Lỗi this extension may have been corrupted của idm

If you are also using 3rd party download management software Internet Download Manager (IDM) with Google Chrome web browser in your computer to download files from Internet faster and Google Chrome is showing corrupted IDM extension message on Extensions page, this tutorial will be helpful to you.

Actually IDM installs its required extension called “IDM Integration Module” in Google Chrome and other web browsers to integrate itself with all browsers. It allows IDM to take over the downloads from web browsers and you enjoy IDM to download stuff in your favorite web browser.

Sometimes IDM Integration Module extension becomes corrupted in Google Chrome and you can’t use IDM any more in Chrome. When you open Chrome extensions (chrome://extensions/) page, Chrome shows following error message for IDM extension:

This extension may have been corrupted.

Following screenshot shows this problem live in action:

Following are some other problems which can also occur if IDM extension gets corrupted:

  • You upgraded IDM to a new version or upgraded Google Chrome to a new version and IDM stopped working in Chrome.
  • You checked Chrome extensions (chrome://extensions/) page and it doesn’t show “IDM Integration Module” extension in the list.
  • “IDM Integration Module” extension is present on extensions page but not working in Chrome.
  • You get “Apps, extensions, and user scripts cannot be added from this website” error while trying to install IDM extension manually in Chrome.
  • You get “You have an obsolete Google Chrome browser integration, or Google Chrome integration is not installed. Would you like to read how to fix it?” error message in IDM.
  • You get “Not from Chrome Web Store. This extension violates the Chrome Web Store Policy” error message while trying to install IDM extension in Chrome.
  • You get “Suspicious extensions disabled. To make Chrome safer, we disabled some extensions that aren’t listed in the Chrome Web Store and may have been added without your knowledge” error message in Chrome.
  • You get “Google has flagged IDM Integration as malicious and installation has been prevented” error message while trying to install IDM extension in Chrome.
  • Google Chrome disables IDM extension and shows “This extension may have been corrupted” error message.

Today in this tutorial, I’m going to tell you how to fix these issues and how to repair corrupted IDM Integration Module extension in Google Chrome.

If you are also facing this problem, following methods will help you:


1. Open Google Chrome and click on 3-dots menu. Now select “More tools -> Extensions” option.

Alternatively, you can direct open Extensions page using chrome://extensions/ URL in address bar.

2. Now look for IDM Integration Module extension which is showing the error message.

Click on “Repair” button given under the extension name and it should repair the extension.


If Repair button doesn’t work, then try following:

Open following link in Google Chrome to open IDM extension page in Chrome Web Store:

Download IDM Integration Module Extension from Chrome Web Store

The page will show following message at the top:

This item has been disabled in Chrome. Enable this item.

Click on “Enable this item” link and it’ll immediately repair the corrupted IDM extension in Chrome.

Now check Chrome extensions page and it’ll show that IDM extension has been enabled again successfully.


If you still face the corrupted extension issue, then open Chrome extensions page and click on Remove button given under the IDM extension name. It’ll remove the IDM extension completely from Chrome.

Now install the IDM extension again from Chrome Web Store using following tutorial:

How to Install IDM Integration Module Extension in Google Chrome?

Direct jump to METHOD 4 in above tutorial to install IDM extension from Chrome Web Store.


You can also try to update IDM to the latest version in your computer. Sometimes upgrading IDM to the latest version automatically fixes all such error messages. Once you update IDM to latest version, it may install a newer version of IDM Integration Module extension in your browser.

To update IDM, Open IDM program and click on “Help -> Check for updates“option. If you are using an older version, it’ll start downloading and installing the latest version and will update your IDM to the latest version.

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