How do you convert sparse to matrix in python?

In Python, the Scipy library can be used to convert the 2-D NumPy matrix into a Sparse matrix. SciPy 2-D sparse matrix package for numeric data is scipy.sparse

The scipy.sparse package provides different Classes to create the following types of Sparse matrices from the 2-dimensional matrix:

  1. Block Sparse Row matrix
  2. A sparse matrix in COOrdinate format.
  3. Compressed Sparse Column matrix
  4. Compressed Sparse Row matrix
  5. Sparse matrix with DIAgonal storage
  6. Dictionary Of Keys based sparse matrix.
  7. Row-based list of lists sparse matrix
  8. This class provides a base class for all sparse matrices.

CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) or CSC (Compressed Sparse Column) formats support efficient access and matrix operations.

Example code to Convert Numpy matrix into Compressed Sparse Column(CSC) matrix & Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) matrix using Scipy classes:

import sys # Return the size of an object in bytes import numpy as np # To create 2 dimentional matrix from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, csc_matrix # csr_matrix: used to create compressed sparse row matrix from Matrix # csc_matrix: used to create compressed sparse column matrix from Matrix

create a 2-D Numpy matrix

A = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],\ [0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1],\ [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0]]) print("Dense matrix representation: \n", A) print("Memory utilised (bytes): ", sys.getsizeof(A)) print("Type of the object", type(A))

Print the matrix & other details:

Dense matrix representation: [[1 0 0 0 0 0] [0 0 2 0 0 1] [0 0 0 2 0 0]] Memory utilised (bytes): 184 Type of the object <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

Converting Matrix A to the Compressed sparse row matrix representation using csr_matrix Class:

S = csr_matrix(A) print("Sparse 'row' matrix: \n",S) print("Memory utilised (bytes): ", sys.getsizeof(S)) print("Type of the object", type(S))

The output of print statements:

Sparse 'row' matrix: (0, 0) 1 (1, 2) 2 (1, 5) 1 (2, 3) 2 Memory utilised (bytes): 56 Type of the object: <class 'scipy.sparse.csr.csc_matrix'>

Converting Matrix A to Compressed Sparse Column matrix representation using csc_matrix Class:

S = csc_matrix(A) print("Sparse 'column' matrix: \n",S) print("Memory utilised (bytes): ", sys.getsizeof(S)) print("Type of the object", type(S))

The output of print statements:

Sparse 'column' matrix: (0, 0) 1 (1, 2) 2 (2, 3) 2 (1, 5) 1 Memory utilised (bytes): 56 Type of the object: <class ''>

As it can be seen the size of the compressed matrices is 56 bytes and the original matrix size is 184 bytes.

For a more detailed explanation and code examples please refer to this article: //

In this article, we will step by step procedure to convert a regular matrix into a sparse matrix easily using Python.

Photo by Marco Pregnolato on Unsplash


Matrix is a type of data structure similar to an array where values are stored in rows and columns. Here, the values are of a unique type. When dealing with matrices (linear algebra) in Machine Learning and NLP, we often hear about two types of matrices as -

  • Dense Matrix — The matrix where most of the elements are non-zero. In this matrix, there are very few zero elements.
  • Sparse Matrix — In contrast, the matrix where most of the elements zero and very few elements are non-zero.

Note — There are no criteria as such how many zero values in a matrix determine that there is a need to sparse the matrix.

Algorithm Explanation

Imagine you have a large matrix with N rows and M columns in which most of the values are zeros. You are asked to consider only non-zero elements since zero elements do not add much value. Definitely, you have time and space constraints since you are dealing with a very large matrix.

The simple method here is to neglect all 0's and store the non-zero elements in the form of [ row_index, col_index, non-zero_value ].


  1. Iterate through each row of an input matrix.
  2. Iterate through each value of each row.
  3. If (value == 0) → skip.
  4. If (value != 0) → obtain the row number and thecolumn number along with the value from the input matrix.
  5. Save the result as [ row, column, value ] for every row and column.
  6. Stop.

Visual Explanation

Let’s say we are given a matrix that has most of the elements to be 0.

Image by Author

The following GIF explains how to obtain the sparse matrix.

GIF by Author

Time to Code

In this section, we will try to code this in two different ways. One, with the help of the scipy module and another, implementing our own sparse matrix.

Let’s get started …

Necessary Imports

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

Random Matrix Creation

Just for the demonstration, we will make sure that the matrix contains 0 elements the most.

>>> mat = np.random.randint(low=0, high=3, size=(5, 5))
>>> print(mat)
[[2 2 0 2 0]
[2 1 0 0 2]
[2 1 0 1 0]
[0 1 2 0 2]
[0 1 2 2 1]]

SCIPY Implementation

With the help of the method, csr_matrix() we can easily obtain the sparse matrix.

>>> smat = csr_matrix(mat)
>>> print(smat)
(0, 0) 2
(0, 1) 2
(0, 3) 2
(1, 0) 2
(1, 1) 1
(1, 4) 2
(2, 0) 2
(2, 1) 1
(2, 3) 1
(3, 1) 1
(3, 2) 2
(3, 4) 2
(4, 1) 1
(4, 2) 2
(4, 3) 2
(4, 4) 1

We can think of a dictionary in python which is a key and value paired. The above output is something like a dictionary where keys are the index location (row, column) and values are the actual non-zero elements.

Custom Implementation

In order to implement it from scratch, we can follow the Algorithmic approach that I have explained previously.

class SparseMatrix():
def __init__(self, arr):
self.arr = arr
def retain_sparsity(self, to_dict=False):
sparse_mat = [
[rindx, cindx, val]
for (rindx, row) in enumerate(self.arr)
for (cindx, val) in enumerate(row)
if (val != 0)
if to_dict:
sparse_mat = {(r, c) : v for (r, c, v) in sparse_mat}
return sparse_mat

The above class SparseMatrix() has a method retain_sparsity wherein the default argument to_dict is False. The argument to_dict is used whether to get the output in the form of dictionary or not.

Object Creation

sparse = SparseMatrix(arr=mat)

Output — List

>>> smat_c = sparse.retain_sparsity()
>>> print(smat_c)
[[0, 0, 2],
[0, 1, 2],
[0, 3, 2],
[1, 0, 2],
[1, 1, 1],
[1, 4, 2],
[2, 0, 2],
[2, 1, 1],
[2, 3, 1],
[3, 1, 1],
[3, 2, 2],
[3, 4, 2],
[4, 1, 1],
[4, 2, 2],
[4, 3, 2],
[4, 4, 1]]

Output — dictionary

>>> smat_d = sparse.retain_sparsity(to_dict=True)
>>> print(smat_d)
{(0, 0): 2,
(0, 1): 2,
(0, 3): 2,
(1, 0): 2,
(1, 1): 1,
(1, 4): 2,
(2, 0): 2,
(2, 1): 1,
(2, 3): 1,
(3, 1): 1,
(3, 2): 2,
(3, 4): 2,
(4, 1): 1,
(4, 2): 2,
(4, 3): 2,
(4, 4): 1}


  • When we have space constraints while working with large matrices, it is often preferred to convert the matrix into sparse representation and this really takes less space comparatively the original matrix.
  • In fact, we can check the space (in bytes) occupied by the original matrix mat and the sparse matrix.
>>> from sys import getsizeof
>>> # checking the space of original matrix
>>> getsizeof(mat)
>>> # checking the space of scipy sparse matrix
>>> getsizeof(smat)
>>> # checking the custom implementation sparse matrix
>>> getsizeof(smat_c)
  • What we can observe is, the scipy method consumes less space than our custom method. It is because scipy is an optimized well-developed library mainly used for various scientific computations.
  • It is always better to use library methods than our own code to achieve faster results with fewer space constraints.

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How do you convert a sparse to a matrix?

Get the matrix with most of its elements as 0..
Create a new 2D array to store the Sparse Matrix of only 3 columns (Row, Column, Value)..
Iterate through the Matrix, and check if an element is non zero. ... .
After each insertion, increment the value of variable length(here 'len')..

How do you convert data to sparse matrix in python?

Algorithm Explanation.
Iterate through each row of an input matrix..
Iterate through each value of each row ..
If (value == 0) → skip..
If (value != 0) → obtain the row number and the column number along with the value from the input matrix..
Save the result as [ row , column , value ] for every row and column ..

How do you convert a sparse matrix to a dense matrix?

A dense matrix stored in a NumPy array can be converted into a sparse matrix using the CSR representation by calling the csr_matrix() function.

What does Toarray () do in Python?

toarray. Return a dense ndarray representation of this matrix. Whether to store multidimensional data in C (row-major) or Fortran (column-major) order in memory.

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