The process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your php installation 000webhost

I use cron job to do some CRUD operation using laravel Task Scheduling. On localhost and on my Share-Hosting server it worked fine for months until recently I keep getting this error when I run cron job on my Share-Hosting server. I did not make any changes to the code on my Share-Hosting server.

[2017-07-14 09:16:02] production.ERROR: exception 'Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation.' in /home/xxx/xx/vendor/symfony/process/Process.php:144 Stack trace:

But on localhost it works fine. Based on my finding online I have tried the following.

  1. Contacted my hosting company to remove proc_open form disable PHP functions.
  2. Hosting company provided custom php.ini file. I remove all disable_functions
  3. Share-Hosting Server was restarted and cache was cleared

None of this fixed the issue. I am not sure of what next to try because the same project works fine on different Share-Hosting Server.

asked Jul 31, 2017 at 15:21

After many weeks of trying to resolve this error. The following fixes worked

  1. Upgrade project from Laravel 5.2 to 5.4
  2. On CPanel using "Select Php version" set PHP version to 7
  3. Or on CPanel using "MultiPHP Manager" set PHP version to ea-php70

Now, cron job runs smoothly. I hope this helps someone.

answered Jul 31, 2017 at 15:33


4,6542 gold badges22 silver badges29 bronze badges


Laravel 6 and higher (proc_open Error)

It is because of Flare error reporting service enabled in debug mode There is a workaround for this.

Publish flare config file php artisan vendor:publish --tag=flare-config

and in config/flare.php


'collect_git_information' => false 'reporting' => [ 'anonymize_ips' => true, 'collect_git_information' => false, 'report_queries' => true, 'maximum_number_of_collected_queries' => 200, 'report_query_bindings' => true, 'report_view_data' => true, ],

answered Dec 21, 2019 at 13:07

Mahdi BashirpourMahdi Bashirpour

15k11 gold badges108 silver badges136 bronze badges


You can use this at your own risk:

/usr/local/bin/php -d "disable_functions=" /home/didappir/public_html/api/artisan schedule:run > /dev/null 2>&1


7,50838 silver badges70 bronze badges

answered Sep 15, 2020 at 11:42

Hadi NoteHadi Note

1,33616 silver badges15 bronze badges

When Flare error reporting service enabled in debug mode you'll see this error

The solution is:

Publish flare config file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=flare-config

in config/flare.php Set:

'reporting' => [ 'anonymize_ips' => true, 'collect_git_information' => false, 'report_queries' => true, 'maximum_number_of_collected_queries' => 200, 'report_query_bindings' => true, 'report_view_data' => true, ], 'send_logs_as_events' => false,

answered Nov 6, 2019 at 17:02

For me removing cached version of config.php file solve problem(Laravel 6). go to bootstrap/cache/config.php and remove file. Also don't forget to change APP_URL to your domain address. PHP version should be as required by laravel version.

for shared host if you can't change php.ini, you should use laravel 5.8.

answered Sep 26, 2019 at 18:04

reza jafarireza jafari

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