It is what it is amazon top reviewer năm 2024

In the Amazon product selling business, you can bet that reviews are extremely important. You see, online buyers don’t have any other means of trusting a seller or a product other than the reviews that buyers see. Therefore, if you want your product to sell, you need to have a high Amazon reviewer rank. To put it simply, the more positive reviews you have, the higher the chances that customers will buy your products.

However, it’s really important to note that some reviews carry a bit more weight than others. In other words, if your review comes from one of the Amazon top reviewers, then it means your product is a definite must-have. In the Amazon world, these top Amazon reviewers can be considered “influencers” that people would most likely listen to.

So if a top reviewer gives your product and services a five-star rating, then it’s like having an endorser promote your store.

These reviewers aren’t as hard to get as actual endorsers. There are a few tactics on how to get more reviews on Amazon, including reviews from top reviewers. Here are some of them:

This is your first step in looking for top reviewers. Fortunately, there is something like an Amazon top reviewer forum available for checking out. In this forum, you’ll be able to find the webpage that contains the list of the top reviewers.

There are also a few websites that would provide lists of the top guns. You can check out those lists so that you can compile your own. A lot of them actually provide services on collecting top reviewers’ contact details. Maybe you could start there.

Once you have already compiled your own, then you can start figuring out the best way to get in touch with them and ask them to make a review of your product.

Arrange Amazon Top Reviewers by Genre or Product Category

It’s better if you look for Amazon top reviewers by genre for better credibility. In order to do that, you have to search the Amazon top reviewers list for people who have interests that relate to your product. This allows you to get people who have tried other products before they can say that yours is a good one. But why should you do this step anyway? Well, categorizing your prospects by category will allow you to increase your chances of getting them to work with you. Let me give you an example. If you were selling photography merchandise such as camera accessories and such, you most likely won’t be able to get a review from a person who buys mostly cooking materials such as pots and pans. You’ll want to get someone who has an interest in photography. They are the ones who are more likely to try out whatever you’re selling and give some input or feedback based on their experience.

You can think of doing this as target segmentation. By narrowing down the number of people, you get to zoom into the people that will most likely agree with your request rather than reject.

Create a Spiel That You Can Send When Contacting Amazon Reviewers

Now comes the exciting part: contacting Amazon top reviewers. This will be a bit difficult if you’re pretty new to Amazon because a lot of these top reviewers won’t really bother with you. However, you can guarantee them top customer services just to show that you’re a legitimate seller. You must also learn how to contact a reviewer on Amazon properly and politely so that they will do you a favor.

Don’t expect everyone to respond to you no matter how well-crafted your email is. In any case, it’s really just a numbers game. If you try contacting about a hundred of these reviewers, you’re bound to get a few who won’t mind helping you out. You can use this spiel to help you out:

“Hello (Name of reviewer),

I found your email address in the top 10,000 reviewers on Amazon page and see you’ve reviewed products similar to what I am selling. I am wondering if you would be interested to be an Amazon product tester of my new line of (products you’re selling)? I would very much appreciate an honest review about it.

Thank you so much in advance”

This spiel will work on those who are a little casual and a little easygoing. If you want something a little more forward and in a way, a bit salesy, you can try this spiel instead:


I found your email in the list of top reviewers in Amazon and I think we may have a common interest. May I interest you in trying the (product that you are selling)? As we both share a common interest in (product you are promoting), I think the product I am offering might be useful for you. Here’s the link to my Amazon page if you are interested to know more about the product. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop me an email. Hope I can also get an honest review if you liked the product.

Thank you in advance!”

Now, these are two spiels that you can use. You can edit them to fit your personality better and make your letter a little bit more personalized. Just make sure that if they reject you, you’ll still remain polite to them. Keep their contact details in your reference just in case you may want to contact them in the future.

Comply with All of the Amazon Review Policies When Contacting Amazon Reviewers

By now, you’re probably thinking that one strategy to get reviewers would be to give them free products to test out. This is actually a pretty good strategy if it wasn’t prohibited by Amazon. In order to preserve the overall integrity of the online marketplace, all sellers and all buyers must transact properly wherein the buyer gets the product and the seller gets the money.

If you still want to do this, however, then you have to do it outside of Amazon’s system. For instance, if you have an inventory that isn’t recorded in Amazon’s system, you can ship it to your reviewer via third-party shipping. Of course, we discourage this as it might hit some prohibitions in the Amazon review guidelines. This should be done at your own risk and discretion.

Take note that this happens to be one of the major prohibitions for reviews when you’re using the platform. There are a lot more in the guidelines, so it’s very important that you’re updated. Plus, Amazon usually changes the guidelines from time to time, so you have to make sure you know if there are any added terms or not. This will ensure that you don’t get a warning from Amazon, or even worse, get banned from selling certain wares.

Make Sure Your Product Listings Are Attractive

Take note that if you do request for a review from a top reviewer, he will want to take a look at the product description and details first. This will also give him the chance to judge you as a seller. Take note that these people will not want to give reviews just to anyone, so they will do their homework as well.

With that in mind, you have to make sure that your product listings are well made and your product descriptions well-written. When it comes to writing product descriptions, the key is to focus on features, advantages, and benefits (the FAB rule). You have to show your customers what your product offers, how it stands out from other products, and how it can benefit your target market.

Follow All the Steps to Getting Amazon Top Reviewers with All of Your Products

You have the choice of concentrating on a specific product category or sell various products. As mentioned earlier, you have to contact your reviewers based on product category. That said, start with one product genre first. Contact the Amazon Top Reviewers that have an interest in those products first. If your existing reviewers also happen to have an interest in your other product categories as well, you can ask them to leave reviews there too. Anyway, you can make use of the list of Amazon top reviewers that you have compiled earlier.

It is recommended that you group the reviewers based on their product genre earlier on so that you don’t have to keep on grouping them later on.

Give Them Good After Service as Well

The tips that we have mentioned above are just the first step of the whole process. Once you send them the product, they will also take into consideration delivery, condition, and ease of use. All of this can be addressed if you give some after service to these reviewers. At the same time, the after service can be used as a way to remind these special customers to leave an honest review. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Have Product Inserts in Your Packaging

The first thing to do is have inserts inside your product packaging. These inserts serve as your “call to action” which will prompt your clients to make a review. Just keep the inserts simple. Give short facts and information about the project and leave them with a message asking for a review. For instance, a good message may be:

“If you loved the product, please give us your feedback in the review section.”

  • Leave Your Customers an Email or PM

Just like the insert, this message aims to thank your customer, give them some quick info of the product, and ask them to leave a review. It is recommended that you either leave a followup message or put an insert in the packaging. Providing both will be too redundant.

  • Give a Purchase Follow Up

This is a short message that aims to know whether the customer has received the package yet. It also aims to check whether everything is in good condition or if they need any help with the product (such as installation queries). As a part of the followup, you can leave a message at the end asking for a product review once they try the product. In the case to make your life much easier, you can automate this process with SageMailer. This service sends automatic follow-up messages and review requests for you, just spend a few minutes to set up a campaign.

  • Upsell if They Like the Product

Let’s say that the reviewer really liked the product and gave a nice review. You can first thank them and ask them if they’d like to try another product. Take note though that you have to suggest a product that is somehow related to the product that you’ve already sold.

You can explain that they can complement each other in some way. For instance, if you sold a smartphone from Amazon, you can upsell a selfie stick. Selfie sticks are quite popular because people love taking selfies. A selfie stick makes it easier to do that.

These tips are all basic customer service tips that will work for all types of customers. Doing these things is considered going the extra mile for them and will encourage them to leave five-star recommendations on your product. By doing this, you can even get the top reviewers to become your loyal clients that will buy more than one product from you. You just have to make sure that you apply all these tips properly.

Final Thoughts

While most Amazon sellers would take reviews for granted and would be trapped in the mindset that reviews will automatically come if the products are good, the truth is that there are times when they themselves have to seek out the reviews. As mentioned above, reviews are part of your store’s marketing strategy because they boost up your seller credibility. If a potential customer sees that you have a high number of reviews and even reviews from top reviewers, they’ll be more encouraged to try out your product instead of looking for it elsewhere.

Fortunately, getting reviews from the top guys isn’t that hard. As long as you follow this short guide provided above, you should be able to get them. Of course, be ready for a number of rejections during your first try. Don’t give up though, because the rewards are definitely worth it. As mentioned above, it’s really a numbers game. You just have to know how to play it. Once you get the numbers, then you have to concentrate on customer service and after service.

All these tricks will help you get new customers, great reviews, and loyal customers. These reviews will help you get even more customers who will also give their own reviews.

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Who is the

1 reviewer on Amazon?

Being Amazon's top reviewer comes with some sweet perks. Just ask Joanna Daneman, a Delaware woman who has achieved Amazon's Hall of Fame recognition 12 different years, making her the

1 Hall Of Fame reviewer of all time.

How to get Amazon top reviewer?

Step By Step Guide: Asking Top Amazon Reviewers To Review Your Product.

Step 1: Look up the top Amazon reviewers: ... .

Step 2: Find reviewers interested in your product category, or niche (they'll be the most interested in reviewing your product) ... .

Step 3: Modify this simple script to match your personality:.

How do I contact my Amazon top reviewer?

7 Tips for contacting top Amazon reviewers:.

If possible, address the potential reviewer by name..

Offer a digital or print version. ... .

Mention something about their profile (a review they've done, their business, etc.)..

State at the end that there is no obligation to give a five-star review..

How to see Amazon reviewer ranking?

How to Check Your Reviewer Ranking?.

Log on to your Amazon account..

Hover on the tab on the upper right for Accounts & Lists (where it says Hello), then click on Account..

Under Ordering and shopping preferences, click on Your Amazon profile..

Your Reviewer Ranking should be under the About section..