time anymore; grab all these exciting services absolutely free. Apart from these, you can contact us to get the best deals* (*term & conditions apply) available for your assignments.

Our Python Programming assignment Sample

Several students are worried about the quality of their Python programming assignments provided by online help providers. They are not sure whether the quality of their Python programming is going to be best or worse. In that case, you can check our Python programming assignment sample to ensure quality.

Python Assignments FAQs’

We offer a number of time revision facilities for your Python programming assignment. This facility is available at zero cost, so feel free to ask us for revision. This is applicable only after the submission of your first draft of the assignment. We only change it. Further, we will not add any new information.

Yes, it is. Statanalytica has been helping the students with their programming assignments for years. We have already provided assignment help to 10000+ students around the world.

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