Cài đặt sql server 2023 lỗi restart computer failed năm 2024

When installing Microsoft SQL server the installer runs through a series of checks before installing to make sure that all the required components are present and the server is ready for the install.. A couple of times recently I’ve received the following error: Setup Support Rules – Restart Computer – Failed

This is because there is a pending restart – updates or program (un)installation has left the server with a list of files to be moved, renamed or deleted on the next reboot. This happens because some files may be in use by the system so cannot be changed while the OD is running. There’s at least two solutions to this error:

  • Reboot the server and then attempt the SQL install. This is probably the ‘best’ answer as it will allow the pending file operations to be carried out, returning the OS to a consistent state. Sometimes though this won’t fix the problem.
  • There are two registry values that need to be cleared to get past this error:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired

You can either simply delete the data from these values, or if you’re more cautious you’ll export the keys and reimport after installing SQL.

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SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) setup failed or requires restart

  • Article
  • 03/03/2023

In this article

When facing SSMS installation problems, common error messages include:

  • "Failed to install MSI package"
  • "Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server: A previous installation required a reboot of the machine for changes to take effect."
  • "Fatal error during installation (0x80070643)"

Suggested resolution

Following these steps to uninstall the "Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server" before beginning the SSMS installation commonly allows the setup to succeed if it has previously failed with one of the above or similar error messages.

Trying to install SQL Server 2008 Developer edition setup fails at the Setup Support Rules page on the Rule "Restart Computer". The following error message appear on screen: "Restart computer failed".

We made a click to the hyperlink on the failed status to view the reason for the failed status:

Rule "Restart Computer" failed. A computer restart is required. You must restart this computer before installing SQL Server.

The error message asks for a computer restart, but after rebooting the computer many times, setup keeps failing on the same step.


In general, a previous program installation created pending file operations on the installation machine.

In our case, we found that successive attempts to complete a group policy installation of a Lexmark printer software was originating the problem.

2. Mở thộc tính file Shortcut lên bằng cách: Bấm chuột phải vào file Shortcut vừa tạo > Chọn Properties như hình dưới:

3. Tại Tab "Shortcut" dán dòng lệnh màu vàng /ACTION=INSTALL /SkipRules=RebootRequiredCheck vào cuối dòng Target như hình dưới:

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