How do you check rows in python?

How do I get the row count of a Pandas DataFrame?

This table summarises the different situations in which you'd want to count something in a DataFrame (or Series, for completeness), along with the recommended method(s).

How do you check rows in python?


  1. DataFrame.count returns counts for each column as a Series since the non-null count varies by column.
  2. DataFrameGroupBy.size returns a Series, since all columns in the same group share the same row-count.
  3. DataFrameGroupBy.count returns a DataFrame, since the non-null count could differ across columns in the same group. To get the group-wise non-null count for a specific column, use df.groupby(...)['x'].count() where "x" is the column to count.

Minimal Code Examples

Below, I show examples of each of the methods described in the table above. First, the setup -

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'A': list('aabbc'), 'B': ['x', 'x', np.nan, 'x', np.nan]})
s = df['B'].copy()


   A    B
0  a    x
1  a    x
2  b  NaN
3  b    x
4  c  NaN


0      x
1      x
2    NaN
3      x
4    NaN
Name: B, dtype: object

Row Count of a DataFrame: len(df), df.shape[0], or len(df.index)

# 5

# 5

# 5

It seems silly to compare the performance of constant time operations, especially when the difference is on the level of "seriously, don't worry about it". But this seems to be a trend with other answers, so I'm doing the same for completeness.

Of the three methods above, len(df.index) (as mentioned in other answers) is the fastest.


  • All the methods above are constant time operations as they are simple attribute lookups.
  • df.shape (similar to ndarray.shape) is an attribute that returns a tuple of (# Rows, # Cols). For example, df.shape returns (8, 2) for the example here.

Column Count of a DataFrame: df.shape[1], len(df.columns)

# 2

# 2

Analogous to len(df.index), len(df.columns) is the faster of the two methods (but takes more characters to type).

Row Count of a Series: len(s), s.size, len(s.index)

# 5

# 5

# 5

s.size and len(s.index) are about the same in terms of speed. But I recommend len(df).

Note size is an attribute, and it returns the number of elements (=count of rows for any Series). DataFrames also define a size attribute which returns the same result as df.shape[0] * df.shape[1].

Non-Null Row Count: DataFrame.count and Series.count

The methods described here only count non-null values (meaning NaNs are ignored).

Calling DataFrame.count will return non-NaN counts for each column:


A    5
B    3
dtype: int64

For Series, use Series.count to similar effect:

# 3

Group-wise Row Count: GroupBy.size

For DataFrames, use DataFrameGroupBy.size to count the number of rows per group.


a    2
b    2
c    1
dtype: int64

Similarly, for Series, you'll use SeriesGroupBy.size.


a    2
b    2
c    1
Name: B, dtype: int64

In both cases, a Series is returned. This makes sense for DataFrames as well since all groups share the same row-count.

Group-wise Non-Null Row Count: GroupBy.count

Similar to above, but use GroupBy.count, not GroupBy.size. Note that size always returns a Series, while count returns a Series if called on a specific column, or else a DataFrame.

The following methods return the same thing:


a    2
b    2
c    1
Name: B, dtype: int64

Meanwhile, for count, we have


a  2
b  1
c  0

...called on the entire GroupBy object, vs.,


a    2
b    1
c    0
Name: B, dtype: int64

Called on a specific column.

How do I see rows and columns in Python?

To get the number of rows, and columns we can use len(df. axes[]) function in Python.

Is there a row function in Python?

Row mode. In this mode, the process(row) function receives the input row as a dict and returns a Python dictionary. All columns and values of the input row are replaced by the keys and values of the dictionary. Modifying the input dictionary in place and returning it is supported.

How do you select specific rows in Python?

You can use one of the following methods to select rows in a pandas DataFrame based on column values:.
Method 1: Select Rows where Column is Equal to Specific Value df. loc[df['col1'] == value].
Method 2: Select Rows where Column Value is in List of Values. df. ... .
Method 3: Select Rows Based on Multiple Column Conditions df..

How do I see all the rows in a DataFrame in Python?

A function set_option() is provided by pandas to display all rows of the data frame. display. max_rows represents the maximum number of rows that pandas will display while displaying a data frame. The default value of max_rows is 10.