tinker là gì - Nghĩa của từ tinker

tinker có nghĩa là

Commonly used to define members of the Irish travelling community. The previous definition cites the use of 'tinker' in this context as ignorant. Maybe he/she is a tinker (in the metalwork sense of the word) and does not like his traditional profession to be used in such a manner. I would like to add that Irish travellers traditionally were very improvising metal workers and sold pots made of scrap metal to make a living (as opposed to topping trees badly and laying poor quality tarmacam like they do now).This is the long-standing origin of the association of Irish travellers with the word 'tinker'. They are tinkers. Hence the phrase, ' Any scrap copper there boss'.

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There was war at that tinker's funeral in Balinasloe there last week- all the pubs and shops were closed for the week

tinker có nghĩa là

Shortening of the word "tinceard" which is Gaelic for Tinsmith. Commonly used to describe Irish Travellers, although many now consider it an insult. People get confused between Gypsy's of Romany decent, and Irish Tinkers. Mainly because their so ignorant and born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

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tinker có nghĩa là

There was war at that tinker's funeral in Balinasloe there last week- all the pubs and shops were closed for the week Shortening of the word "tinceard" which is Gaelic for Tinsmith. Commonly used to describe Irish Travellers, although many now consider it an insult. People get confused between Gypsy's of Romany decent, and Irish Tinkers. Mainly because their so ignorant and born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Tinkers is a term for a group of Irish Travellers who worked with tin and mended pots and pans from door to door in rural Ireland before urbanisation in the 1960's. This is a perjoritive term these days and is used to insult Irish Travellers, as gyppo is to insult Romani people (different ethnic nomads in Britain & Ireland).

Not all Irish Travellers were tinkers (from tinsmithing or tinsmith) as there were horse dealers, market traders etc.

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There was war at that tinker's funeral in Balinasloe there last week- all the pubs and shops were closed for the week Shortening of the word "tinceard" which is Gaelic for Tinsmith. Commonly used to describe Irish Travellers, although many now consider it an insult. People get confused between Gypsy's of Romany decent, and Irish Tinkers. Mainly because their so ignorant and born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Tinkers is a term for a group of Irish Travellers who worked with tin and mended pots and pans from door to door in rural Ireland before urbanisation in the 1960's. This is a perjoritive term these days and is used to insult Irish Travellers, as gyppo is to insult Romani people (different ethnic nomads in Britain & Ireland).

Not all Irish Travellers were tinkers (from tinsmithing or tinsmith) as there were horse dealers, market traders etc.

tinker có nghĩa là

to pee lol also to go to the toilet or the shitter lol

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There was war at that tinker's funeral in Balinasloe there last week- all the pubs and shops were closed for the week

tinker có nghĩa là

Shortening of the word "tinceard" which is Gaelic for Tinsmith. Commonly used to describe Irish Travellers, although many now consider it an insult. People get confused between Gypsy's of Romany decent, and Irish Tinkers. Mainly because their so ignorant and born with a silver spoon in their mouths. Tinkers is a term for a group of Irish Travellers who worked with tin and mended pots and pans from door to door in rural Ireland before urbanisation in the 1960's. This is a perjoritive term these days and is used to insult Irish Travellers, as gyppo is to insult Romani people (different ethnic nomads in Britain & Ireland).

Not all Irish Travellers were tinkers (from tinsmithing or tinsmith) as there were horse dealers, market traders etc.

Irish Travellers have their own distinct culture, traditions, way of life and language and are indigenious to Ireland and are said to be here in Ireland before the Celts arrived in Ireland 500 yrs BC. "irish travellers are all tinkers"

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Fucking tinkers nicked my generator!

tinker có nghĩa là

"No, its a term, often negative"

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Matt wields a tomahawk like a tinkerer.

tinker có nghĩa là

To mess around with something and you don't really have a clue what your doing.

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to pee lol also to go to the toilet or the shitter lol i need to tinker like go to the toilet duh Irish scum. The lowest form of traveller. Sadly people (including me) generally still refer to them as gypsies, which they are not. If they were they might actually be human beings.

tinker có nghĩa là

(v.) To pinch another persons nipple randomly.

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Also labelled as 'pikies' when they enter town and when they do make sure you lock everything and hide anything of value away, including scrap metal.

tinker có nghĩa là

Penis; an mild, harmless slang term often said regarding prepubescent boys, but sometimes used concerning older males, too. Heard in communities somewhat inland of and along the upper Texas coast in the 1970's.

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Have a habit of one of them trying to sell you the stolen goods from the last village while his mates are round the back stealing all your stuff to sell at the next.

tinker có nghĩa là

The state of intoxication between being buzzed and drunk.

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Think that they have some god given right to inflict themselves upon normal honest folk while raping our council tax fund for handouts and free facilities, instead of paying to use a camp site like everyone else.

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