How do you escape a quote in python?

I have a python dictionary e.g.:

[{"pk":"1","name":"John","size":"1/4" "},{},{},etc]

That size is 1/4 inch,how would I "escape" that quote? So it still would display it as 1/4",

Its a list of things, so I cant just manually code it like 1/4\", I tried replace('"','\"')

EDIT: The orginal list is a textfield in my Django models:

[{'pk': '91', 'size': '', 'name': 'Thread Flat For BF', 'quantity': '2'}, {'pk': '90', 'size': '', 'name': 'Blade Holders Straight ', 'quantity': '26'},{'size':'3"','name':'2m 1/4" Round bar', 'quantity':'43'},{'size':'5','name':'2m 1/8" Round bar', 'quantity':'4'}]

Next step I have to prepare the list for jQuery, so I replace like this so its in the correct syntax for json. mat_list = manufactured_part.material_list.replace("'",'"')

Then I have this list:

[{"pk": "91", "size": "", "name": "Thread Flat For BF", "quantity": "2"}, {"pk": "90", "size": "", "name": "Blade Holders Straight ", "quantity": "26"},{"size':"3"","name':"2m 1/4" Round bar", "quantity":"43"},{"size":"5","name":"2m 1/8" Round bar", "quantity":"4"}]

So now the list is sent to the template and I loop through it with jquery, but the list is broken because of the " in the strings.

SO...I need to escape those " for the list to work, otherwise it has an obvious syntax error.

Hope this makes sense now.


💡 Outline
You can use \ to escape quotes in Python.
If you want to delay python program by 500 ms, then you need to pass 0.5 as parameter to sleep method.

s='Don\'t go'

print(s)//prints Don't go

Escape sequences are frequently used in programming. They are used to convey to the compiler that the escape character has some other alternative meaning and is not be treated in the traditional way.

In Python, the backslash character \ is used to convey escape sequences. The character that we want to escape is added immediately after this backslash.

In this article, we will discuss how to escape quotes in Python.

Table of Contents

  • Using \ to escape quotes in Python
  • Using \ with replace() to escape quotes in Python
  • Using json.dumps to escape quotes in Python
  • Using triple single or double quotes to escape quotes in python
  • Use r to include \ and quotes in String
    • Was this post helpful?

Using \ to escape quotes in Python

Now imagine that you have a string that you wish to print. This string contains a single quote as an apostrophe. The compiler will interpret this differently and raise an error and show syntax is invalid.

For example,

import json



Now since Python uses both single quotes and double quotes to store string value, we can use double quotes and the above problem would go away and if we deal with the same issue for double quotes then we can enclose them in single quotes. However, this is not an ideal solution to the problem.

For such situations, we can use escape sequences. We can use both single quotes or double quotes after a backlash character to include them in a string.

See the following code.

s='Don\'t use this way'

s1="Sample \"Sample\" Sample"



Don’t use this way Sample “Sample” Sample

Using \ with replace() to escape quotes in Python

We can also use the replace() function to insert escape quotes in a string. We simply replace the quotes with \".

For example,

s='sample "sample" sample'




sample “sample” sample

Using json.dumps to escape quotes in Python

Even the json.dumps() function from the json library, takes a string and returns a new string by adding two backslashes wherever it encounters double-quotes. Since two backslashes are added only one is considered as an escape sequence and the other gets printed.

For example,

import json

s='sample "sample" sample'



“sample \”sample\” sample”

We can use different combinations of characters with the \ to specify alternative meanings. For example, \n conveys a new line, \t creates a horizontal tab etc.

Using triple single or double quotes to escape quotes in python

There is another way to avoid this error and include the quotes in a string without using escape quotes. In Python, we can use triple single or double quotes to initiate multi-line strings. In multi-line strings we do not face this error.

For example,










The above method adds a space on the top and bottom of the string which can be removed by adding a backslash \ at the start and end of a string.

Use r to include \ and quotes in String

Now. what if we wish to include \ or quotes in the final string. For such cases, we can use the r keyword before specifying the string. The r keyword tells the compiler that it is dealing with a raw string. A raw string ignores all the formatting and escape sequences.

For example,

s=r'sample \'sample\' sample'



sample \’sample\’ sample

As you can see above, we were able to include the backslashes and everything in the final string.

That’s all about how to escape quotes in Python.

How do you escape a double quote in Python?

By using the escape character \" we are able to use double quotes to enclose a string that includes text quoted between double quotes. Similarly, we can use the escape character \' to add an apostrophe in a string that is enclosed in single quotes: print('Sammy\'s balloon is red. ')

How do you escape a quote from a string?

Single quotes need to be escaped by backslash in single-quoted strings, and double quotes in double-quoted strings.

How do you escape special characters in Python?

Escape sequences allow you to include special characters in strings. To do this, simply add a backslash ( \ ) before the character you want to escape.

How do you escape a single quote in SQL Python?

Use Literal Quoting Another SQL escape single quote method you can use in Oracle is “literal quoting”. This means you can put the letter “q” in front, followed by your escape character, then square brackets. This means that any quotes inside the square brackets are not escaped.