Python program to find power of a number without using pow function

In this example, you will learn to compute the power of a number.

To understand this example, you should have the knowledge of the following Python programming topics:

  • Python pow()
  • Python for Loop
  • Python while Loop

Example 1: Calculate power of a number using a while loop

base = 3 exponent = 4 result = 1 while exponent != 0: result *= base exponent-=1 print("Answer = " + str(result))


Answer = 81

In this program, base and exponent are assigned values 3 and 4 respectively.

Using the while loop, we keep on multiplying the result by base until the exponent becomes zero.

In this case, we multiply result by base 4 times in total, so result = 1 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 81.

Example 2: Calculate power of a number using a for loop

base = 3 exponent = 4 result = 1 for exponent in range(exponent, 0, -1): result *= base print("Answer = " + str(result))


Answer = 81

Here, instead of using a while loop, we've used a for loop.

After each iteration, the exponent is decremented by 1, and the result is multiplied by the base exponent number of times.

Both programs above do not work if you have a negative exponent. For that, you need to use the pow() function in the Python library.

Example 3: Calculate the power of a number using pow() function

base = 3 exponent = -4 result = pow(base, exponent) print("Answer = " + str(result))


Answer = 0.012345679012345678

pow() accepts two arguments: base and exponent. In the above example, 3 raised to the power -4 is calculated using pow().

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    Method 1 (Using Nested Loops): We can calculate power by using repeated addition. For example to calculate 5^6. 

    1) First 5 times add 5, we get 25. (5^2) 
    2) Then 5 times add 25, we get 125. (5^3) 
    3) Then 5 times add 125, we get 625 (5^4) 
    4) Then 5 times add 625, we get 3125 (5^5) 
    5) Then 5 times add 3125, we get 15625 (5^6) 


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>

    using namespace std;

    int pow(int a, int b)


        if (b == 0)

            return 1;

        int answer = a;

        int increment = a;

        int i, j;

        for(i = 1; i < b; i++)


            for(j = 1; j < a; j++)


                answer += increment;


            increment = answer;


        return answer;


    int main()


        cout << pow(5, 3);

        return 0;




    int pow(int a, int b)


      if (b == 0)

        return 1;

      int answer = a;

      int increment = a;

      int i, j;

      for(i = 1; i < b; i++)


         for(j = 1; j < a; j++)


            answer += increment;


         increment = answer;


      return answer;


    int main()


      printf("\n %d", pow(5, 3));


      return 0;




    class GFG {

        static int pow(int a, int b)


            if (b == 0)

                return 1;

            int answer = a;

            int increment = a;

            int i, j;

            for (i = 1; i < b; i++) {

                for (j = 1; j < a; j++) {

                    answer += increment;


                increment = answer;


            return answer;


        public static void main(String[] args)


            System.out.println(pow(5, 3));




    def pow(a,b):


            return 1



        for i in range(1,b):

            for j in range (1,a):



        return answer



    using System;

    class GFG


        static int pow(int a, int b)


            if (b == 0)

                return 1;

            int answer = a;

            int increment = a;

            int i, j;

            for (i = 1; i < b; i++) {

                for (j = 1; j < a; j++) {

                    answer += increment;


                increment = answer;


            return answer;


        public static void Main()


            Console.Write(pow(5, 3));





    function poww($a, $b)


        if ($b == 0)

            return 1;

        $answer = $a;

        $increment = $a;



        for($i = 1; $i < $b; $i++)


            for($j = 1; $j < $a; $j++)


                $answer += $increment;


            $increment = $answer;


        return $answer;


        echo( poww(5, 3));




    function pow(a , b)


        if (b == 0)

            return 1;

        var answer = a;

        var increment = a;

        var i, j;

        for (i = 1; i < b; i++)


            for (j = 1; j < a; j++)


                answer += increment;


            increment = answer;


        return answer;


    document.write(pow(5, 3));


    Output : 


    Time Complexity: O(a * b)

    Auxiliary Space:O(1)

    Method 2 (Using Recursion): Recursively add a to get the multiplication of two numbers. And recursively multiply to get a raise to the power b.



    using namespace std;

    int multiply(int x, int y)



            return (x + multiply(x, y - 1));


            return 0;


    int pow(int a, int b)



            return multiply(a, pow(a, b - 1));


            return 1;


    int main()


        cout << pow(5, 3);


        return 0;




    int pow(int a, int b)



         return multiply(a, pow(a, b-1));


        return 1;


    int multiply(int x, int y)



         return (x + multiply(x, y-1));


         return 0;


    int main()


      printf("\n %d", pow(5, 3));


      return 0;




    class GFG {

        static int pow(int a, int b)


            if (b > 0)

                return multiply(a, pow(a, b - 1));


                return 1;


        static int multiply(int x, int y)


            if (y > 0)

                return (x + multiply(x, y - 1));


                return 0;


        public static void main(String[] args)


            System.out.println(pow(5, 3));




    def pow(a,b):


            return multiply(a, pow(a, b-1));


            return 1;

    def multiply(x, y):

        if (y):

            return (x + multiply(x, y-1));


            return 0;

    print(pow(5, 3));


    using System;

    class GFG


        static int pow(int a, int b)


            if (b > 0)

                return multiply(a, pow(a, b - 1));


                return 1;


        static int multiply(int x, int y)


            if (y > 0)

                return (x + multiply(x, y - 1));


                return 0;


        public static void Main()


            Console.Write(pow(5, 3));





    function p_ow( $a, $b)



            return multiply($a,

              p_ow($a, $b - 1));


            return 1;


    function multiply($x, $y)



            return ($x + multiply($x, $y - 1));


            return 0;


    echo pow(5, 3);




    function pow(a, b)


        if (b > 0)

            return multiply(a, pow(a, b - 1));


            return 1;


    function multiply(x, y)


        if (y > 0)

            return (x + multiply(x, y - 1));


            return 0;


    document.write(pow(5, 3));


    Output : 


    Time Complexity: O(b)

    Auxiliary Space: O(b)

    Method 3 (Using bit masking) 

    Approach: We can a^n (let’s say 3^5) as 3^4 * 3^0 * 3^1 = 3^5, so we can represent 5 as its binary i.e. 101


    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    long long pow(int a, int n){

        int ans=1;


            int last_bit = n&1;


                ans = ans*a;


          a = a*a;

          n = n >> 1;


          return ans;


    int main() {


        return 0;



    #include <stdio.h>

    long long pow_(int a, int n){

      int ans = 1;

      while(n > 0)


        int last_bit = n&1;


          ans = ans*a;


        a = a*a;

        n = n >> 1;


      return ans;


    int main()



      return 0;




    import java.util.*;

    class GFG


    static int pow(int a, int n){

        int ans = 1;

          while(n > 0)


            int last_bit = n&1;

              if(last_bit != 0){

                ans = ans*a;


          a = a*a;

          n = n >> 1;


          return ans;


    public static void main(String[] args)






    def pow(a, n):

        ans = 1

        while(n > 0):

            last_bit = n&1


                ans = ans*a

            a = a*a

            n = n >> 1

        return ans

    print(pow(3, 5))


    using System;

    using System.Numerics;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    public class GFG {

    static int pow(int a, int n){

        int ans = 1;

          while(n > 0)


            int last_bit = n&1;

              if(last_bit != 0){

                ans = ans*a;


          a = a*a;

          n = n >> 1;


          return ans;


    public static void Main(string[] args)







    function pow(a, n){

        let ans = 1;

        while(n > 0)


            let last_bit = n&1;



                ans = ans*a;


            a = a*a;

            n = n >> 1;


        return ans;






    function p_ow($a, $n){

        $ans = 1;

        while($n > 0)


            $last_bit = $n&1;



                $ans = $ans*$a;


            $a = $a*$a;

            $n = $n >> 1;


        return $ans;




    Time Complexity: O(log n)

    Auxiliary Space: O(1)

    Please write comments if you find any bug in the above code/algorithm, or find other ways to solve the same problem.

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    power = power * a..
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    pow(x, y[, z]).
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    import math. print(math. pow(4,2)) Run. Importing math module in Python..
    def power(n,e): res=0. for i in range(e): res *= n. return res. print(pow(4,2)) Run. ... .
    def power(n, e): if e == 0: return 1. elif e == 1: return n. else: return (n*power(n, e-1)).

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