Hướng dẫn xpath vs css selector

import org.openqa.selenium.By;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;

import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.ExpectedConditions;

import org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.WebDriverWait;


    staticWebDriverWait wait;

    static WebDriver webDriver;


        //Define the path of ChromeDriver


        //Set the property of WebDriver

        System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", chromDriverPath);

        //Create a Chrome Driver


        //Define the wait object with 5 sec time out


        //Set delay time to see how Selenium work on Web browser

        int delay=100;

        //The URL of Ginger spelling checker


        //Use Chrome to access the url


        //An example of a paragraph containing misspelling words

        StringmispellText="Many handicraft village in Hanoi still struggling to building a brand for "+

                "themselves in the market economic."+

                "Van Phuc Village has finding a way to preserved the craft traditional of silk." +

                "the village are well-know to the finestest silk in Vietnam."+

                "villagers are prouded of their products, which have establihed a name for "+

                "themselves in domesti and wod markets.";

        //Split into sentence to examine Ginger many times


        // Get the cover of the text area

        WebElement originalTextOriginal=getElement("//*[@id=\"GingerWidget-originalHtmlText\"]");


        //Get the submit text area

        WebElement textArea=getElement("//*[@id=\"GingerWidget-originalTexInput\"]");

        //Get the 'Go' button

        WebElement submit=getElement("//*[@id=\"GingerWidget-submitButton\"]");

        //Get the correct text element

        WebElement correctTextElement;

        //Check the spelling of each sentence


            //Clean the previous text



            //Submit the text



            //Click 'Go' button



            //Get the corrected text



            //Display the result

            StringcorrectText =correctTextElement.getText();

            System.out.println("The original text: "+originalText);

            System.out.println("Using Ginger App: "+correctText);


            //Click to check another sentence





     * Get a particular element using its XPath

     * @param xPath The XPath of the element

     * @return The web element


    private staticWebElement getElement(StringxPath){

        //Wait until the element is visible



