How do you add a period in python?

You need to concatenate it:

print first_name, "was born on", month, day+',', year, "."

UPDATE: as @sr2222 points out, this will print an extra space before the period. If you want to avoid it (and assuming that year is a string):

print first_name, "was born on", month, day+',', year + "."

This is what I have written so far:

length = len(input("What is your name?\n"))

print("The length of your name is ",length,".")

Now, this is my output:

    What is your name?
    The length of your name is  5 .

I would like my output to be like the following: "The length of your name is 5."

As you can imagine, by placing a comma next to the Integer length, I have an extra space I would like to take care of. I am new to Python so I do not really know how to solve this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am only three weeks into my Intro to Programming course, so bear with me!

Nội dung chính

  • How do you add a period to a string in Python?
  • Problem Formulation
  • Solution With Separator Argument
  • Solution Without Separator Argument
  • Solution to Print List of Strings Without Empty Space
  • Where to Go From Here?
  • How do you add a period without space in Python?
  • How do you add a period in Python?
  • How do you print a dot without space in Python?
  • How do you avoid spaces in Python?
  • How do you put a period in Python?
  • How do you remove spaces in Python output?
  • How do you print on the same line in Python without space?

Nội dung chính

  • How do you add a period to a string in Python?
  • Problem Formulation
  • Solution With Separator Argument
  • Solution Without Separator Argument
  • Solution to Print List of Strings Without Empty Space
  • Where to Go From Here?
  • How do you add a period without space in Python?
  • How do you add a period in Python?
  • How do you print a dot without space in Python?
  • How do you avoid spaces in Python?

I am writing a code as follows:

number1 = input('Enter the first number: ')
number1 = int(number1)
number2 = input('Enter the second number: ')
number2 = int(number2)
number3 = input('Enter the third number: ')
number3 = int(number3)
ratio12 = int(number1 / number2)
ratio13 = int(number1 / number3)
ratio23 = int(number2 / number3)
print('The ratio of', + number1, '+', + number2,'is', + ratio12, '.')
print('The ratio of', + number1, '+', + number3,'is', + ratio13, '.')
print('The ratio of', + number2, '+', + number3,'is', + ratio23, '.')

The code is functional (finally), but I can't seem to get rid of the space before the period on the print statements. Is there a way that I can do that?

This is what I have written so far:

length = len(input("What is your name?\n"))

print("The length of your name is ",length,".")

Now, this is my output:

    What is your name?
    The length of your name is  5 .

I would like my output to be like the following: "The length of your name is 5."

As you can imagine, by placing a comma next to the Integer length, I have an extra space I would like to take care of. I am new to Python so I do not really know how to solve this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

print('The ratio of ' + str(number1) + ' + ' + str(number2) + ' is ' + str(ration12) + '. ') This way is probably the most basic way. It will join the strings without adding any characters in between them (e.g. no spaces in between unless you add them explicitly.)25 янв. 2017 г.

How do you add a period to a string in Python?

You can "add" (concatenate) the period character to the end of the string. For example: "Harpreet is learning Python" + "!" # This code returns "Harpreet is learning Python!"

  • Problem Formulation
  • Solution With Separator Argument
  • Solution Without Separator Argument
  • Solution to Print List of Strings Without Empty Space
  • Where to Go From Here?

Problem Formulation

Python’s print() function allows an arbitrary number of comma-separated values and prints them to the shell, separated by a single empty space character ‘ ‘.

The following example shows how you pass four string values as arguments into the print() function:

>>> print('learn', 'python', 'with', 'finxter')
learn python with finxter

The resulting shell output has an added empty space character ' ' to separate those four values.

How to print without the extra space?

Solution With Separator Argument

To print multiple values or variables without the default single space character in between, use the print() function with the optional separator keyword argument sep and set it to the empty string ''. For example, the statement print('hello', 'world', sep='') prints helloworld without the added empty space separator character.

>>> print('learn', 'python', 'with', 'finxter', sep='')

Per default, the separator keyword argument is set to the empty space sep=' '. You can also set it to any other string such as sep='-foo-' to obtain the following code:

>>> print('learn', 'python', 'with', 'finxter', sep='-foo-')

To learn more about the print function and its not very well-known arguments, feel free to watch my explainer video here:

Python Print Function [And Its SECRET Separator & End Arguments]

Solution Without Separator Argument

To print multiple values or variables without the default single space character in between without explicitly overwriting the default separator argument, merge the multiple values using string concatenation before printing a single string. For example, the statement print('hello' + 'world') prints helloworld without the added empty space separator character.

>>> print('learn' + 'python' + 'with' + 'finxter')

While this solution doesn’t need a separator argument and a comma-separated argument list, it does need the plus operator + to concatenate two strings repeatedly until only one string is left. This can be tedious to write—and it may not be the most efficient solution due to the repeated creation of a new string based on two old string objects.

Solution to Print List of Strings Without Empty Space

To print a list of strings without an empty space as a separator, you have two options:

  • Use the separator argument sep='' like so: print(*str_list, sep='')
  • Merge the list into a single string using string.join() like so: print(''.join(str_list))

You can find the first way using unpacking here:

>>> str_list = ['learn', 'python', 'with', 'finxter']
>>> print(*str_list, sep='')

And the second way using string.join() here:

>>> str_list = ['learn', 'python', 'with', 'finxter']
>>> print(''.join(str_list))

To learn more about this, feel free to read my tutorial on the string.join() method.

Python String Methods [Ultimate Guide]

Where to Go From Here?

Enough theory. Let’s get some practice!

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While working as a researcher in distributed systems, Dr. Christian Mayer found his love for teaching computer science students.

To help students reach higher levels of Python success, he founded the programming education website He’s author of the popular programming book Python One-Liners (NoStarch 2020), coauthor of the Coffee Break Python series of self-published books, computer science enthusiast, freelancer, and owner of one of the top 10 largest Python blogs worldwide.

His passions are writing, reading, and coding. But his greatest passion is to serve aspiring coders through Finxter and help them to boost their skills. You can join his free email academy here.

How do you add a period without space in Python?

print('The ratio of ' + str(number1) + ' + ' + str(number2) + ' is ' + str(ration12) + '. ') This way is probably the most basic way. It will join the strings without adding any characters in between them (e.g. no spaces in between unless you add them explicitly.)

How do you add a period in Python?

You can "add" (concatenate) the period character to the end of the string. For example: "Harpreet is learning Python" + "!" # This code returns "Harpreet is learning Python!"

How do you print a dot without space in Python?

“how to print without space in python 3” Code Answer's.

>>> print("a","b","c").

a b c..

>>> print("a","b","c",sep="").

How do you avoid spaces in Python?

Python String strip() function will remove leading and trailing whitespaces. If you want to remove only leading or trailing spaces, use lstrip() or rstrip() function instead.

How do you put a period in Python?

Put quotation marks around it. print first_name, "was born on", month, day+',', year +'. '

How do you remove spaces in Python output?

strip(): The strip() method is the most commonly accepted method to remove whitespaces in Python. It is a Python built-in function that trims a string by removing all leading and trailing whitespaces.

How do you print on the same line in Python without space?

The end=”” is used to print on same line without space. Keeping the doube quotes empty merge all the elements together in the same line.

How do you add a period at the end of a sentence in Python?

Put quotation marks around it. print first_name, "was born on", month, day+',', year +'. '

How do you add a period without space in Python?

The ways are as follows..
Concatenate the string. print('The ratio of ' + str(number1) + ' + ' + str(number2) + ' is ' + str(ration12) + '. ') ... .
Pass print multiple arguments. print('The ratio of', number1, '+', number2, 'is', ration12, '. ') ... .
Use string formatting. print('The ratio of {} + {} is {}.'..

Can a Python variable have a period?

With the exception of Cookie and Client scope variables, which must always be simple variable types, you cannot normally include periods in simple variable names.

How do you print a period next to a variable in Python?

print (str(a)+" + "+str(b)+" is equal to "+str(i)+". ")