What is the difference between gray matter and white matter in the spinal cord quizlet?

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Yes, meninges are connective tissues that surround the brain and spinal cord.

Three types of membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord: Dura Mater (most superficial and thickest), Arachnoid (thin, wispy membrane, next layer), and Pia Mater (deepest meningeal layer, soft and thin, covers the brain and spinal cord like a layer of glue)

Outermost to Innermost meninges in order: Duramater, Arachnoid, Pia Mater

Between the arachnoid mater and the pia mater is the cerebrospinal fluid (aka CSF).

Subarachnoid Space is where most of the CSF is located.

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Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology

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What is the difference between gray matter and white matter in the spinal cord?

The grey matter creates a hornlike structure throughout the inside of the spinal cord while the white matter makes up the surrounding sections of the spinal cord. The grey matter does extend to the spinal cord to make signaling more effective.

What are the main differences between the grey matter and white matter of the brain?

The gray matter is the areas where the actual "processing" is done whereas the white matter provides the communication between different gray matter areas and between the gray matter and the rest of the body. The neurons in the gray matter consist of neuronal cell bodies and their dendrites.

What is the difference between the gray horns and white tracts of the spinal cord quizlet?

A horn is an area of grey matter; a column is a region of white matter in the spinal cord. contain cell bodies and axons of interneurons as well as axons of incoming sensory neurons. white columns; distinct bundles of axons having a common origin or destination and carrying similar information.

What is the difference between grey matter and white matter why are they so called?

Grey matter is distinguished from white matter in that it contains numerous cell bodies and relatively few myelinated axons, while white matter contains relatively few cell bodies and is composed chiefly of long-range myelinated axons. The colour difference arises mainly from the whiteness of myelin.

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