How do you get rid of a character in a string javascript?

Your first func is almost right. Just remove the 'g' flag which stands for 'global' (edit) and give it some context to spot the second 'r'.

Edit: didn't see it was the second 'r' before so added the '/'. Needs \/ to escape the '/' when using a regEx arg. Thanks for the upvotes but I was wrong so I'll fix and add more detail for people interested in understanding the basics of regEx better but this would work:

mystring.replace(/\/r/, '/')

Now for the excessive explanation:

When reading/writing a regEx pattern think in terms of: <a character or set of charcters> followed by <a character or set of charcters> followed by <...

In regEx <a character or set of charcters> could be one at a time:

/each char in this pattern/

So read as e, followed by a, followed by c, etc...

Or a single <a character or set of charcters> could be characters described by a character class:

/[123!y]/ //any one of these /[^123!y]/ //anything but one of the chars following '^' (very useful/performance enhancing btw)

Or expanded on to match a quantity of characters (but still best to think of as a single element in terms of the sequential pattern):

/a{2}/ //precisely two 'a' chars - matches identically as /aa/ would /[aA]{1,3}/ //1-3 matches of 'a' or 'A' /[a-zA-Z]+/ //one or more matches of any letter in the alphabet upper and lower //'-' denotes a sequence in a character class /[0-9]*/ //0 to any number of matches of any decimal character (/\d*/ would also work)

So smoosh a bunch together:

var rePattern = /[aA]{4,8}(Eat at Joes|Joes all you can eat)[0-5]+/g var joesStr = 'aaaAAAaaEat at Joes123454321 or maybe aAaAJoes all you can eat098765'; joesStr.match(rePattern); //returns ["aaaAAAaaEat at Joes123454321", "aAaAJoes all you can eat0"] //without the 'g' after the closing '/' it would just stop at the first match and return: //["aaaAAAaaEat at Joes123454321"]

And of course I've over-elaborated but my point was simply that this:


is a series of 3 pattern elements (a thing followed by a thing followed by a thing).

And so is this:

/[aA]{4,8}(Eat at Joes|Joes all you can eat)[0-5]+/

As wacky as regEx starts to look, it all breaks down to series of things (potentially multi-character things) following each other sequentially. Kind of a basic point but one that took me a while to get past so I've gone overboard explaining it here as I think it's one that would help the OP and others new to regEx understand what's going on. The key to reading/writing regEx is breaking it down into those pieces.

Given a string and the task is to remove a character from the given string.

Method 1: Using replace() method: The replace method is used to replace a specific character/string with other character/string. It takes two parameters, first is the string to be replaced and the second is the string which is to be replaced with. In this case, the first parameter is the character which is to be removed and the second parameter can be given as an empty string. This will remove the character from the string. This method removes the first occurrence of the string.


string.replace('characterToReplace', '');



<!DOCTYPE html>




        How to remove a character from

        string using Javascript?




    <h2 style="color: green">




        How to remove a character from

        a string using Javascript?


    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>


        New String is:

        <span class="output"></span>


    <button title="removeCharacter()">

        Remove Character


    <script type="text/javascript">

        function removeCharacter() {

            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';

            newString = originalString.replace('G', '');


                    = newString;






  • Before clicking the button:


  • After clicking the button:

Method 2: Using replace() method with a regular expression: This method is used to remove all occurrences of the specified character, unlike the previous method. A regular expression is used instead of the string along with the global property. It will select every occurrence in the string and it can be removed. 


string.replace(/regExp/g, '');



<!DOCTYPE html>




        How to remove a character from

        string using Javascript?




    <h2 style="color: green">




        How to remove a character from

        a string using Javascript?


    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>


        New String is:

        <span class="output"></span>


    <button title="removeCharacter()">

        Remove Character


    <script type="text/javascript">

        function removeCharacter() {

            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';

            newString = originalString.replace(/G/g, '');


                    = newString;






  • Before clicking the button:


  • After clicking the button:


Method 3: Removing the first or last character using slice() method: The slice() method is used to extract parts of a string between the given parameters. This method takes the starting index and the ending index of the string and returns the string in between these indices. If the ending index is not specified, it is assumed to be the length of the string. The first character could be removed by specifying the beginning index to be 1. It extracts the string from the second character up to the end of the string. The last character could be removed by specifying the ending index to be one less than the length of the string. This extracts the string from the beginning of the string to the second to last character.


// Removing the first character string.slice(1); // Removing the last character string.slice(0, string.length - 1);



<!DOCTYPE html>




        How to remove a character from

        string using Javascript?




    <h2 style="color: green">




        How to remove a character from

        a string using Javascript?


    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>


        First character removed string:

        <span class="output1"></span>



        Last character removed string:

        <span class="output2"></span>


    <button title="removeCharacter()">

        Remove Character


    <script type="text/javascript">

        function removeCharacter() {

            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';

            firstCharRemoved = originalString.slice(1);

            lastCharRemoved =

                originalString.slice(0, originalString.length - 1);


                    = firstCharRemoved;


                    = lastCharRemoved;






  • Before clicking the button:


  • After clicking the button:


Method 4: Removing a particular character at given index using substr() method: This method can be used to remove a character from a particular index in the string. The substr() method is used to extract parts of a string between the given parameters. This method takes two parameters, one is the starting index and the other is the ending index of the string. The string between these indices is returned. The portion of the string before and after the character to be removed is separated and joined together. This removes the character from the specific index.


string.substr(0, position - 1) + string.substr(position, string.length);



<!DOCTYPE html>




        How to remove a character from

        string using Javascript?




    <h2 style="color: green">




        How to remove a character from

        a string using Javascript?


    <p>Original string is GeeksforGeeks</p>


        New String is:

        <span class="output"></span>


    <button title="removeCharacter(6)">

        Remove Character


    <script type="text/javascript">

        function removeCharacter(position) {

            originalString = 'GeeksForGeeks';

            newString = originalString.substr(0, position - 1)

            + originalString.substr(position, originalString.length);

            document.querySelector('.output').textContent = newString;






  • Before clicking the button:


  • After clicking the button:


JavaScript is best known for web page development but it is also used in a variety of non-browser environments. You can learn JavaScript from the ground up by following this JavaScript Tutorial and JavaScript Examples.

How do I remove a character from a string?

Using 'str. replace() , we can replace a specific character. If we want to remove that specific character, replace that character with an empty string. The str. replace() method will replace all occurrences of the specific character mentioned.

How do I remove something from a string in JavaScript?

This can be used to remove text from either or both ends of the string..
Syntax. str.substr(start[, length]).
Example. let a = 'Hello world' console.log(a.substr(0, 5)) console.log(a.substr(6)) console.log(a.substr(4, 3)).
Output. This will give the output − Hello world o w. ... .
Syntax. str.replace(old, new).
Example. ... .

How do you delete an element from a string?

In Python you can use the replace() and translate() methods to specify which characters you want to remove from a string and return a new modified string result. It is important to remember that the original string will not be altered because strings are immutable.

Can we delete a character from a string in Java?

The idea is to use the deleteCharAt() method of StringBuilder class to remove first and the last character of a string. The deleteCharAt() method accepts a parameter as an index of the character you want to remove.

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