Fate grand order martha ruler review năm 2024

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She has incredible ruler-class durability and does a decent amount of damage with a triple buster deck. She's a great generalist for any type of content. She's also a 4* so it's slightly easier to get her.

Definitely worth NP2 for me.

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If you're rolling for game play she isn't really worth it. I'm surprised so many people seem to love her, there are VERY few situations where you will actually use her over something else realistically.

Roll for rider Mordred when she is on solo rate up in a few days, you will get A LOT of use out of a good AoE rider.

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Rider Mordred is way worse than martha. You have to build around Moedred specifically. IE having a tamamo or nero bride to make her deal any kind of damage. You can farm caster hands or dailies with any other Aoe Servant. Not mention mordred lacks any substantial steroid on her own. Martha is just fire and forget. Spam 3 buster Cards and go to town on them.

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I'm curious what exactly do you think she isn't good for? Her only real weakness is low damage to non divine/demonic/undead enimies but those 3 catagories cover a lot and she has ruler class making her nigh unkillable with a functional 22k hp and 3k heal(6k functionally) she does well against basically any high difficulty content even if she doesn't farm the fastest(though even at that role her anti demonic trait makes her good for farming hearts which everyone knows you need to do a lot as a bonus it works against Sphinx due to their divine trait too).

All in all she's a great all round servant with no real weakness save the rare avenger and can compete with 5*s against divine/demonic/undead enimies so I really see no reason you wouldn't use her over other servants.

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It's not so much that she isn't good for things, rather she is almost never the best option.

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But how many people have the top tier servants in every class my guess is not many and as a ruler class Martha can fill any hole in coverage you may have.

Though if you want to go by the "best option" all you really end up with is Gil, Jalter, Raikou, or Ozzy and whatever support is most applicable for the current mission and all other servants are lesser - not exactly a helpful standard to go by as it just leaves you with 5-9 servants to value and just ignore everyone else and Mash aside 4*s are essentially entirely knocked out of the pool of servants to roll for.

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But that's just it though - for a f2p player, if we are only going on gameplay value (which, while not the most important thing, is usually a consideration), it is much wiser to save for Gil, Merlin and Jalter this year rather than spend on Martha, with how limited quartz can be and how rare these servants are. Of course, if OP doesn't like any of these servants and would rather have Martha, or if they're willing to hedge their bets and roll for them all rather than maximising their chances at a few, there's nothing wrong with that. But when there are servants that consistently outperform almost all others, it makes more sense for a f2p with less control over the amount of quartz they have to prioritise those rather than going for servants which are simply "above average".

In the end the difference is minimal though. Hence, "roll for who you like" ends up being the creed. Bear in mind all this is coming from someone who dropped 210 quartz for Tamamo despite Jalter being (presumably) a month or 2 away and Merlin and Gil coming in the end of the year.

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Honestly, as far as aoe riders are concerned, you will always find a bunch of drakes in the friend list and she is much better than mordred. And yes, mordred does usually require help from other servants, either to charge her Np the first time or to improve her damage. Imo none of the summer events are actually worth it over Jalter or Merlin.

Martha has the lowest attack of any 4* Rider. This is not a good thing, though when you consider she’s basically a Caster in disguise, her low attack seems a little less problematic. Just a little. She has high HP to offset her low attack, of course, and her star gen and star weight are fairly standard for a Rider, though with her low hit counts and single quick card, she won’t be generating many stars. She has quite good NP gain between her natural gain and her three arts cards—something, again, much more typical of a Caster than a Rider. Do note, though, that Riders have naturally high star weight, so she may end up drawing in stars you’d rather have go to your main damage-dealer.

All three of Martha’s skills are support-oriented. They’re a decent 4* Caster skillset. …Except, y’know, on a Rider. Protection of the Faith is an okay self-heal. Debuff resistance is forgettable and the recovery itself isn’t especially high, so this is Martha’s least interesting skill. Miracle’s biggest advantage is actually not the healing—it’s the party debuff clear. The debuff clear works on Jeanne’s and Tamamo Cat’s self-inflicted stuns, so this skill synergizes quite well with them. The heal itself is basically negligible, especially at lower levels. Post-Strengthening-Quest, the heal does have a little more value—it’s a total of 6000 HP to your party at level 10. That’s a pretty hefty investment, though, and I’m going to guess you’ll have other servants with better skills by the time level 10 skills are a possibility. Vow of the Saintess is probably Martha’s best skill. The buff clear is situationally useful, and defense down is always a nice effect, especially as it can be stacked with Martha’s Noble Phantasm to further boost your party’s damage.

Martha has three passives to her name. Magic resistance is as boring as ever, but Martha boasts one of the highest levels of Riding in the game… with only one Quick card that benefits from it. Still, an 11.5% boost to that card is great for when you happen to use it. Divinity is a flat damage boost, so there’s nothing to complain about there.

And then we have Martha’s Noble Phantasm, which is pretty much the entire justification for her being a Rider, and which is also easily my favorite part of her character. She summons a freaking tarrasque—the pretty-much-immortal destroyer of campaigns, able to crush a level 20 party with ease. As someone who has been part of more than a few D&D campaigns, I find this greatly entertaining. And yes, I know the Tarasque and a tarrasque are slightly different things—let me have my fun.

Anyway, it’s a pretty typical AoE Buster NP on a rather weak character. The real benefit here is the defense-down effect—this is an NP to place before a single-target NP (like Vlad’s or Herc’s) in a chain to boost the damage of the latter. The damage is underwhelming, sure, but it’s better to look at it as a defense-down you can spam fairly easily that also has some damage tacked on than as a straight damage-oriented NP.

Great for clearing the QP daily, though.

In conclusion: Martha is a good early addition to Arts teams. She’s very much outclassed as time goes on, but she can definitely hold her own, especially early game. Plus she has a pet tarrasque.

Who is the best servant in fate grand order?

Fate Grand Order: Best 5-Star Servants In The Game.

1 Scathach-Skadi (Caster).

2 Merlin (Caster) ... .

3 Zhuge Liang (Caster) ... .

4 Space Ishtar (Avenger) ... .

5 Arjuna (Alter, Berserker) ... .

6 Kama (Assassin) ... .

7 Nero Claudius (Bride, Saber) ... .

8 Tamamo-No-Mae (Caster) ... .

Is Martha a good rider?

Martha's an odd servant in that she's essentially a caster in all but classification. She's also the best rider in the game at this point in time, mostly because she doesn't have much competition yet.

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