Remove all non numeric characters python dataframe

I have a dataframe which looks like this:

A B C 1 red78 square big235 2 green circle small123 3 blue45 triangle big657

I need to be able to remove the non-numeric characters from all the rows in column C so that my dataframe looks like:

A B C 1 red78 square 235 2 green circle 123 3 blue45 triangle 657

I tried using the following but get the error expected string or buffer:

import re dfOutput.imgID = dfOutput.imgID.apply(re.sub('[^0-9]','', dfOutput.imgID), axis = 0)

What should I do instead?

Code to create dataframe:

dfObject = pd.DataFrame() dfObject.set_value(1, 'A', 'red78') dfObject.set_value(1, 'B', 'square') dfObject.set_value(1, 'C', 'big235') dfObject.set_value(2, 'A', 'green') dfObject.set_value(2, 'B', 'circle') dfObject.set_value(2, 'C', 'small123') dfObject.set_value(3, 'A', 'blue45') dfObject.set_value(3, 'B', 'triangle') dfObject.set_value(3, 'C', 'big657')

Question :

How can I remove all non-numeric characters from all the values in a particular column in pandas dataframe?

I have a dataframe which looks like this:

A B C 1 red78 square big235 2 green circle small123 3 blue45 triangle big657

I need to be able to remove the non-numeric characters from all the rows in column C so that my dataframe looks like:

A B C 1 red78 square 235 2 green circle 123 3 blue45 triangle 657

I tried using the following but get the error expected string or buffer:

import re dfOutput.imgID = dfOutput.imgID.apply(re.sub('[^0-9]','', dfOutput.imgID), axis = 0)

What should I do instead?

Code to create dataframe:

dfObject = pd.DataFrame() dfObject.set_value(1, 'A', 'red78') dfObject.set_value(1, 'B', 'square') dfObject.set_value(1, 'C', 'big235') dfObject.set_value(2, 'A', 'green') dfObject.set_value(2, 'B', 'circle') dfObject.set_value(2, 'C', 'small123') dfObject.set_value(3, 'A', 'blue45') dfObject.set_value(3, 'B', 'triangle') dfObject.set_value(3, 'C', 'big657')

Answer #1:

Use str.extract and pass a regex pattern to extract just the numeric parts:

In[40]: dfObject['C'] = dfObject['C'].str.extract('(d+)', expand=False) dfObject Out[40]: A B C 1 red78 square 235 2 green circle 123 3 blue45 triangle 657

If needed you can cast to int:

dfObject['C'] = dfObject['C'].astype(int)

Answer #2:

You can use .str.replace with a regex:

dfObject['C'] = dfObject.C.str.replace(r"[a-zA-Z]",'')


A B C 1 red78 square 235 2 green circle 123 3 blue45 triangle 657

Answer #3:

To remove all non-digit characters from strings in a Pandas column you should use str.replace with D+ or [^0-9]+ patterns:

dfObject['C'] = dfObject['C'].str.replace(r'D+', '')

Or, since in Python 3, D is fully Unicode-aware by default and thus does not match non-ASCII digits (like ?????????, see proof) you should consider

dfObject['C'] = dfObject['C'].str.replace(r'[^0-9]+', '')


import re print ( re.sub( r'D+', '', '1?????????0') ) # => 1?????????0 print ( re.sub( r'[^0-9]+', '', '1?????????0') ) # => 10

Answer #4:

You can also do this via a lambda function with str.isdigit:

import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['John5', 'Tom 8', 'Ron 722']}) df['Name'] = df['Name'].map(lambda x: ''.join([i for i in x if i.isdigit()])) # Name # 0 5 # 1 8 # 2 722

Answered By: jpp

Answer #5:

After 2 years, to help others, I actually think that you were very close to the answer. I have used your logic but made it work. basically you create a function that does the clean up and then apply it to the column C.

import pandas as pd import re df = pd.DataFrame({ 'A': ['red78', 'green', 'blue45'], 'B': ['square', 'circle', 'triangle'], 'C': ['big235', 'small123', 'big657'] }) def remove_chars(s): return re.sub('[^0-9]+', '', s) df['C'] = df['C'].apply(remove_chars) df

Result below:

A B C 0 red78 square 235 1 green circle 123 2 blue45 triangle 657

How do you remove non

sub() method to remove all non-numeric characters from a string, e.g. result = re. sub(r'[^0-9]', '', my_str) . The re. sub() method will remove all non-numeric characters from the string by replacing them with empty strings.

How do I get rid of NaN values in pandas?

By using dropna() method you can drop rows with NaN (Not a Number) and None values from pandas DataFrame. Note that by default it returns the copy of the DataFrame after removing rows. If you wanted to remove from the existing DataFrame, you should use inplace=True .

How do I get rid of NaN and INF in pandas?

Using pandas replace() & dropna() To Drop Infinite Values nan and use pd. DataFrame. dropna(axis=0) . to drop rows. This ideally drops all infinite values from pandas DataFrame.

Does Dropna remove none?

dropna() is used to drop/remove columns with NaN / None values. Python doesn't support Null hence any missing data is represented as None or NaN values.

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