Sum of middle digits in python

For example take 2345, how we add middle numbers 3 and 4 and gives output ..the sum of middle numbers is 7.

The simplest way to do this would be to convert the number into a string, crop the string so it was left with only the middle digits, then (having a <sum> variable at hand) you can have each character of the cropped string (converted as number) be added to the <sum> variable. There are probably easier ways to go with Python I wasn't aware of, since I don't know much Python : ) Anyways, are you also looking forward to do it in C? because I see you tagged that language with the question.

you can separate em, and store them inside a list, then you can do the rest

num=int(input()) string=str(num) if (len(string)%2==1): print('The middle number of %d-digit number,%d is '%(len(string),num)+string[int((len(string)+1)/2-1)]) else: print('The sum of two middle numbers of %d-digit number,%d is '%(len(string),num),end='') print(int(string[int(len(string)/2-1)])+int(string[int(len(string)/2)]))

Thank you sooooo much......I got output

For example take 2345, how we add middle numbers 3 and 4 and gives output ..the sum of middle numbers is 7.

xavier This code works for 4 digit number. If you want code that works for any digit, you can tell me. I will give you. #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,sum; printf("Enter a number: "); scanf("%d",&a); sum=(a/10)%10+(a/100)%10; printf("Answer: %d",sum); return 0; }

The easiest way is to convert the number into an array of characters, take the substring and then find the sum.

i have tried but no use can you provide me with complete code

If you are sure it is a four digit number then #include <stdio.h> /* Function to get sum of digits */ int getSum(int n) { int sum; sum=0; /* Single line that calculates sum */ sum=sum+(n/100)%10+(n%100)/10; return sum; } // Driver code int main() { int n = 3547; printf(" %d ", getSum(n)); return 0; }

Can you suugest me with code

/* Function to get sum of digits */ int getSum(int n) { int sum; /* Single line that calculates sum */ for (sum = 0; n > 0; sum += n % 10, n /= 10) ; return sum; } // Driver code int main() { int n = 3547; printf(" %d ", getSum(n)); return 0; }

Use while loop to get number of digits

i dont know to use while loop that is why i request you to provide code

Am new here who can teach me python directly

33. Python Program to Check Middle digit of given 3 digit number is Equal to the Sum of Other Two digits or Not.

How does this program work?

  • In this program you are going to learn about how to Check Middle digit of given 3 digit number is Equal to the Sum of Other Two digits or Not using Python.
  • Here First we claculate Last digit, First digit and their Sum.
  • After that By using Mathematical Calculations like logarithm then compare Sum and middle digit using if condition and display result.

Here is the code

//To Check middle digit is Equal to the Sum of Other Two Digits or Not
a = int(input("Enter a three digit number: "))
n = a % 10
a = int(a / 10)
b = a % 10
a = int(a / 10)
if b == (n + a):
print("Middle digit is numerically equal to the sum of other two digits")
print("Middle digit is not numerically equal to the sum of other two digits")

How do you find the middle digits?

The middle digit of a number is that which is exactly in-mid of the given number N is called middle digit number. If a number has two middle digits then print both the digits as the middle number.

How do you sum a 3 digit number in Python?

Method-3: Using General Approach:.
Get the number..
Declare a variable to store the sum and set it to 0..
Repeat the next two steps till the number is not 0..
Get the rightmost digit of the number with help of remainder '%' operator by dividing it with 10 and add it to sum..
Divide the number by 10 with help of '//' operator..

How do you sum a list of a digit in Python?

See the code below:.
def sum_of_list(l): total = 0. for val in l: total = total + val. return total. ​ my_list = [1,3,5,2,4] ... .
def sum_of_list(l,n): if n == 0: return l[n]; return l[n] + sum_of_list(l,n-1) ​ my_list = [1,3,5,2,4] ... .
my_list = [1,3,5,2,4] print "The sum of my_list is", sum(my_list) Run..

How do you find the middle number in Python?

“how to find middle value of a python list” Code Answer's.
def findMiddle(input_list):.
middle = float(len(input_list))/2..
if middle % 2 != 0:.
return input_list[int(middle - .5)].
return (input_list[int(middle)], input_list[int(middle-1)]).

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