Lua han hóa yeu thuong tap cuoi kenh todayoi năm 2024

It’s obvious that the folks at TimeGate are firm believers in the “bigger is better†policy, because Ahriman’s Gift features more of everything. The original had 40 unit types; Ahriman’s has 90. Among the new units are specialized elite priests specific to each race. You now have 100 spells instead of the original 60, with three new campaigns and 40 new maps. The random map generator has been improved and now includes six different climates, ranging from woodland to arctic. Basically, there’s enough Kohan in here to keep you busy for an extremely long time.

The interface, graphics, and functions of gameplay are all practically indiscernible from those in Immortal Sovereigns. Though Ahriman’s Gift is far superior to the original Kohan, it still feels like the same experience.