Hướng dẫn requests-html click

I've successfully logged into a website and loaded a table that can then be downloaded as an .xls file. The issue I'm having is that an image has to be clicked to call the download. I haven't figured out how to post the correct data to fetch the .xls file.

Here is the website's HTML:

<table border="0" width ="95%" align ="center"> <tr> <form name="downloadXLSForm" method="POST" action="/control/filedownload"> <input type="hidden" name="fileType" value="mlInventory"> <td align="left" valign = "top"> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="-2"> <input type="image" src="../images/excel_download.jpg" onClick="document.downloadXLSForm.submit()" value="Excel Download" Alt="Download the results above into MS Excel"> </font> </td> </form> <td align="right" valign = "top"> <form name="mlInventorysearch" method="post" action="/control/mlinventorysearch"> <input type="hidden" name="refreshSearch" value="true"> <input type="submit" value="New Search"> </form> </td> </tr> </table>

There is a link embedded in the website that points to //www.emlco.com/control/filedownload but when I try and get it, the page is empty.

Here is my code:

with requests.Session() as z: z.get("//www.emlco.com/control/j_security_check", stream=True) p3 = z.post("//www.emlco.com/control/j_security_check",data=payload3) z.get(link) inventory_start = z.post(link, data={'newSearch':'true'}) inventory_excel = z.post(link,data={'fileType':'mlInventory'}) #inventory_excel = z.post('//www.emlco.com/control/filedownload',data={'fileType':'mlInventory'}) inventory_excel = z.get('//www.emlco.com/control/filedownload', stream = True) #output = open('MLCStock.xls', 'wb') #output.write(inventory_excel.content) #output.close() print(inventory_excel.url) print(inventory_start.url) print("Done")

I apologize for the redundant comments. I was trying various combinations to see what would take.

Thanks in advance. I am quite new at Python.

I have this little website i want to fill in a form with the requests library. The problem is i cant get to the next site when filling the form data and hitting the button(Enter does not work).

The important thing is I can't do it via a clicking bot of some kind. This needs to be done so I can run in without graphics.

info = {'name':'JohnJohn', 'message':'XXX', 'sign':"XXX", 'step':'1'}

First three entries name, message, sign are the text areas and step is I think the button.

r = requests.get(url) r = requests.post(url, data=info) print(r.text)

The Form Data looks like this when i send a request via chrome manually:

  • name:JohnJohn
  • message:XXX
  • sign:XXX
  • step:1

The button element looks like this:

<td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;"> <input name="step" type="hidden" value="1"> <button id="button" type="button" title="myClick();" style="background-color: #ef4023; width: 80px; font-face: times; font-size: 14pt;"> Wyślij </button> </td>

The next site if i do this manually has the same adres.

Hi there!

I was wondering how exactly I would go about using python's requests library to click on buttons on a webpage. After I click on a button on a webpage I want to be able to access the page that I am redirected to.

As an example, if I wanted to access r/learnpython's homepage and then click the "Create Post" button to have the webpage redirect me to the page that lets me create a post, how would I use requests to do that?

r = requests.get('//www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/new/')

Keep in mine that I do not want to go to the URL "//www.reddit.com/r/learnpython/submit" directly. I want to be able to actively press the "Create Post" button in this example. I also don't want to use selenium or any other solution that requires me to have a the browser's GUI open.

I know this is basic but I can't for the life of me find a post that gives me a clear answer to this question. Thanks for your time!!!

TL;DR: Don't think that this functionality is available yet with requests-HTML, as the script argument is used to scrape static HTML only (and not to run js on a dynamic page). Seems like Selenium is the only option (if button click causes existing data on the page to change, instead of opening a new page, and the method for the button click is located in the backend)?

When I try to put js in the script I get a puppeteer error.

For example, I have the following code:
script = """
() => {
let button = document.getElementsByClassName("course-title")[0]
r.html.render(sleep=5, timeout=10000, script=script, keep_page=True)

and I get the error:
pyppeteer.errors.ElementHandleError: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of undefined
at pyppeteer_evaluation_script:4:20

I thought that maybe the page content wasn't rendering properly, so I wrote (this was right above where script was declared)
with open('response.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
to get the content of the HTML, and the element did exist on the page.

Similar error when trying to use jQuery (website has jQuery enabled)
script = """
() => {
$(document).ready(function() {
response = r.html.render(sleep=5, timeout=10000, script=script, keep_page=True)

response is None

So then I wanted to check if js was even working and wrote:
script = """
() => {
return 1+1;
response = r.html.render(sleep=5, timeout=10000, script=script, keep_page=True)


This means that the role of passing a script to the render function is not to run the script on the page, but rather to run a script to scrape the static HTML content of the page. Otherwise, the response would be an object (requests.Response() object with the attributes .text and methods .json(), etc.). Furthermore, in the case where a button click edits content on the page, and the method for the click is in the backend (I mean this is the only reason you would have to click a button in the first place, otherwise just look at the URL endpoint, or what the method for the click does), not being able to get the HTML response is useless?
This matches up with the documentation for requests-HTML where the only time they mention render(script=script) is under the line "You can also render JavaScript pages without Requests:", and in this section, the js is simply run on a HTML string (and this js is just for getting information in the HTML), and the return of the render is just the return of the js code that was in script.

How do you simulate a button click in Python?

1 Answer.

Pressed F12 key to enter it and selected the Network Tab..

Clicked the "Display more examples" button..

Found the last request ("bst-query-service").

Right-clicked it and selected Copy > Copy as cURL (cmd).

How do you press a button on a website using python?

We can find the button on the web page by using methods like find_element_by_class_name(), find_element_by_name(), find_element_by_id() etc, then after finding the button/element we can click on it using click() method. This will click on the button and a popup will be shown.

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