Hướng dẫn how do you find the sum of all the numbers in a list python? - làm thế nào để bạn tìm thấy tổng của tất cả các số trong một python danh sách?

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    Bàn luận [12, 15, 3, 10]
    Output: 40

    Đưa ra một danh sách các số, hãy viết một chương trình Python để tìm tổng của tất cả các yếu tố trong danh sách. [17, 5, 3, 5]
    Output: 30

    Đầu vào: [12, 15, 3, 10] Đầu ra: 40 


    Đầu vào: [17, 5, 3, 5] Đầu ra: 30

    Ví dụ #1: & nbsp;

    total = 0


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4Sum of all elements in given list: 74 7Sum of all elements in given list: 74 8


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9total = total Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3 Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4 Using while() loop  


    Đầu vào: [17, 5, 3, 5] Đầu ra: 30

    Ví dụ #1: & nbsp;

    Ví dụ #1: & nbsp;

    =8=9Sum of all elements in given list: 74 7Sum of all elements in given list: 74 8



    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4Sum of all elements in given list: 74 7Sum of all elements in given list: 74 8


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9total = total Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3 Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4 Recursive way  


    Ví dụ #1: & nbsp;

    total = 0



    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9Sum of all elements in given list: 74 05Sum of all elements in given list: 74 06

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9total = total Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3 Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4

    Đầu ra

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4Sum of all elements in given list: 74 7Sum of all elements in given list: 74 8


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9total = total Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3 Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4 Using sum() method  


    Ví dụ #1: & nbsp;

    total = 0

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4Sum of all elements in given list: 74 7Sum of all elements in given list: 74 8


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9total = total Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3 Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4Using add() function of operator module

    Đầu ra


    Ví dụ #2: Sử dụng while () loop & nbsp; & nbsp;

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 1= 0

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9Sum of all elements in given list: 74 1Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3= list1 2

    Ví dụ #3: Cách đệ quy & nbsp; & nbsp;

    [0 [1[2.

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 78

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9[5 [6== 0Sum of all elements in given list: 74 00 Using enumerate function


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 01Sum of all elements in given list: 74 02 0

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 01Sum of all elements in given list: 74 02 [2___

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 97Sum of all elements in given list: 74 98Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3=Sum of all elements in given list: 74 01

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 03

    total = Sum of all elements in given list: 74 23Sum of all elements in given list: 74 7Sum of all elements in given list: 74 25 Using list comprehension 


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 1= 0

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9Sum of all elements in given list: 74 1Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3= list1 2

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 4Sum of all elements in given list: 74 45Sum of all elements in given list: 74 25

    Ví dụ #3: Cách đệ quy & nbsp; & nbsp; Using lambda function


    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 1= 0

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9Sum of all elements in given list: 74 1Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3= list1 2

    Ví dụ #3: Cách đệ quy & nbsp; & nbsp;


    [0 [1[2.

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 9[5 [6== 0Sum of all elements in given list: 74 00

    Ví dụ #3: Cách đệ quy & nbsp; & nbsp;

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 97Sum of all elements in given list: 74 98=Sum of all elements in given list: 74 98Sum of all elements in given list: 74 3Sum of all elements in given list: 74 710Sum of all elements in given list: 74 73

    Sum of all elements in given list: 74 5Sum of all elements in given list: 74 03

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