Grand plastic surgery south korea reviews năm 2024

Discover how you can get an affordable facelift in South Korea with our top-quality surgeons. More people per capita have plastic surgery here than anywhere else in the world, so surgeons here have a lot of experience, especially when it comes to face surgery.

Modern facelifts are entirely different to how they were 20 years ago, and now many people opt not for a full facelift, but for a lower or mid facelift, depending on what their particular problem area is. Tailor-made treatments are now the norm, providing better outcomes and a much more natural look.

Why should I get a facelift in South Korea?

Since the 1988 Seoul Olympics boosted South Korea’s economy and started an economic success story that has transformed the country into a modern, technology-driven tour-de-force there has been somewhat of a cosmetic surgery boom.

Plastic surgery is big news here – and not only is it big news, it is considered a totally acceptable part of life, in the same way as going to the hairdressers. Travel through Seoul’s fashionable Gangnam District and you’ll spot plastic surgery clinics and beauty parlors on every street corner, while on Seoul’s subway, seeing bandaged faces following nose jobs and other cosmetic surgery procedures isn’t unusual.

South Korea offers international patients excellent healthcare facilities and surgeons who have the qualifications, skills and know-how to deliver good-quality care. The Government is investing in medical tourism, ensuring their services match up to the high expectations of international patients.

The country certainly has a lot to offer, but when undertaking any medical procedure, it is always wise to do your own research – especially so when it comes to facial surgery. Cosmetic surgery is considered to be a combination of art and science, and a good cosmetic surgeon will be able to give you a facelift that is natural – enhancing your beauty rather than changing you into someone unrecognizable.

You should ask to see photos of any prospective surgeon’s work, and to check out other credentials. Medical Departures can help in giving you information on certain aspects – for example, we precheck criminal records, doctor qualifications, professional memberships and patient reviews. We also visit clinics and take high-definition clinic photos to publish on our site. We give you as much information as we can about these important aspects, and only list those we are happy with, so that our patients can choose with a degree of certainty that their surgeon and clinic measure up.

How long does a facelift take?

The procedure could take as little as 2 hours, up to 8 hours, depending on the extent of the work done.

What is the recovery time for a facelift?

Following surgery your face will feel tight, swollen and bruised. It may be several weeks before you feel well enough to return to work, although if you have a mini-lift it may only be a week.

You will need to take things easy. No bending or lifting for the first few weeks, and you may find it more comfortable to sleep on your back, and slightly elevated. It will be 6 weeks to 2 months before you can indulge in any vigorous exercise and up to 6 months before your facelift has fully settled.

What is the cost of a facelift in South Korea compared to Australia?

Facelifts in South Korea are around 50% of the price they are in Australia.

What now?

Find out more about our surgeons and clinics and how affordable they are.

If you’re ready to book a facelift in South Korea see below for ways to arrange an appointment, or get in touch with Customer Services if you’ve any questions.

The day of my surgery I was so excited, I was not nervous even a little bit, my time had come for me to get the surgery that I had thought about some time. Main factor was to choose the right clinic for myself and when I found that my husband got a job in Korea, I decided it is a sign to do it in Seoul vs Germany, since it is a Mecca of plastic surgeries. Now the most important part was to choose a right place and my criteria was to “feel” my doctor during consultation I want him to be experience, confident and exited for the best result for me. I found MY doctor in Grand Plastic Surgery hospital and immediately schedule the surgeries. I decided to do two main procedure at once to avoid going under general anesthesia twice, from my previous experience I remember how long it took for me to recover from anesthesia’s side effects. Now the day has come! I thought that I was both mentally and physically prepared. Looking back I was both prepared as well as not prepared. I arrived and everything went like clockwork with the staff at the Grand Plastic, I was prepped and taken in for surgery. In total it took around 6 hours. After my procedures were done I awoke to being in pain, of course this I expected. Unfortunately I have a low thrush hold for pain, just meditation, positive thoughts and final image of improved self helped me to be strong during most critical first 24 hours. For some reason a tremendous source of the pain was coming from the cartridge of my right ear where I believe the bandage was the cause, it wasn’t a surgical site. I asked to stay overnight in Grand Plastic, since I knew my pain would be enormous and I hoped in a hospital I would get better care during first hours of recovery vs at home. After surgery, I was moved to a single person room, nice room and the privacy was much enjoyed by that time of the day. I found it difficult to sleep but I was expecting this, it is hard to find a comfortable position after what my body was just put through. The bright spot for me was knowing that each day after I would feel a little bit better until the pain was just a memory. Another good thing about the private room was that I did not keep anybody else awake. I couldn’t have predicted what issues I might have in the first night after my surgery but I had a positive attitude about having my procedures done and knew that I was getting the best results at the end of this journey with Grand Plastic Surgery. I could see through all this bruising and swelling and see a beautiful ‘Cinderella’ on the other end. If there was one thing that I had wished I had the first night was a large box of fruit popsicles to help with how tender my throat was after the tube that was placed in for the surgery and down a fever. Morning came and like the sun rising my mood did as well. I was look forward to my first treatment. The nurse was very caring person, I am so thankful to her, she did try to be as soft as she could to minimize my pain during the changing of all the dressings. Day shift of care givers were very helpful. They was able to provide a thermometer to confirm what I already knew, I was running a fever along with some much appreciated ice packs to help cool me. Even small stuff as a smile from them or any positive words were appreciated. Morning also brought the return of my English speaking consultants/interpreters. They had been fantastic through all of my getting prepared for surgery. From my very first visit they presented themselves in such a professional (yet personal) manner and helpful role, I can’t say enough good things about my interactions with them. Just wonderful people, who like their job and truly care for the best of the patient’s needs. Despite my being short on patience and feeling very irritable from the pain, they were still there and literally held my hand the day following my surgery and had the patience to keep answer all my questions again and again without once show me that they could be irritated by it. They also kept my family updated on my status since I did not have any contact with them and when finally I got my wallet, they ordered and brought me my lunch. I know that I made the right choice going with Grand Plastic Surgery. All of my research ensured that I had picked the top choice in this part of the world to use for my procedures. I’m home now and feeling better each day. Especially since I could control pain and fever better. Even so, my weakness and fever is still here but I am confident that like the pain it will pass as well day after day. Now I am concentrating on best recovery and follow all doctor’s guidance’s to the letter. No regrets having my surgeries on face and breast lifting. Cinderella story on the way to happy end!

One month later: Today marks the 4 weeks after my surgery. Minus all the bandaging, itchiness, not being able to take shower and occasional feverish / cold feelings, I look great! My face has a youthful glow that I recall from my college years and I love having it again. I got face lift, fat injections and removing the bags under my eyes and breast lift. At first, I thought it is too much to get it all done at once. However, I am so happy that I listened to the doctor and chose to go with Grand. I expected great things and yet this has surpassed my expectations. I still have the tape on my incisions that is now skin tone and can hardly be seen, but will help to minimize the visual scaring. Most of the 'scars' are really just faint lines on my skin. After the breast lift, my breasts are now even perkier than when I was a teenager, needless to say they have gotten my husband's full attention. I can totally rock a t-shirt braless, I can't wait to visit the beach next month. It is a shame that I can't post pictures of the before and after of my breast due to privacy requirements, trust me they are truly remarkable! Doctor told me to still be careful but I cannot wait to get out in the sun and by the beach to enjoy my new younger look and body. I will keep you posted about my recovery progress.

Is South Korea good for plastic surgery?

South Korea holds the title of being the No. 1 country for plastic surgery, with an estimated one in five South Koreans having some kind of plastic surgery.

What is the most famous plastic surgery clinic in Korea?

Check the hospital ranking based on requests and 19 reviews to pick the right Plastic Surgery clinic for you..

Most Popular Clinic for Plastic Surgery. ... .

VG Plastic Surgery. ... .

Onlif Plastic Surgery Korea. ... .

SAERO Plastic Surgery. ... .

Samsung Medical Center. ... .

Banobagi Clinic. ... .

Ewha Womans University Medical Center. ... .

Severance Hospital..

Is Korea number 1 for plastic surgery?

According to ISESP data as of 2021, South Korea has estimated the highest number of plastic surgery cases per capita in the world.

Which country is best for plastic surgery?

Top 10 Countries for Plastic Surgery.

South Korea. Leading the pack is South Korea, which boasts the highest percentage of plastic surgeries performed worldwide. ... .

Brazil. Brazil has also earned a well-deserved reputation for its exceptional skills in implants and liposuction. ... .

Mexico. ... .

Greece. ... .

Italy. ... .

Thailand. ... .

India. ... .


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