Weather for February 18 2023

  • -39

    -39°C max day temperature
  • 18 hours of sunshine per day
  • 0

    0 days with some rainfall
  • -43

    -43°C min night temperature
  • 24

    24 hours of daylight per day
  • 0

    No heat & humidity
  • 0

    0 mm of monthly rainfall
  • 0

    No UV (Maximum) Index UV index

Below are average maximum temperatures at popular destinations in Antarctica in February. Select a destination to see more weather parameters.

  • Esperanza
  • Davis
  • Amundsen-Scott (South Pole)

Recommended for Antarctica

The February weather guide for Antarctica (Amundsen-Scott (South Pole)) shows long term weather averages processed from data supplied by CRU (University of East Anglia), the Met Office & the Netherlands Meteorological Institute. Find out more about our data sources.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Metric (°C / mm)  |  Imperial (°F / inches)

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How cold is it in Antarctica in February?

Daytime temperatures usually reach -39°C in Amundsen-Scott (South Pole), Antarctica in February, falling to -43°C at night.

How sunny is it in Antarctica in February?

There are normally 18 hours of bright sunshine each day in Amundsen-Scott (South Pole), Antarctica in February - that's 74% of daylight hours.

Does it ever rain in Antarctica in February?

There are usually no days with some rain in Amundsen-Scott (South Pole), Antarctica in February and the average monthly rainfall is 0mm. Rain may fall as snow in this month.

Antarctica February sunrise & sunset times

Browse the sunrise and sunset times for Antarctica in February 2023. Select a month to view Antarctica sunrise and sunset times for the next 12 months. The Antarctica sunrise and sunset times shown below are for Amundsen-Scott (South Pole).


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Region 1: Northeast
Winter temperatures will be above normal in the north and below normal in the south. The coldest periods will be in early and late January and late February. Precipitation will be above normal. Snowfall will be below normal in the north and above normal in the south, with the snowiest periods in early to mid-December and the first half of January.

Region 2: Atlantic Corridor
Winter temperatures will be below normal, while precipitation and snowfall will be above normal. The coldest periods will be in early December, early and late January, and most of February. The snowiest periods will be in early to mid-January, late January, and late February.

Region 3: Appalachians
Winter will be colder than normal, with near-normal precipitation and above-normal snowfall. The coldest periods will be early December, late January, and mid- to late February. The snowiest periods will be in early and late January and in February in the south. 

Region 4: Southeast
Winter temperatures will be below normal, with the coldest periods in early December, early and late January, and mid-February. Precipitation will be below normal. Snowfall will be above normal in the east and below normal in the west, with the best chances for snow in early and late January and mid-February.

Region 5: Florida
Winter will be colder and rainier than normal (1° below avg. in December, 3° below avg. in January, 4° below avg. in February, 1° below avg. in March) with the coldest temperatures in early and late January and mid-February.

Region 6: Lower Lakes
Winter will be colder than normal, with the coldest temperatures in early December and late January to mid-February. Both precipitation and snowfall will be above normal. The snowiest periods will be in late November to early December and early to mid-January.

Region 7: Ohio Valley
Winter will be colder than normal, with below-normal precipitation but above-normal snowfall. The coldest periods will occur in early and mid-December, early and late January, and much of February, with the snowiest periods throughout January and in late February and early March.

Region 8: Deep South
Winter will be colder than normal, with the coldest periods in early December and early and late January. Precipitation will be below normal, with abovenormal snowfall in the north. The best chances for snow in the north will be in early to mid-January and mid-February.

Region 9: Upper Midwest
Winter temperatures will be below normal, with the coldest periods in late November, early December, early and late January, and mid-February. Precipitation and snowfall will be below normal in the east and above normal in the west. The snowiest periods will be in late November, early and late December, and early and late March.

Region 10: Heartland
Winter will be colder than normal, on average, with the coldest periods in late November, early December, early to mid-January, and mid- to late February. Precipitation and snowfall will be above average in the east and below average in the west. The snowiest periods will be in late November, early to mid-January, and February. 

Region 11: Texas-Oklahoma
Winter will be colder than normal, with the coldest periods in early to mid-January and early to mid-February. Precipitation will be below average, but snowfall will be above average in the north, with the best chances for snow in mid- to late January and early February.

Region 12: High Plains
Winter will be colder than normal, with the coldest periods in late November, early December, early and late January, and early and late February. Precipitation and snowfall will be above normal in the north and below normal in the south. The snowiest periods will be in mid- to late November, mid- to late January, and early February.

Region 13: Intermountain
Winter will be warmer than normal, with the coldest periods in mid-November and early February. Precipitation will be above normal, with above-average snowfall in the far north and far south. The snowiest periods will be in mid- November, late December, early to mid-January, and early February.

Region 14: Desert Southwest
Winter will be warmer than normal, with above-normal precipitation. The coldest periods will be in late November, mid- and late December, and mid- January. Snowfall will be below normal in most areas that normally receive snow, with the snowiest periods in early to mid-January and early February.

Region 15: Pacific Northwest
Winter temperatures will be milder than normal, with slightly below-normal precipitation and snowfall. The coldest periods will be in mid-November and early and late December. The snowiest period will be in mid-November.

Region 16: Pacific Southwest
Winter will be warmer and wetter than normal, with above-normal mountain snows. The coldest temperatures will occur in mid-November, mid-January, and early February. The stormiest periods will be in mid- to late December, early and late January, early and late February, and late March.

Region 17: Alaska
Winter temperatures will be much milder than normal, with the coldest periods in mid- to late November, early December, and late January. Precipitation and snowfall will be below normal, on average, with the snowiest periods in early November, mid-December, late January, and early February.

Region 18: Hawaii
Winter temperatures will be warmer than normal, with the coolest periods in mid-November and mid- to late February. Rainfall will be below normal, with the stormiest periods in early and late November and early March.

Is it hot in Australia in February?

February is mid-summer in Australia, so temperatures across the country range from warm to incredibly hot.

What's the weather like in Bali in February?

Bali in February The rainy season continues in February, with hot and humid days punctuated by intense periods of tropical rainfall. The temperatures stay at a consistent 26°C but with rough seas at this time, diving and snorkelling visibility around West Bali National Park are greatly reduced.

What's the weather like in Thailand in February?

Days are usually hot with balmy evenings, so visitors should pack light and cool clothing. The average daily maximum is 32 C and the average daily minimum is 23 C.

What is the weather like in New Zealand in February?

Whilst the northern hemisphere is still slowly emerging from its winter hibernation, New Zealand's last month of summer, February is generally hot and happening. On both North and South Islands, the temperature may soar to 25°C or higher, with lows on cooler days reaching 10°C (especially in mountainous regions).

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