What is the importance of marketing?

Marketing isn't simply an important part of business success – it is the business. Everything else in the business depends upon marketing. Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks and several media and entertainment companies, puts it as succinctly as possible: "No sales. No company."

What is Marketing?

The term "marketing" covers a lot of different activities – all associated with selling your company's products and services. Advertising is the most obvious marketing activity, but so is consumer research, which better matches your product to consumer wants and needs. Product design, also, is a form of marketing, as it helps match your company's products and services to known customer needs.

The one thing that marketing is not, in the opinion of some marketing professionals, is the sales act itself, which is the result of marketing.

What is Strategic Marketing?

Marketing strategies encompass these strategic activities:

  • Determining the need for a product through consumer research and by observing and quantifying sales patterns of similar goods in the marketplace
  • Modifying existing products or creating new products to match consumer wants and needs
  • Determining how best to reach potential customers to make them aware of your products and to persuade them to buy them
  • Creating marketing campaigns based on your determinations of the most effective way of reaching customers
  • Confirming customer relationships via follow-up sales campaigns and loyalty programs   

identifying Consumer Need

Marketing encompasses not only determines consumer need, it also helps create consumer need. It really begins with understanding your potential consumer. One well-known 21st-century marketing failure had to do with U.S. companies' attempts to sell deodorants in China. What these U.S. companies failed to realize is that, biologically, ethnic Chinese do not have the same body odor issues as Westerners. They also failed to take into account that Chinese consumers commonly regard sweating as a healthy activity that – among other things – purifies the system and not, as is common among Americans, as a social problem.

It is a truism of marketing education that marketing can't create a need, but many marketing campaigns are based on creating an awareness of a product and the desirability of owning that product. What is important is that this _awareness creates the need. S_ome common strategies for creating an awareness of the product and giving it a context that stimulates a desire to own it are:

  • Demonstrating scarcity. Apple, for instance, increased the demand for the Apple 5 by cutting off further shipments of the phone for two weeks immediately after announcing the release.
  • Developing a "we" bond between consumers and product, often by announcing the product first to a selected audience, and inviting consumers to participate in the development of the product or product launch.
  • Interacting with social media, such as responding to consumer comments, whether favorable or unfavorable.                                                                              

Responding to Consumers With Ongoing Product Development

Successful companies don't release products and then move on to new products. They stay involved with their current products, continually modifying and improving them. Apple has been particularly adept at this strategy, with frequent updates of existing software, backed by extensive, clear information releases about the updates. This keeps customers involved. Apple has one of the highest loyalty and customer satisfaction ranking among all major brands.

Finding the Shortest Path Between the Consumer and the Brand

As social media has evolved and has become an important part of the consumer experience, successful companies have demonstrated a continuous involvement in social media, participating with timely campaigns aimed at their audiences. Oreo, for instance, rated highly by AdWeek for social media use, has campaigns that tie into major social events, such as their Vine video series, which featured Oreo cookies starring in classic horror films.

Creating Campaigns That Respond Quickly to Consumer Preferences

Companies that respond quickly to consumer preferences raise consumer awareness and increase brand satisfaction and loyalty. Netflix, for example, uses other media, such as The New York Times, to spread and increase consumer awareness with lists of upcoming films and series.

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Marketing is like the heart of your business. For your business to survive, it needs marketing, and the stronger it is the healthier your business will be.

Without marketing, your business could have ground-breaking, industry-transforming products and services that satisfy your customers’ needs, but never have the chance to reach your target audience opens in new window.

As a result, your company’s sales opens in new window may not achieve your targets and you’re likely to find it more difficult to develop your business.

We’ve selected what we believe to be the five key benefits marketing opens in new window brings to your business, and how it has the power to help you build the business you desire.

1. It spreads your name

Good marketing opens in new window helps you to put your products and services at the front of every customer’s mind.

Marketing opens in new window helps you to establish your brand opens in new window, and makes you the first option to turn to when in need of a specific product.

Take Apple, for example. If someone needs a brand-new smartphone, it’s likely that an Apple product is one of, if not the first, option that person considers. In fact, in 2020 Apple announced that the total number of active Apple devices has surpassed 1 billion. And guess what? Their (revered) marketing campaigns were pivotal in the company reaching this milestone and making it the global giant it is today.

2. It boosts your sales

Once you’ve found a way into your customers’ consciousness, your chances of being able to sell your product opens in new window, service, or brand opens in new window to them have significantly improved.

What’s more, once you’ve become visible to your audience, your company will be the name on their lips, and word of the quality of your products and services will spread.

Without marketing opens in new window, these sales wouldn’t have been possible.

3. It helps you gain and retain customers

Once your brand opens in new window has built solid foundations and made its name, marketing will enable you to retain your customers opens in new window and create a solid following of loyal consumers opens in new window– a critical factor in not losing ground to the fresh and trendy products that hit the market.

4. It enhances your company’s reputation

Any success you achieve with your business will rely heavily on having a strong, trustworthy reputation.

Your marketing opens in new window will build brand-name opens in new window recognition, and as your reputation grows so too will your business and sales.

Your ever-growing reputation will therefore be built on strong and smart communication and the quality of what you offer your audience – and your marketing opens in new window is a vital component in all of this.

5. It saves you time

By promoting your product or service through marketing opens in new window, your business will boost its sales and reach your target audience opens in new window considerably faster.

Effective marketing opens in new window helps you to get discovered by your audience and engage with them – while also enabling you to get on with the other duties critical to your business’ success.

Ready to get started?

Download our free Marketing Toolkit for straightforward, detailed guidance on marketing your start-up.

Want to know more about funding your start-up?

The British Business Bank, along with well-respected business support partners from across the UK, are working together to host Business Finance Week 2022.

Join us on from Monday 7 November to Friday 11 November for a host of insightful webinars across the UK as we explore the range of different financial products available to support your business.

Learn more about Business Finance Week.

What is marketing and its importance?

Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a company.

What are the 7 major importance of marketing?

The major marketing functions are buying, selling, financing, transport, warehousing, risk bearing and standardisation, etc. In each such function different activities are performed by a large number of individuals and bodies.

What is the importance of marketing in your daily life?

Marketing is important because it helps you sell your products or services. The bottom line of any business is to make money and marketing is an essential channel to reach that end goal. Creativs explained that without marketing many businesses wouldn't exist because marketing is ultimately what drives sales.

What are the importance of marketing to the society?

Marketing drives a consumer economy, promoting goods and services and targeting consumers most likely to become buyers. Higher sales for a business that employs successful marketing strategies translate into expansion, job creation, higher tax revenue for governments and, eventually, overall economic growth.

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