Distance between two words python

Suppose we have two strings, word0, and word1 and a text. We have to find the smallest distance between any two occurrences of word0 and word1 in the given text. Here the distance is measured in number of words. If they are not present in the text then return -1.

So, if the input is like text = "cat dog abcd dog cat cat abcd dog wxyz", word0 = "abcd", word1 = "wxyz", then the output will be 1, as there is one word "dog" between "abcd" and "wxyz"

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • word_list := a list of words from text
  • ans := size of word_list
  • L := null
  • for R in range 0 to size of word_list - 1, do
    • if word_list[R] is word0 or word_list[R] is word1, then
      • if L is not null and word_list[R] is not word_list[L], then
        • ans := minimum of ans and R - L - 1
      • L := R
  • return -1 if ans is same as size of word_list otherwise ans

Let us see the following implementation to get better understanding −


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class Solution:    def solve(self, text, word0, word1):       word_list = text.split()       ans = len(word_list)       L = None       for R in range(len(word_list)):          if word_list[R] == word0 or word_list[R] == word1:             if L is not None and word_list[R] != word_list[L]:                ans = min(ans, R - L - 1)                L = R       return -1 if ans == len(word_list) else ans ob = Solution() text = "cat dog abcd dog cat cat abcd dog wxyz" word0 = "abcd" word1 = "wxyz" print(ob.solve(text, word0, word1))


"cat dog abcd dog cat cat abcd dog wxyz", "abcd", "wxyz"



Updated on 22-Sep-2020 11:25:39

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How do you find the distance between two words in Python?

Smallest Distance Between Two Words in Python.
word_list := a list of words from text..
ans := size of word_list..
L := null..
for R in range 0 to size of word_list - 1, do. if word_list[R] is word0 or word_list[R] is word1, then. ... .
return -1 if ans is same as size of word_list otherwise ans..

How do you find the distance between two strings?

There are several ways to measure the distance between two strings. The simplest one is to use hamming distance to find the number of mismatch between two strings. However, the two strings must have the same length.

How do you find the distance between two characters in Python?

You can just use the str. index(char, [beg, end]) method to retrieve the position of a character inside a string. The method allows you to add a beginning and end position that you can use to check for the different occurrences. Using multiple lines you could avoid calling the s.

What is levenshtein distance in Python?

Levenshtein distance is a lexical similarity measure which identifies the distance between one pair of strings. It does so by counting the number of times you would have to insert, delete or substitute a character from string 1 to make it like string 2.

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