Php access property in static method

Here is my class property

private $my_paths = array(
        'imagemagick' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\ImageMagick',
        'pngcrush' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\pngCrush\pngcrush.exe',
        'jpegtran' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\jpegtran\jpegtran.exe',
        'gifsicle' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\gifsicle\gifsicle.exe',
        'pngquant' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\pngquant\pngquant.exe',
        'pngout' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\pngout\pngout.exe'

There is a static method in the same class...

public static function is_image($file_path)

    $imagemagick = $this->my_paths['imagemagick']. '\identify';

    echo $imagemagick;

Of course this gives me errors like

Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context...

I then tried accessing the property like this self::my_paths['imagemagick'] but that did not help.

How should I handle this?

asked Jan 9, 2012 at 8:32


47.2k97 gold badges305 silver badges525 bronze badges


You need the $ sign in front of the variable/property name, so it becomes:


And my_paths is not declared as static. So you need it to be

private static $my_paths = array(...);

When it does not have the static keyword in front of it, it expects to be instantiated in an object.

answered Jan 9, 2012 at 8:36


you cannot access non-static properties in static methods, you either should create an instance of the object in the method or declare the property as static.

answered Jan 9, 2012 at 8:35


20.5k11 gold badges59 silver badges79 bronze badges


make it static property

   private static $my_paths = array(
    'imagemagick' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\ImageMagick',
    'pngcrush' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\pngCrush\pngcrush.exe',
    'jpegtran' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\jpegtran\jpegtran.exe',
    'gifsicle' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\gifsicle\gifsicle.exe',
    'pngquant' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\pngquant\pngquant.exe',
    'pngout' => 'E:\Server\_ImageOptimize\pngout\pngout.exe'

and call it like this


answered Jan 9, 2012 at 8:38

Php access property in static method

Ahmad HajjarAhmad Hajjar

1,7963 gold badges20 silver badges32 bronze badges

If possible, you could make your variable my_path static also.

self::my_paths['imagemagick'] does not work, because the array is private and could not used in a static context.

Make your variable static and it should work.

answered Jan 9, 2012 at 8:37


1,80915 silver badges17 bronze badges

Static methods in a class can't access the non static properties in the same class.

Because static methods are callable without an instance of the object created, the pseudo-variable $this is not available inside the method declared as static.

If you wan't to access the properties of the same class then you must define them as a static.

class A{
    public function __construct(){
        echo "I am Constructor of Class A !!<br>";

    public $testVar = "Testing variable of class A";

    static $myStaticVar = "Static variable of Class A ..!<br>";

    static function myStaticFunction(){

  //Following will generate an Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context 
      echo $this->testVar;

 //Correct way to access the variable..
    echo Self::$myStaticVar;


$myObj = new A(); 

answered Jan 11, 2020 at 8:36

Php access property in static method

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How do you access the class property from a static method?

Static properties ¶ Static properties are accessed using the Scope Resolution Operator ( :: ) and cannot be accessed through the object operator ( -> ). It's possible to reference the class using a variable. The variable's value cannot be a keyword (e.g. self , parent and static ).

How can we call non

The only way to call a non-static method from a static method is to have an instance of the class containing the non-static method. By definition, a non-static method is one that is called ON an instance of some class, whereas a static method belongs to the class itself. Similar post but different language.

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No special symbol is required to use this keyword. It is used with the scope resolution operator (::) of PHP. It does not refer to any instance of the class. It represents the static members of the class that are used by all class instances.

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Introduction to PHP static methods and properties PHP allows you to access the methods and properties in the context of a class rather than an object. Such methods and properties are class methods and properties. Class methods and class properties are called static methods and properties.