Please review your name on facebook năm 2024

I recently rebranded my blog, changing the name to something I feel better describes the site’s mission. While the content remained the same, the only thing different was the name.

Once I bought my new domain name and transferred all the old posts to the new site, I went about updating my social media profiles.

Not a single social network gave me trouble with changing the username and title except Facebook!

Facebook lets you change the username of your page pretty easily.

However, to update your Facebook Page name, you have to go to the “About” section of your page, and then click “Edit” next to the name.

I did this thinking it wouldn’t be an issue, but much to my surprise, Facebook denied my Page name change request!

Apparently they felt it “misled” my page followers:

What?! It seems that because the name is drastically different from the old one, Facebook assumes I’m misleading people.

I thought this was super bizarre, but Facebook offers a way to “appeal” the decision so I started that process. I wrote a pretty basic explanation as to why I was requesting a name change, reiterating that the content of my blog was not changing, just the name itself. I thought any reasonable person who read this would approve it automatically!

After 3 days with no response to my appeal, I started Googling around and realized this is an all too common problem. Apparently Facebook allows name changes for pages with less than 100 likes, but for pages with more likes, changing the name becomes quite difficult. I read stories about people who showed how they bought a new domain name, but didn’t change the content of their site, were still denied in their appeal for a Facebook name change request! Totally nuts.

Thankfully, I came across a clever way to change my Facebook Page name after getting denied.

Essentially, if your Facebook name change has been denied, you need to go about changing it very slowly, little by little so Facebook thinks you’re only making minor adjustments each time, that wouldn’t throw off your followers.

The whole process was quite silly and took me about 2 weeks, but in the end, I’m happy I was able to successfully change my Facebook Page name.

Here’s what I did:

I wanted to change my name from “Design by Digital” to “Blog Ambitious”

So I submitted a change request for “Design by Digital Blog”


The next day (Facebook makes you wait 1-2 days before changing your page name again), I requested “Design by Digital Blog Ambitious”

Approved again!

The next time, I requested a removal of a word: “by Digital Blog Ambitious”. I made these requests a few more times: “Digital Blog Ambitious” and finally “Blog Ambitious”.

Don’t cut corners by removing or adding more than ONE word at a time. Trust me, I tried it on the last step. It won’t work and will slow you down an extra day!

As you can see from my screenshot, I was requesting a new name every day if not every other day, depending on my schedule. It takes a bit of time for the approval to go through, and then for you to remember to submit a new request again.

I know it’s ridiculous but this is the only workaround where I’ve been able to change my Facebook page name successfully.

Why is Facebook asking me to confirm my name?

Confirming your name: We ask everyone on Facebook to use the name they go by in everyday life. This helps keep you and our community safe from impersonation. Another reason people may be required to confirm their identity is helping prevent abuse such as scams, phishing and foreign political influence.

Why does Facebook keep telling me to use my real name?

To make sure people know who they're connecting with, we ask everyone to use the same name on Facebook that they use in everyday life. We may ask you to confirm that the name on your Facebook account is the name you're known by.

How do I confirm my identity to recover my Facebook account?

You can upload and submit an approved document like a valid passport, driver's license, or non-driver's government ID. Learn more about the type of IDs we accept and how to upload them below.

Can I send my ID to Facebook to recover my account?

You can send us 1 government ID to confirm your name or regain access to your account. Your name and a photo. We understand that your authentic name may not be represented on an official, government-issued ID, or you may not have access to this type of document.

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