Print bst in order python

Me and my friend are doing some school work with programming in Python 3.1 and are VERY stuck. We're programming a binary tree and it's working fine except when we want to print all the nodes in inorder in a way that would create a sentence (all the words in inorder just after one another in a row). We have been looking all over the internet for clues as to how to procede and we've been working with this little thing for like two hours. Any advice/help would be awesome.

Our program/Binary tree:

class Treenode: def __init__(self, it = None, le = None, ri = None): self.item = it self.left = le self.right = ri class Bintree: def __init__(self): self.item = None self.left = None self.right = None def put(self, it = None): key = Treenode(it) if self.item == None: self.item = key return p = self.item while True: if key.item < p.item: if p.left == None: p.left = key return else: p = p.left elif key.item > p.item: if p.right == None: p.right = key return else: p = p.right else: return def exists(self, it): key = it p = self.item if p == key: return True while True: if key < p.item: if p.left == None: return False else: p = p.left elif key > p.item: if p.right == None: return False else: p = p.right else: return def isEmpty(self): if self.item == None: return True else: return False def printtree (Treenode): if Treenode.left != None: printtree (Treenode.left) print (Treenode.item) if Treenode.right != None: printtree (Treenode.right)

We get a sort of print when we run the program which looks like this: "bintree.Treenode object at 0x02774CB0", which is not what we want.

We use the tree by running this:

import bintree tree = bintree.Bintree() print(tree.isEmpty()) # should give True tree.put("solen") print(tree.isEmpty()) # should give False tree.put("gott") tree.put("sin") tree.put("hela") tree.put("ban") tree.put("upp") tree.put("himlarunden") tree.put("manen") tree.put("seglar") tree.put("som") tree.put("en") tree.put("svan") tree.put("uti") tree.put("midnattsstuden") print(tree.exists("visa")) # should give False print(tree.exists("ban")) # should give True tree.printtree() # print sorted

Also, the second last row gives us "None" instead of "True", which is wierd.

In addition to taking courses on Python, computer science, data structures, and algorithms, I have joined a few communities offering programming challenges to help me improve my coding skills. I enjoy these programming challenges, and recently finished the 30 Days of Code Challenge at HackerRank using both C# and Python.

One of the recent challenges I received was to code the inorder traversal of a binary search tree. The binary search tree was already created and I just needed to print all the nodes in correct order, which means I had to do a proper inorder traversal of the binary search tree and print the key of each node along the way.

Create Binary Search Tree in Python

First things first, I need a binary search tree in Python. Here is a barebones Node Class in Python along with a simple add function that will create a binary tree using level-order traversal.

from collections import deque class Node: def __init__(self, key): self.key = key self.left = None self.right = None def add(node, root): if root is None: raise ValueError('root cannot be None.') nodes_found = deque([root]) while len(nodes_found) > 0: current_node = nodes_found.popleft() if current_node.left is None: current_node.left = node break if current_node.right is None: current_node.right = node break nodes_found.append(current_node.left) nodes_found.append(current_node.right)

I can create a balanced, binary search tree using keys 1 - 15 using a simple script in Python.

root = Node(8) keys = [4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15] for key in keys: add(Node(key), root)

I am essentially doing a level-order traversal (like breadth-first search) that adds these keys in a particular order to create a binary search tree. The order of the keys in the list is important.

Inorder Traversal of Binary Search Tree

Now that I have a binary search tree in Python, I need to perform an inorder traveral of the nodes to display the keys in their correct order. An inorder traveral will display a node's left sub-tree, then the value of its key, followed by the right sub-tree. An inorder traversal makes the most sense for binary search trees, because this is exactly the way binary search trees are ordered.

Here is a display_nodes Python function that displays each key of a binary search tree using inorder traversal.

def display_nodes(root): if root is None: return if root.left is not None: display_nodes(root.left) print(root.key, end=' ') if root.right is not None: display_nodes(root.right)

Here is a Python script that displays the nodes of the binary search tree created above.

display_nodes(root) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


In the programming challenge the binary search tree was already provided, so the code I wrote to create the binary search tree wasn't part of the challenge. I just wrote that really quickly in Python to set up the challenge. The only code I needed to write in Python ( I did it in C# as well ) was the display_nodes function, which is a recursive function that does an inorder traveral of the binary search tree. This challenge didn't take me long, but it's great to have these challenges to keep binary search trees fresh in my mind. As a freelance ASP.NET C# Web Developer I don't come across binary search trees in my daily development.

Hope this helps!

How do I print BST in ascending order?

Given an array that stores a complete Binary Search Tree, write a function that efficiently prints the given array in ascending order. Solution: Inorder traversal of BST prints it in ascending order. The only trick is to modify recursion termination condition in standard Inorder Tree Traversal.

How do you inorder a BST?

For Inorder, you traverse from the left subtree to the root then to the right subtree. For Preorder, you traverse from the root to the left subtree then to the right subtree. For Post order, you traverse from the left subtree to the right subtree then to the root.

Can we construct BST from inorder?

Yes it is possible to construct a binary search tree from an inorder traversal.

How do I print descending order in BST?

To improve upon that, we will simulate the reverse in-order traversal of a binary tree as follows:.
Create a dummy node..
Create a variable called 'prev' and make it point to the dummy node..
Perform reverse in-order traversal and at each step. Set prev -> right = curr. Set prev -> left = NULL. Set prev = curr..

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