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A party that has signed a letter of intent (LOI) may be legally bound to honor it depending on how the letter is drafted. In a business-to-business transaction, a letter of intent normally contains a provision stating that the letter is non-binding. Even if such language is not included, it is possible a court would rule that the letter is only an expression of intent. On the other hand, the parties to a letter of intent should not rely on assumptions: Strong non-binding language is recommended.

Key Takeaways

  • A letter of intent (LOI) may be legally binding, depending on how it is worded and, in some cases, whether a court has determined it is legally binding.
  • To determine whether the letter is legally binding, courts will consider the written expression of intent in the letter and what actions the parties mentioned in the letter take after the letter has been signed.
  • If the two parties have a history of non-binding letters of intent, for example, the court would be more likely to dismiss the letter's validity as a legitimate contract.

How Courts Interpret Letters of Intent

A court relies on two factors when determining if a letter of intent is binding: written expressions of intent present in the letter and demonstrative actions taken by both parties after the letter of intent is signed. If the letter is treated as a contract, it could be ruled binding.

It is also important to understand the relationship between the two parties. If two parties draft and sign an ambiguous letter of intent but have a history of non-binding agreements together, it is likely the court will rule the most recent letter as also being non-binding.

Business etiquette and protocol can be a determining factor. For example, most mergers and acquisitions begin in earnest with a term sheet, which functions as a letter of intent. The term sheet states the intentions, purchase price, and payment terms. However, term sheets are almost always non-binding. Courts will likely take this precedent into consideration.

A letter of intent is a document outlining the intentions of two or more parties to do business together; it is often non-binding unless the language in the document specifies that the companies are legally bound to the terms.

When a Letter of Intent Is Non-Binding

Suppose a letter of intent is non-binding but one company incurs costs or devotes resources only to eventually have the deal fall through. In many cases, there is no recourse for losses incurred. However, it is possible that the breaching party could be found to have failed to negotiate in good faith.

These laws are ambiguous and likely depend on the jurisdiction and the type of letter of intent.

For example, in 2012, the Delaware Supreme Court approved recovery of "benefit of the bargain" damages between two companies in a mergers and acquisitions deal in the case of SIGA Technologies, Inc., v. PharmAthene, Inc.

Although similar to term sheets used in business, LOIs are structured in letter format, as opposed to the list format of a term sheet.

Other Uses for a Letter of Intent

Beyond the business world, letters of intent are used by individuals seeking government grants and by some people applying to colleges, such as varsity athletes, who want to state their commitment to attend a certain school.

In some cases, a letter of intent can be used by a parent to specify their wishes for the care and wellbeing of minor children should the parent die. In this case, they are not considered legally binding, such as a will, but will sometimes be considered by family courts making determinations about the children's care.

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More than just a casual job, it's joining a community.

  • As a Student Ambassador you will connect directly with the next generation of students, helping them to make decisions that will shape their future.
  • Share your own experiences of university life and living in Sydney through social media, offering an authentic perspective on what it means to be a student at UTS College.
  • You'll have the freedom to create content whenever convenient, which makes it easy to balance your ambassador commitments with studies.
  • Support various UTS College events and activities meeting new and potential students along the way.

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What’s in it for you?

  • Enjoy FREE student activities. Lead social activities and join excursions and outings for UTS College students, all for free!
  • Flexible, paid position. Casual pay rate of $32.25. Easily balance your ambassador commitments with your studies.
  • Make lasting global connections. Meet students from around the world and grow your network.
  • Have fun at work. Join a friendly Student Ambassador team and create memories that will last a lifetime.
  • Give back and make a difference. Support and help shape a positive journey for current and future students.

Student Ambassador Program Terms

What you'll be doing

STUDENT AMBASSADOR Duties Join in promotional video and photo shoots Attend the Student Ambassador training workshop Respond to student quieres online and face-to-face Create and edit engaging social media content Assist at events such as Open Day and Welcome Week Share your experience at events such as Info Sessions both online and face-to-face

Want to be a Student Ambassador?

The program is open to all international and Australian students.

  • Are you a current UTS College student or a recent graduate who is now at UTS?
  • Are youmotivated, enthusiastic with a 'can-do' attitude?
  • Do you feel confident about sharing your experience on-camera and in front of an audience?
  • Are you available to work evenings or weekends?
  • Do you want to help the next generation of students?

We're currently not recruiting student ambassadors but leave your details and we will be in touch when the next round of applications open.

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