ServiceNow can import data from which of the following external data source types

You can configure Asset to export data to external destinations, such as Tanium Connect, Flexera, and ServiceNow.

CSV file

You can copy data from an asset report table to the clipboard and paste the data in an application that can interpret a CSV file, such as a database. Select the rows that you want to copy and click Copy. You can then paste the information about the rows you selected.

To save the entire report as displayed in a CSV file, click Export

. You might see an Export requested status message before you see a Download link for the CSV file. Each Asset user can export a single report at a time. Multiple Asset users can be signed in, each exporting a single report at the same time.

For scheduling, formatting, and large data sets, consider setting up a Connect destination.

Tanium Connect

To export data from Asset to Connect destinations such as Email, File, HTTP, Socket Receiver, Splunk, and SQL Server, create a connection.

SQL Server on Azure, Amazon Relational Database Service, and other database as a service providers are not supported as SQL Server destinations.

Before you begin

  • You must have access to Connect with Connect User role.
  • You must have an Asset report or view from which you want to export data. See Building reports and Configuring views.

Create a connection

With Connect 4.3 to 4.7, choose Asset Report as the connection source. You can choose a predefined or custom Asset report as a connection source.

With Connect 4.8 and later, chooseChooseTanium Asset as the connection source. You can choose from the following types of Asset source: 

Asset Reports

Select any predefined or custom report as the connection source.

Asset Computers

  1. Select any view as a connection source and export structured data using an Asset view.
  2. If you do not enable Flatten Results, the entire data set that is retrieved for one computer is a single record. For example, if you are exporting Installed Applications, a computer has a single row with the entire list of installed applications in that same record. Any change that is made to this data set shows up in the destination. By enabling the Flatten Results setting, each installed application for a computer is processed as a single record.
  3. With Enhanced JSON, the results contain an array of objects for each reference table, instead of an array of strings, numbers, or dates for each reference attribute. The correlation between attributes and destinations can be easier to implement.
  4. Use the default batch size (200). Higher batch sizes can be slower due to increased processing for each batch.
  5. Configure the export format.
    • If you enable Enhanced JSON, you must also choose JSON as the format for your connection.
    • To customize the column names, expand the Columns section and click Add or Modify Columns. Change the display values in the Destination column as needed.
    • If you customize the columns, leave the Value Type as Unmodified to get the expected object output.


Use the following recommendations for Enhanced JSON and Flatten Results settings for each format in Connect. If you use an unsupported combination, connection failures might occur or incorrect data might get written to the destination.

Connect destination format compatibilityCEFUse Flatten ResultsCSVUse Flatten ResultsDelimiter separatedUse Flatten ResultsElasticsearchUse Enhanced JSON without Flatten ResultsHTMLUse Flatten Results without Enhanced JSONJSONUse Enhanced JSON without Flatten ResultsLEEF(Optional) Use Flatten ResultsSQL Server(Required) Use Flatten ResultsSyslog(Optional) Use Flatten Results

Filtering No Results and Errors

Asset automatically filters no results and common error messages and does not send that data to the connection destination.


Compare the data that is returned from Asset installed applications. View JSON examples

Example: Enhanced JSON

{ "Computer Name": "WIN-2012-R2", "Asset Installed Applications": [{ "name": "Tanium Server 7.2.314.3019", "version": "7.2.314.3019", "vendor": "Tanium Inc." }, { "name": "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) - 14.0.23026", "version": "14.0.23026.0", "vendor": "Microsoft Corporation" }, { "name": "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client", "version": "11.3.6540.0", "vendor": "Microsoft Corporation" }] }

Example: Flattened JSON

[{ "computer name": "WIN-2012-R2", "name": "Tanium Server 7.2.314.3019", "vendor": "Tanium Inc.", "version": "7.2.314.3019" }, { "computer name": "WIN-2012-R2", "name": "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) - 14.0.23026", "vendor": "Microsoft Corporation", "version": "14.0.23026.0" }, { "computer name": "WIN-2012-R2", "name": "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client", "vendor": "Microsoft Corporation", "version": "11.3.6540.0" }]

For more information about creating connections, see Tanium Connect User Guide.

Flexera FlexNet Manager Suite: 2019 R2.2 or later

If you have FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R2.2 or later, you can use the Tanium Connector in FlexNet Manager Suite (FNMS) and the existing Tanium Client on your endpoints to export inventory data from Tanium into FNMS. Asset includes content with sensors that are specific to Flexera, including MS Exchange server, SQL server, Last Logged In, Number of CPU sockets, Short Domain, and so on.

FlexNet Manager Suite requirements

  • FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R2.2 or later

  • FlexNet Beacon 14.2 or later

Tanium requirements

  • Tanium Server 7.3.0 or later
  • Tanium Asset 1.11 or later

  • A user with the Asset Report Reader role to use with the Tanium Asset API

You do not need to configure a Flexera destination in Asset. If you already have a Flexera destination configured in Asset that you set up for a previous version of Flexera, disable the destination after you complete the integration instructions.

Integration instructions

For detailed integration prerequisites and instructions, see Flexera documentation: Managing Tanium Connections.

  • To create the Flexera views, from the Asset menu, click Views > Create Flexera Views. Do not edit or delete these views.
  • Steps 1a and 1b in Flexera documentation: Managing Tanium Connections are no longer applicable because staging databases are not used by Flexera FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R2.2 and later. The API is used for data exports.

Flexera FlexNet Manager Suite: 2019 R1 or earlier

If you have Flexera FlexNet Manager Suite 2019 R1 or earlier, you can use the Asset Flexera destination to populate endpoint information in FNMS. When you create a Flexera destination, you enable the Flexera-specific content and a set of custom reports and views are created that include the results of these sensors. To send the results of these reports to Flexera, a set of connections in Tanium Connect are automatically created that connect to the SQL database. Flexera communicates with this SQL database to populate information.

Before you begin

  • You must have access to Connect with Connect User role.
  • You must have Connect 4.3.0 or later. With Connect 4.8.0 and later, you can configure your Flexera connections to use views, which is better for large environments.

  • To create scheduled actions for the file evidence content, you must have Tanium Administrator privileges.
  • You must have an SQL server to use for staging the Flexera data. This database can use Windows or mixed mode authentication. For more information, see Microsoft Docs: Authentication in SQL Server.

Configure Flexera staging database

You must have an SQL database configured that implements the required Flexera database schema.

Use the following query to create the required tables and schema for the Flexera staging database: \services\asset-service\content\flexera\CreateTaniumStagingDatabase.sql

Work with Tanium Support to create the required tables and schema for the Flexera staging database. For more information, see Contact Tanium Support.

For more information about configuring Microsoft SQL database to stage data for Flexera, see Contact Tanium Support.

Add Flexera destination

  1. From the Asset menu, click Inventory Management > Destinations.
  2. Click Create Destination > Flexera Destination.
  3. Edit the Flexera settings, including URL and credentials for the SQL server, log level, and the schedule at which you want the export to occur. Click Get Schemas. When you click this button, a connection is established with the SQL server that looks for databases that match the basic required schema to export Asset data. If a database matches these requirements, it is displayed in the Database and Schema fields.
  4. Click Create.

When you add a Flexera destination, the following actions occur: 

  • Additional attributes are added to Asset. These attributes will be pending until the next Tanium import. See View schedule and run import for more information.

  • Flexera reports are created in Asset. View these reports in the Reports section under Tanium Reports. Do not delete or modify these reports. Modifying these reports disrupts the Flexera export.
  • Flexera views are created.
    Do not edit these views because they can be overwritten. If necessary, you can look at the fields that are included in the Flexera views to create a copy of the view that includes different settings.
  • For each report, a connection is created in Connect that sends the report data to the SQL server using the views as a source.

Use Connect for all troubleshooting of the data transfer to the SQL server. Each Flexera connection contains information about the schedule and success or failure of the data transfer.

Configure Flexera to receive data from Tanium Asset

Check the contents of your custom reports in Asset and the data that is being exported to the configured SQL server. After the data you want is being exported, configure FlexNet Manager Suite to get data from the database. Work with your Flexera administrator to configure this integration.

(Optional) Enable file evidence content

 Asset can integrate with Tanium Index to provide file evidence information to Flexera.

  1. Configure Index security exclusions. See "Indexing file systems: Before you begin" in the Tanium Incident Response User Guide.

  2. Install Tanium Index and verify that endpoint file systems are being indexed.For assistance with installation, Contact Tanium Support.

    The Distribute Tanium Index Tools , Distribute Tanium Index Config and Start Indexing packages must be deployed to the endpoints and the Index Status sensor should return Running. For more information, see "Install Index" and "Deploy Index tools to endpoints" in the Tanium Incident Response User Guide.

  3. When everything is configured, the Flexera Report File Evidence custom report begins to get populated with data.

ServiceNow: Tanium Asset integration

You can configure Tanium as a discovery source in ServiceNow, and then create a destination in Asset to export data to ServiceNow with a defined schedule.

Before you begin

  • You must be using ServiceNow Jakarta or later release. ServiceNow Software Asset Management Pro is also supported.
  • You must have access to both a test and production instance of your ServiceNow Enterprise CMDB.
  • You must have a service account for ServiceNow that has elevated privileges. After the initial integration is complete, you can Configure least privilege access in ServiceNow.

Test the data export against a copy of your ServiceNow instance before you configure Tanium Asset to export all data to your production instance of ServiceNow. Because the built in identification rules in ServiceNow assume unique computer names or serial numbers, you might need to add one or more identification rules to achieve consistent and expected results.

Prepare ServiceNow to receive Tanium data

  1. In ServiceNow, add an entry for Tanium as a choice in the discovery_source column of the cmdb_ci table. Use Tanium as the value in both the Label and Value fields.
  2. (Optional) Work with Tanium Support and your ServiceNow administrator to add tables or update identification rules in ServiceNow. For more information, Contact Tanium Support.

    Adding identification rules is required if any endpoints in your environment have duplicate serial numbers or computer names. For more information about configuring identification rules, see ServiceNow Documentation: Create or edit a CI identification rule.

  3. If you are using ServiceNow Paris 10 or Quebec or later with the Tanium Asset integration, ServiceNow creates duplicate entries for some CIs (such as Network Adapters, Storage Devices, and File Systems) in the ServiceNow CMDB when an export runs. To resolve this, see Fix duplicate entries in ServiceNow with Tanium Asset integration


Add ServiceNow as a destination

To enable data to be exported to the ServiceNow CMDB from Asset, enter your ServiceNow Host URL and credentials.

  1. From the Asset menu, click Inventory Management > Destinations.
  2. Click Create Destination > ServiceNow Destination.
  3. Edit the settings, including the ServiceNow Host URL and credentials, log level, view, and the schedule at which you want the export to occur.
    The log level affects the logging in the job/date_time_job#_servicenow_config#.log files. If you enable Trace level logging on your ServiceNow configuration, numbered subdirectories, for example job/65, are created that contain all of the POST and GET requests for that job.
    For more information about Cron, see Reference: Cron syntax.

Exclude computers from exported ServiceNow data

(Optional) When you create a ServiceNow destination, a reserved view is created. The ServiceNow (reserved) view includes all computers. Create a view with filters enabled if you want to narrow the scope of the export.

  1. From the Asset menu, click Views. Hover over the ServiceNow (reserved) view, and click Create Copy
  2. Edit and rename the copy of the reserved view. Add a filter to limit the computers that are exported. In this new view, do not select Should be filtered out of the view on any of the filters.
  3. From the Asset menu, click Inventory Management > Destinations > ServiceNow_Destination. Click Edit


  4. In the View section, select the new view that you created.
  5. Click Update to save the changes.

Edit ServiceNow export mappings

(Optional) After you create the ServiceNow destination, you can edit the Asset to ServiceNow mappings.

  1. To add an attribute, find the details for the attribute.

    1. From the Asset menu, click Inventory Management > Attributes.

    2. Click Customize Columns, and select Table Name and Field Name.

    3. Use the Filter Items search to find the attribute.

  2. Click Inventory Management > Destinations > ServiceNow. Click Edit . In the ServiceNow Export Mapping section, add the new mapping. You can also edit individual mappings.

    For more information about the mappings, see Reference: ServiceNow mappings. Contact Tanium Support to properly edit the ServiceNow export mappings. For more information, Contact Tanium Support.

Run export

You can run an export to ServiceNow CMDB outside of the configured schedule. From the Asset menu, click Inventory Management > Schedules> Export Schedules. Under your ServiceNow destination in the Asset Export Destinations section, click Run Now.

Check data in ServiceNow

After the Status in the schedule says complete, you can check for the data in ServiceNow CMDB.

  1. Sign in to your ServiceNow Enterprise CMDB.
  2. Search for an Asset attribute, such as Computer.
  3. Check the data that got imported into the table.

Configure least privilege access in ServiceNow

After the initial integration with ServiceNow is complete, you can create a role for the Tanium Service Account. This role has an ACL that provides only the necessary permissions.

For more information, see Tanium Community article: Configuring least privilege access for ServiceNow integration (registration is required).

ServiceNow: Service Graph Connector

If you have ServiceNow Orlando Patch 7 or later or Paris Patch 1 or later, you can configure the ServiceNow Service Graph Connector for Tanium app in ServiceNow to import data from Tanium into the ServiceNow CMDB.This integration uses a MID server to collect data from the Tanium Asset API, then sends the data to the ServiceNow data source.For more information, see ServiceNow Store: Service Graph Connector for Tanium.

Tanium requirements

  • Tanium Server 7.4.5 or later
  • Tanium™ Asset 1.11 or later

  • A user with the Asset Report Reader role to use with the Tanium Asset API
  • An API token owned by the user that has the Asset Report Reader role

You do not need to configure a ServiceNow destination in Asset. If you already have a ServiceNow destination configured in Asset that you set up previously, disable the destination after you complete the integration instructions.

Additionally, the logs generated when importing Asset data into the Service Graph Connector using the API are available only in ServiceNow. If you run into issues with the import you must create a ticket with ServiceNow before contacting Tanium Support.

Integration instructions

This integration depends on a custom view from Tanium. To create this view, complete the following steps.

  1. From the Asset menu, click Views.
  2. If you have not already done so, click Create View > Create ServiceNow View to create the ServiceNow (reserved) view.
  3. The ServiceNow (reserved) view cannot be modified. You must create a copy of this view to use in this integration.

    What are possible import sources in ServiceNow?

    Below are the multiple sources:.

    What are different types of data sources which may be imported into ServiceNow?

    Data Sources.

    What are the ways to import data in ServiceNow?

    Load Data.
    In the main ServiceNow browser window, use the Application Navigator to open System Import Sets > Load Data..
    Configure the Import set table: ... .
    Configure the Source of the import: ... .
    Click the Choose File button..
    In the file browser, navigate to where you downloaded the NeedItImportData..

    Which kinds of data file type can be loaded into ServiceNow?

    What is the data in those files? you can import : CSV, CSV (tab), Custom (Parse by Script), Excel, JSON, or XML not sure about Visio files.

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