The inkey list pha toner review

I have extremely dry flaky skin. I use daily. I wet a cotton round. Apply a small amount of pha toner and apply all over the face. This extends the time before needing replaced. This is the only toner that I have used that is gentle, and does not burn. Once my moisturizer LaRoche Posay triple repair moisturizing cream is applied my face looks much better. I also use Paula's choice hydrating treatment mask every 1-2 weeks depending on the level of dryness. I am Vitamin A deficient which is a contributing factor of my dryness issue.

3 people found this helpful


Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2023

Would rather just use witch hazel nothing special about this product

Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2023

I like the product, l use it every night! My second order was smashed, and leak in the box. The box was soak. So l lost 1/2 of the bottle. 💔

Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2023

You can feel your skin soft after the first day.

One person found this helpful


Reviewed in the United States on October 16, 2021

It’s a good product, a bit pricey for it though. The bottle is much smaller than you’d think and It goes quite quick depending on how often you’re using it. I wouldn’t recommend using it everyday, as it’ll dry you’re skin out a little and might it feel tight. I use it twice a week-Tuesday’s and Friday nights. It always makes my skin look very nice, glowy, and evens things out. Overall I recommend besides the bottle being very small, and it being used very quickly.

3 people found this helpful


Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2022

Really wanted to like this because its advertised for Sensitive skin. No fragrance, which is a big plus for me. Pretty expensive for the size, but I guess that's what you pay for the convenience of 2 day/next day delivery. It wasn't sealed, so is that normal? I did an allergy test 24 hours before I used it on my face and it was fine. So, it really burned my face when using. I started out once a day. Had to go to once every other day. Then I just stopped using it cause it burned too much when using. The INKEY List has other products that I love and will continue to use, just not this one.

Niacinamide is a skin care ingredient worthy of your attention and your skin will love you for using it. Among a handful of other amazing skin care ingredients such as retinol and vitamin C, niacinamide is a standout because of its versatility for almost any skin care concern and skin type.

As many of you know about us, but for those who don’t, the conclusions we make about any ingredient are always based on what the published research has shown to be true—and the research about niacinamide unanimously demonstrates how special it is. New research keeps showing it’s one of the most exciting skin care ingredients around.

What is Niacinamide?

Also known as vitamin B3 and nicotinamide, niacinamide is a water-soluble vitamin that works with the natural substances in your skin to help visibly minimize enlarged pores, tighten lax pores, improve uneven skin tone, soften fine lines and wrinkles, diminish dullness, and strengthen a weakened surface.

Niacinamide also reduces the impact of environmental damage because of its ability to improve skin’s barrier (its first line of defense), plus it also plays a role in helping skin to repair signs of past damage. Left unchecked, this type of daily assault makes skin appear older, dull, and less radiant.

Why You Should Use Niacinamide

As you might have gathered, we’re very impressed with all that niacinamide can do for skin when applied via skin care products like toners, serums, and highly concentrated leave-on treatments. Niacinamide is uniquely compatible with any of the products in your skin care routine, including those that contain retinol, peptides, hyaluronic acid, AHAs, BHA, vitamin C, and all types of antioxidants.

You can use multiple niacinamide-containing products in your routine, and it will still be non-sensitizing as this ingenious B vitamin is well tolerated by all skin types. It’s even suitable for use by those with sensitive or rosacea-prone skin.

Other helpful benefits of niacinamide are that it helps renew and restore the surface of skin against moisture loss and dehydration by helping skin improve its natural production of skin-strengthening ceramides. When ceramides become depleted over time, skin is left vulnerable to all sorts of problems, from persistent patches of dry, flaky skin to increasingly becoming extra-sensitive.

If you struggle with dry skin, topical application of niacinamide has been shown to boost the hydrating ability of moisturizers so skin’s surface can better resist the moisture loss that leads to recurrent dry, tight, flaky skin. Niacinamide works brilliantly with common moisturizer ingredients like glycerin, non-fragrant plant oils, cholesterol, sodium PCA, and sodium hyaluronate.

How does niacinamide help pores? Great question, although the answer here isn’t certain. Simply put, research hasn’t come to a full understanding about how this B vitamin works its pore-reducing magic, but it does! It seems that niacinamide has a normalizing ability on the pore lining, and that this influence plays a role in keeping debris from getting backed up, which leads to clogs and rough, bumpy skin. As the clog forms and worsens, the pores stretch to compensate, and what you’ll see is enlarged pores. By helping things get back to normal, niacinamide use helps pores return to their normal size. Sun damage can cause pores to become stretched, too, leading to what some describe as "orange peel skin". Higher concentrations of niacinamide can help visibly tighten pores by shoring up skin’s supportive elements.

Can I use the Inkey List PHA toner everyday?

PHA toner can be used every day, however we advise to build up usage gradually from 1-2 days to 3-4 days etc. Avoid using at the same time as AHAs (Glycolic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Lactic Acid, Apple Cider Vinegar or Mandelic Acid), BHAs (Beta Hydroxy Acid or C-50 Blemish Treatment), Vitamin C or Retinol.

Is Inkey PHA toner good?

Compared side by side pixi has more of an effect with daily use, so it probably is the better option for those with texture. The Inkey List PHA is even gentler though, so if your skin is easily irritated or you are looking to incorporate some well aging into your rosacea skincare routine, it might be the better pick.

What does PHA toner do?

PHA Toner. PHA (Polyhydroxy acid) is a gentle chemical exfoliant for sensitive skin. Made of large molecules, it removes dead cells from the surface layer of the skin, while naturally locking in moisture.

Can minimalist PHA toner be used daily?

Layer it with your preferred serums & moisturizer. When to use: AM & PM. Everyday.

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