Which of the following qualities do nurse leaders possess that makes them obtain excellence in their role?

Nurse executives are the most senior nurses in a healthcare organization. They work on the administration to ensure that facilities, processes, and technologies are running smoothly. They also oversee nursing staff. If you’re a clinical nurse who is looking to advance your nursing career and become a nurse executive, it’s a good idea to work on developing your leadership skills and qualities while you prepare for this demanding but exciting role.

What Is the Role of a Nurse Executive?

Nurse leaders are integral to organizations and making healthcare systems run smoothly. Their duties include:

  • Hiring, training, and managing nursing staff
  • Delivering continuing education courses
  • Resolving issues within the organization
  • Managing patient care
  • Creating and managing budgets
  • Developing patient care procedures
  • Communicating with various teams
  • Develop new procedures in patient care

Top Qualities of Nurse Executives

Below is our list of the top 11 traits of successful nurse executives. Students who are preparing for leadership by earning their Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) will have the opportunity to practice some of these qualities in their nursing program. Other qualities are best learned on the job—or just by being a good student of life. Do you possess these eleven qualities of a successful nurse executive?

  1. Integrity. Set an intention to meet all aspects of your role with honesty, transparency, and ethical decision making. Return to that intention whenever you feel challenged.
  2. Ability to make decisions under pressure. As a nurse executive, you will need to stay composed under pressure and take decisive action when it’s called for. You already have these leadership skills as a clinical nurse, but how do they transfer to organizational management? In your MSN or DNP degree program, you will be exposed to real-life scenarios to further develop your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.”
  3. Perspective. Nurse leaders need to have a bird’s-eye view of the organization and a broad awareness of how its components work together—from patient care to hiring, training, scheduling, staff management, budgets, insurance reimbursements, records management, and more.
  4. Emotional intelligence. In situations of conflict, try to modulate your responses so that you are not emotionally overreactive. Use empathy skills to understand where others are coming from. Maintain an attitude of respect for staff and patients, always valuing their worth and suspending judgment. Try not to take disagreements personally. Your new role will take all the diplomacy and negotiation skills you can muster.
  5. Communication skills. Be clear about what you are asking for. If you have feedback for staff, it’s best to give it in private and in a constructive (rather than critical or condescending) way. Communicate in person when possible, not just through email.
  6. Ability to empower and motivate nursing staff. Try to tune into each staff member’s particular strengths and delegate responsibilities accordingly. Invest team members with the power to make decisions appropriate to their role in the healthcare system. Hold staff accountable for their actions without micromanaging; welcome their input, create opportunities for advancement, and reward good work. All of this will help to create a healthy, positive workplace culture where the staff feels fulfilled.
  7. Mentorship ability. Part of a nurse leader’s role is to mentor managers and staff and to identify when further training is needed. Be accessible to your mentees, and remember that you can learn from the experience as well.
  8. Flexibility. Develop your resilience and adaptability in the face of changing circumstances. Recognize when systems need change to improve organizational efficiency, patient safety, and medical care outcomes—and make sure your actions are done effectively, leaving little room for error.
  9. Good sense of humor. Sometimes, laughter is the best medicine, even in a medical setting. A well-timed humorous remark can break the tension of a stressful situation and help everyone cope.
  10. Humility. Know that it’s a privilege to be entrusted with a leadership role and to work in a profession that helps people.
  11. Love of learning. Nursing is a field with an endless amount to learn: about effective practice, about patient care, and about being an effective nurse leader. Remember that you work to expand your experience—not only to continue doing what you already know.

Possessing these key qualities are going to set you up for success when obtaining a position as a Nurse Executive.  USAHS provides the educational tools to get you there with our hands-on, real-life practice approach which supplements a well-rounded understanding of these types of roles.  For more information on our graduate-level degrees, please visit our website.

The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences (USAHS) offers Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs designed for working nurses. Both degrees are offered online, with optional on-campus immersions and an annual interprofessional trip to Italy. The MSN has a Nurse Executive specialization, while the DNP is focused on nurse leadership. Complete coursework when and where you want and earn your advanced degree while keeping your work and life in balance.

What qualities must a nurse possess to be a good leader?

5 Effective Leadership Skills in Nursing.
Decision-Making. ... .
Guidance. ... .
Conflict Resolution. ... .
Effective Communication. ... .
Change Management or Adaptability. ... .
Commitment to Educational and Professional Development..

What are leadership qualities or traits that represent excellence in nursing?

To be successful in your nursing career, you need to be able to demonstrate leadership qualities such as effective communication, motivation, accountability, delegation and constructive feedback.

What is the most important skill of the nurse leader?

What is the most important skill of the nurse leader? The most important leadership skill for a nursing student is clinical care coordination. Priority setting, time management, and clinical decision-making are secondary components included in clinical care coordination.

What are the qualities of an effective leader quizlet?

Terms in this set (10).
honesty. leaders have to be honest. ... .
responsibility. if you are going to make decision, then you should take responsibility for the decision that you make. ... .
confidence. you have to believe in yourself. ... .
humility. ... .
reliability. ... .
patience. ... .
decisiveness. ... .

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