Lỗi lets check your device for malicious software facebook năm 2024

Just tonight, My Facebook account was locked by Facebook and it says my computer was infected with malware, even though I know it is not infected – because I just reformatted my computer a few weeks ago. And Why on Earth they know that my computer is infected with a virus, do they install something to my computer? a tracking program or something? that’s impossible because a website cannot access your device unless you install something from them! If that something to do with my account, they must provide some options to disable apps that doing something to my account and not to force anyone to install their sponsored Anti Virus program.

Other browser like Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox has no problem and I can still use Facebook without those alert. Only in my primary browser Google Chrome, when you tried to login your account this message keeps popping up:

And when you press the Clean This Device, another step will appear saying all about the Malicious Software.

Then the next step is they want you to download the program and install their ESET Antivirus program.

Then they will instruct you how to install their Anti-Virus.

Well, I didn’t follow those step and did not install their program, because I don’t feel comfortable installing it and it may destroy some of my files.

Everytime, I login back to my Facebook this error message keeps appearing. I even tried uninstalling Google Chrome and reinstalling it, also tried using the Beta version but that doesn’t work as well. Until I found a solution that works and remove this False Positive virus alarm of Facebook.

How to Fix Facebook Let’s Check Your Device for Malicious Software False Alarm

1. Before anything, Please logout Facebook.

2. On your Google Chrome, click the 3 dot icon on the upper right corner of the browser, then go to More tools -> Developer Tools. Or just press CTRL + Shift + I to open Developer Tools.

3. From here, you will see another 3 dot icon on the Developer Tools window. Click it. See screenshot below.

4. Now, go to More tools -> Network conditions.

5. Then a new window will appear on the bottom of Developer Tools, called Network conditions.

6. Now, uncheck the Select automatically, then click Custom and select Safari — Mac.

7. (Note: Do not close the developer tools yet.) Refresh and go to Facebook.com. A notification should appear on the top of the Fb page For a better experience on Facebook, update your browser.

8. Now, login your account. The Let’s Check Your Device for Malicious Software warning will appear again, but this time. There will be additional selection which is the check/uncheck checkbox saying “I’ve run an anti-virus software for Mac and my computer no longer has any malware.”. You have to check this and press Continue.

Thank you to Christine for this Screenshot.

8. Now, you can now able to login back to Facebook again without installing that program. You may now close the Google Chrome, then login back again the error should not appear anymore.

If you still have problem solving this method, Please don’t hesitate to contact us by leaving a comment below.

You may also check our YouTube video for instruction 1 to 7.

\=============================== List of Error Message ==========================

Let’s Check Your Device for Malicious Software

Hi Erwin, we’re continuously working to keep your account secure. We’ve noticed that this device may be infected with malicious software. To continue to use Facebook, you can either use other devices or clean this device by downloading the scanner provided by Facebook and ESET.

Download Scanner

Please download the recommended scanner from Facebook and ESET to clean your infected device.

By clicking Download, you agree that Facebook and ESET can access your device in order to collect, analyze and remove files that may be malicious, and use and share the collected data to improve security on and off Facebook.

About Malicious Software

Malicious software tries to steal personal information and often spread spam on Facebook through links or downloads.

How did malicious software get on my computer?

Malicious software can be spread through links or downloads, so it’s important to never click on a link, install software or follow instructions from sources you don’t know.

Why should I clean malicious software?

If you have malicious software, your account might display unusual behavior such as sending many messages, liking many Pages and sending friend requests to people you don’t know personally. You might also notice slow processing, computer crashes or suspicious browser extensions.

How can I keep my account secure?

Watch out for fake Pages and apps/games. Be suspecious of Pages promoting offers that are too good to be true.

Don’t accept friend requests from people you don’t know. Sometimes scammers will create fake accounts to friend people.

Never give out your login info (ex: email address and password). Sometimes people or Pages will promise you something (ex. free poker chips) if you share your login info with them.

Learn more about how to keep your account secure.

Run Scanner

Your download will begin shortly. When you’re ready, follow these steps to start ESET scanner. Once you start the scanner, you’ll be able to use Facebook and other sites.

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