Lỗi mail box has exceeded it quota limit năm 2024

One common bounced back email error message when sending email is: Mailbox quota exceeded. This error occurs when you have a disk quota for an hosting account exceeded or one of your email users no longer has enough space for the message being sent to them.


  • You can no longer receive emails.
  • Emails bounce with a Disk Quota Exceeded error.
  • Webmail stops working.
  • Cannot upload using FTP, et cetra.

------------ Reasons for the error message: ------------

Following are the possible reasons for the error message:

  1. The disk quota exceeded for the email account.
  2. Disk quota for the particular domain exceeded.

------------ Possible Solutions: ------------

If your email address has used the allowed quota, there are a few ways to correct this.

First, you could simply delete some of your emails. Deleting emails in your email client will remove them from the server and lower the space used. If you have any emails with large attachments, deleting those will free up space.

Steps to increase the quota for an email account:

Step 1) Login to the cPanel of the domain using your domain name as follows :

\==> //www.yourdomain.com:2082 or \==> //www.yourdomain.com/cpanel or \==> //direct.yourdomain.com/cpanelStep 2) Next, navigate to the "Email Accounts" under "Mail" section. In the following page, we can see the list of email accounts existing under that domain. Increase the quota for the email account by clicking "Change Quota" and changing it to the required value.

IMPRTANT: If the disk quota of the email account is not causing the issue then the quota limit for the domain might be exceeded.Steps 3) Please check If any of your email accounts are over quota, they will show in red. Either you can delete the unwanted files or you can increase the quota of the domain.

Steps 4) To raise the quota, click on "Change Quota" under actions shown in cPanel

Steps 5) Raise the number in the "Mailbox Quota" field and click Change Quota. Now, as you can see the quota has raised and the address no longer shows as red.

You can use this method to raise the quota on any email account. If any inboxes are close to full, you can raise the quota to avoid a future issue.

You should consider deleting older messages to avoid having to increase your quota frequently, or consider setting your quota far higher than necessary. Allocating additional amounts of storage to a mailbox will not affect account usage.

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Many users have complained that their mail server sends a quota exceeding the mailbox for users is full warning message. Luckily, it can be fixed in no time.

Here, we will discuss what this warning means and what we can do to fix the mailbox quota exceeded for Outlook.

What does exceeding the Quota for the mailbox mean?

The mail server sending quota warning appears when users are about to or have exceeded the limit provided for their email account.

Addressing it is essential to avoid the problems such as not being able to login into your account and error sending emails from your mailbox. Moreover, due to this error, the receiving emails will bounce back to the sender.

What causes the mailbox quota exceeded error?

There could be several reasons why you are getting this error; here are some of the popular ones:

  • Trash and Spam folder is full – If you get a lot of spam messages on your email account, hundreds of emails stored can consume the space provided. Check if you have the Spam quarantine feature enabled; it can accumulate space. Disable it and remove unwanted emails to recover space.
  • IMAP account not maintained – We sync our email on multiple devices, for which we use IMAP in place of POP. This results in storing a lot of emails. Deleting them is also not easy, as these emails might be needed for references. So, you need to be very careful while deleting these emails.
  • POP3 account is configured – With a POP account, all emails are downloaded on the device, and no emails are on the server unless a user has confirmed otherwise, resulting in unnecessary space on the server.
  • Catch-All address feature is enabled – Users enable Catch-All to avoid sending messages to the wrong email addresses. However, the problem with the feature is that it also stores spam emails. Hence taking up unnecessary space and causing the issue.
  • Exhausted the hosting space – If you have exhausted the quota assigned for keeping the database, mail files, and other data, you might get this error. Look for old site backup, unmaintained apps, database dump, & other unnecessary data on the server and delete them.

What can I do if the mailbox quota is exceeded?

Before moving to the troubleshooting steps, you should consider performing the preliminary checks first:

  • If you are using Microsoft 365, you can ask your IT administrator to increase the mailbox space.
  • Empty your spam folders to retrieve space in your mailbox.
  • Unsubscribe from unwanted mail chains and delete the unwanted messages in the inbox.
  • Save your essential email attachments to OneDrive and delete them from your mail account

1. Delete older inbox items

  1. Launch Outlook on iOS or Android and go to Settings.
  2. Click Swipe Options. Select Delete as the Swipe option.
  3. Now you can swipe your way through your inbox to clean it.

2. Remove files from the server if POP3 is configured

  1. Open the Outlook app on your Windows 11 computer. Go to the File tab.
  2. Click Account Settings.
  3. Double-click the mail address.
  4. Click the More Settings button.
  5. Go to the Advanced tab.
  6. Place a checkmark next to Leave a copy of messages on the server.
  7. Place a checkmark next to Remove from server after and reduce day to 1.
  8. Click Next and then Finish.

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3. Set the Mailbox limit


Before going through this method, you have to connect the Exchange Online PowerShell module. To know more, click here. Once it’s done, follow the steps mentioned below.

3.1 For single user

Once you have connected Exchange Online, type the following command on PowerShell, replace User ID with either GUID or email address, replace the Value parameter with the number in GB or MB, and press Enter: Set-Mailbox < UserID > -ProhibitSendQuota < Value > -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota < Value > -IssueWarningQuota <value>

To check if the current list of quotas is attached to the mailbox, copy and paste the following command and press Enter: Get-Mailbox < User ID > | Select *quota

3.2 For multiple users

After connecting the Exchange Online PowerShell module, copy and paste the following command, replace the value parameter which a number in GB or MB, and press Enter:

Get-Mailbox | Set-Mailbox -ProhibitSendQuota < Value > -ProhibitSendReceiveQuota < Value > -IssueWarningQuota < Value >

So, these are the ways to fix the mail exceeded quota error on Outlook 365. Try them and let us know which worked for you in the comments below.

Loredana Harsana

Windows Software Expert

Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was on top of the world and she fell in love with tech of all sorts. Whenever she’s not at her work desk, you'll find her enjoying refreshing tea flavors, spilling stories on paper, and listening to the radio.

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