Sách mềm tiếng anh lớp 2

7. Let’s talk.

Goal: Pupils will be able to ask and answer about the ability, using “What can you see? – I can see a .”

Input: There is a bubble with the structures “What can you see? – I can see a        .” Under   the bubble are the three pictures of a road, a rainbow and a river.

Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils look at the first picture. Point to the road and ask them what it is. Tell them that it is a road. Follow the same procedure with other pictures in the activity.

Step 2: Ask pupils to use the structures in the bubble “What can you see? – I can see a .” and Picture 1 (a road) to ask and answer about the ability. Get them to  identify what is missing in the answer (a road) and say the whole sentence e.g. I can see a road. Get them to repeat the question and the answer several times individually and in chorus. Check comprehension.

Step 3: Follow the same procedure with the other pictures in this activity. Make sure pupils understand the structures “What can you see? – I can see a .” and say it with the right pronunciation and intonation.

Step 4: Have pupils practise asking and answering about the ability in pairs or groups. Go around and offer help or correct pronunciation, if necessary.

Step 5: Select some pairs of pupils to practise asking and answering about the ability again in front of the class. Praise them if they perform well.

Outcome: Pupils can ask and answer about the ability, using the structures “What can you see? – I can see a _ _.” correctly and confidently.

1. Listen and repeat.

Goal: Pupils will be able to:

– say the name of the letter R/r;

– pronounce the sound of the letter R/r in isolation and in the words rainbow, river, road correctly.

Input: – The picture is about the countryside in Viet Nam. There are fields along the road and a river running downside. There is a rainbow far away in the sky. There are some people travelling along the road by motorbike and bicycle.

– The word rainbow is next to the rainbow, the word river is next to the river, and the word road is next to the road. The letter r in the words rainbow, river, road is in red.

– The sound of the letter R/r (/r/) is the focus of Unit 4.

Procedure: Step 1: Ask pupils to look at the picture. Help them to identify the characters and the situation by asking them some questions such as Who are they?, Where are they?, What are they doing?, What is in the sky?, What is near the fields? etc. Draw pupils’ attention to the letter R/r, the words next to the things and the colour of the letter R/r (as mentioned in Input).

Step 2: Have pupils point to the letter R/r, listen to the recording and repeat the name and sound of the letter R/r.

Step 3: Ask pupils to point to the rainbow and/or the word rainbow, listen to the recording and repeat the word rainbow. Then play the recording again, if necessary, for them to repeat individually and in chorus. Correct pronunciation, if necessary. If they repeat well, praise them.

Step 4: Follow the same procedure with other words. Correct pronunciation, if necessary.

Step 5: Have pupils point to the letter R/r and the picture, listen to the recording again and say the name and sound of the letter R/r and the words again. Repeat the step, if necessary. Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task.

Step 6: Play the recording again and call a few pupils to say the name and sound of the letter R/r and the words rainbow, river, road in front of the class.

Outcome: Pupils can say the name and pronounce the sound of the letter R/r and the words as correctly as possible.