Hướng dẫn why does python round(0.5 to 0) - tại sao python lại làm tròn (0,5 thành 0)

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Hướng dẫn why does python round(0.5 to 0) - tại sao python lại làm tròn (0,5 thành 0)

Vòng (0,5) = 0

Vòng (1.5) = 2

Vòng (2.5) = 2

Vòng (3.5) = 4

Có phải chỉ có tôi hay điều này có cảm giác như một loại không nhất quán? Tại sao 0,5 vòng đến 0, khi nó làm tròn đến 1?

Chỉnh sửa: Đó là bởi vì Python sử dụng https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=ieee_754#rounding_rules

EDIT2: Ngạc nhiên điều này đã nhận được nhiều sự chú ý này. Đây là một mã công việc xung quanh ai đó được thực hiện:

def col_round(x):
  frac = x - math.floor(x)
  if frac < 0.5: return math.floor(x)
  return math.ceil(x)

Vòng trôi nổi xuống 0,5 gần nhất trong Python #

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)

Hi vọng điêu nay co ich,


Mục lục #

  1. Vòng trôi nổi vào 0,5 gần nhất trong Python
  2. Vòng trôi nổi lên đến 0,5 gần nhất trong Python
  3. Vòng trôi nổi xuống 0,5 gần nhất trong Python

Vòng trôi nổi vào 0,5 gần nhất trong Python #

Để làm tròn một chiếc phao đến 0,5 gần nhất:

  1. Gọi chức năng
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    1 Truyền số đó nhân với
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
  2. Chia kết quả cho
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
  3. Kết quả của phép tính là số được làm tròn đến
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    4 gần nhất.


import math # ✅ Round number to nearest 0.5 def round_to_nearest_half_int(num): return round(num * 2) / 2 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.0 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 3.5 # -------------------------------------- # ✅ Round number UP to nearest 0.5 def round_up_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.ceil(num * 2) / 2 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 4.0 # -------------------------------------- # ✅ Round number DOWN to nearest 0.5 def round_down_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.floor(num * 2) / 2 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.9)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.4)) # 👉️ 3.0

Chúng tôi đã sử dụng hàm

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
1 để làm tròn một số đến 0,5 gần nhất.

Khi được chuyển một đối số duy nhất, hàm tròn làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất.


print(round(7.4)) # 👉️ 7 print(round(7.6)) # 👉️ 8

Dưới đây là một ví dụ từng bước về việc làm tròn một số lên đến

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
4 gần nhất.


print(3.1 * 2) # 👉️ 6.2 print(3.7 * 2) # 👉️ 7.4 print(round(3.1 * 2)) # 👉️ 6 print(round(3.7 * 2)) # 👉️ 7 print(round(3.1 * 2) / 2) # 👉️ 3.0 print(round(3.7 * 2) / 2) # 👉️ 3.5

Đây là một quy trình gồm hai bước:

  1. Nhân số với
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    2 và làm tròn kết quả với số nguyên gần nhất.
  2. Chia kết quả cho
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    2 để có được số được làm tròn đến
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    4 gần nhất.

Vòng trôi nổi lên đến 0,5 gần nhất trong Python #

Để làm tròn nổi lên đến 0,5 gần nhất:

  1. Gọi phương thức


    import math # ✅ Round number to nearest 0.5 def round_to_nearest_half_int(num): return round(num * 2) / 2 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.0 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 3.5 # -------------------------------------- # ✅ Round number UP to nearest 0.5 def round_up_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.ceil(num * 2) / 2 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 4.0 # -------------------------------------- # ✅ Round number DOWN to nearest 0.5 def round_down_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.floor(num * 2) / 2 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.9)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.4)) # 👉️ 3.0
    0 Truyền số đó nhân với
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
  2. Chia kết quả cho
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
  3. Kết quả của phép tính là số được làm tròn đến
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    4 gần nhất.


import math def round_up_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.ceil(num * 2) / 2 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 4.0 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(16.2)) # 👉️ 16.5

Chúng tôi đã sử dụng hàm

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
1 để làm tròn một số đến 0,5 gần nhất.


import math print(math.ceil(3.1)) # 👉️ 4 print(math.ceil(3.9)) # 👉️ 4

Khi được chuyển một đối số duy nhất, hàm tròn làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất.

Dưới đây là một ví dụ từng bước về việc làm tròn một số lên đến

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
4 gần nhất.


import math print(6.1 * 2) # 👉️ 12.2 print(6.6 * 2) # 👉️ 13.2 print(math.ceil(6.1 * 2)) # 👉️ 13 print(math.ceil(6.6 * 2)) # 👉️ 14 print(math.ceil(6.1 * 2) / 2) # 👉️ 6.5 print(math.ceil(6.6 * 2) / 2) # 👉️ 7.0

Đây là một quy trình gồm hai bước:

  1. Nhân số với
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    2 và làm tròn kết quả với số nguyên gần nhất.
  2. Chia kết quả cho
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    2 để có được số được làm tròn đến
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    4 gần nhất.

Vòng trôi nổi lên đến 0,5 gần nhất trong Python #

Để làm tròn nổi lên đến 0,5 gần nhất:

  1. Gọi phương thức


    import math # ✅ Round number to nearest 0.5 def round_to_nearest_half_int(num): return round(num * 2) / 2 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.0 print(round_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 3.5 # -------------------------------------- # ✅ Round number UP to nearest 0.5 def round_up_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.ceil(num * 2) / 2 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.1)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_up_to_nearest_half_int(3.7)) # 👉️ 4.0 # -------------------------------------- # ✅ Round number DOWN to nearest 0.5 def round_down_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.floor(num * 2) / 2 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.9)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.4)) # 👉️ 3.0
    0 Truyền số đó nhân với
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
  2. Chia kết quả cho
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
  3. Kết quả của phép tính là số được làm tròn đến
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    4 gần nhất.


import math def round_down_to_nearest_half_int(num): return math.floor(num * 2) / 2 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.9)) # 👉️ 3.5 print(round_down_to_nearest_half_int(3.4)) # 👉️ 3.0

Chúng tôi đã sử dụng hàm

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
1 để làm tròn một số đến 0,5 gần nhất.


import math print(math.floor(3.9)) # 👉️ 3 print(math.floor(3.1)) # 👉️ 3

Khi được chuyển một đối số duy nhất, hàm tròn làm tròn đến số nguyên gần nhất.

Dưới đây là một ví dụ từng bước về việc làm tròn một số lên đến

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
4 gần nhất.

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def trueround(number, places=0):
    trueround(number, places)


        >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6

    uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
    rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
    trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
    the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
    be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.

    number is the floating point number needed rounding

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
        default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
        floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.

    Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
            floats is needed

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    place = 10**(places)
    rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
    if rounded == int(rounded):
        rounded = int(rounded)
    return rounded

def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
    trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)

    Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
    python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
    this function. The return object is of type Decimal.

    All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 


        >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
        >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')

    number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
        on which to be acted.

    places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.

    Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
            will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.

    GPL 2.0
    copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
    from decimal import Decimal as dec
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
    from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
    from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
    from decimal import ROUND_UP
    from decimal import ROUND_05UP

    if type(number) == type(float()):
        number = str(number)
    if rounding == None:
        rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
    place = '1.'
    for i in range(places):
        place = ''.join([place, '0'])
    return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)

Đây là một quy trình gồm hai bước:

  1. Nhân số với
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    2 và làm tròn kết quả với số nguyên gần nhất.
  2. Chia kết quả cho
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    2 để có được số được làm tròn đến
    #! /usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    def trueround(number, places=0):
        trueround(number, places)
            >>> trueround(2.55, 1) == 2.6
        uses standard functions with no import to give "normal" behavior to 
        rounding so that trueround(2.5) == 3, trueround(3.5) == 4, 
        trueround(4.5) == 5, etc. Use with caution, however. This still has 
        the same problem with floating point math. The return object will 
        be type int if places=0 or a float if places=>1.
        number is the floating point number needed rounding
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the
            default which will actually return our interger. Otherwise, a
            floating point will be returned to the given decimal place.
        Note:   Use trueround_precision() if true precision with
                floats is needed
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        place = 10**(places)
        rounded = (int(number*place + 0.5if number>=0 else -0.5))/place
        if rounded == int(rounded):
            rounded = int(rounded)
        return rounded
    def trueround_precision(number, places=0, rounding=None):
        trueround_precision(number, places, rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)
        Uses true precision for floating numbers using the 'decimal' module in
        python and assumes the module has already been imported before calling
        this function. The return object is of type Decimal.
        All rounding options are available from the decimal module including 
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0) == Decimal('3')
            >>> trueround(2.5, 0, ROUND_DOWN) == Decimal('2')
        number is a floating point number or a string type containing a number on 
            on which to be acted.
        places is the number of decimal places to round to with '0' as the default.
        Note:   if type float is passed as the first argument to the function, it
                will first be converted to a str type for correct rounding.
        GPL 2.0
        copywrite by Narnie Harshoe <>
        from decimal import Decimal as dec
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_CEILING
        from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_FLOOR
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_DOWN
        from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN
        from decimal import ROUND_UP
        from decimal import ROUND_05UP
        if type(number) == type(float()):
            number = str(number)
        if rounding == None:
            rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP
        place = '1.'
        for i in range(places):
            place = ''.join([place, '0'])
        return dec(number).quantize(dec(place), rounding=rounding)
    4 gần nhất.

0,5 làm tròn lên hay xuống Python?

Đối với 0,5, nó làm tròn lên.For = 0,5, hàm vòng () làm tròn số đến số chẵn gần nhất.Vì vậy, 0,5 được làm tròn về 0, và -0,5;33,5 và 34,5 đều được làm tròn đến 34;-33,5 -34,5 đều được làm tròn đến -34, v.v.. For =0.5, the round() function rounds the number off to the nearest even number. So, 0.5 is rounded to zero, and so is -0.5; 33.5 and 34.5 are both rounded off to 34; -33.5 -34.5 are both rounded off to -34, and so on.

Tại sao Python tròn xuống .5 xuống?

Như mọi khi, Stack Overflow đã có câu trả lời: Python Rounds.5 Thỉnh thoảng vì sự làm tròn của Banker, còn được biết đến với cái tên nhiều thông tin hơn nhiều "Vòng một nửa đến thậm chí".Python sẽ làm tròn.5 số đến toàn bộ gần nhất.sometimes because of Banker's Rounding, also known by the much more informative name "Round Half To Even". Python will round . 5 numbers to the nearest even whole.

Làm cách nào để ngăn chặn Python làm tròn?

Nó chỉ đơn giản là luôn hiển thị một số lượng cố định các chữ số quan trọng.Thử nhập toán;P = 3,14;In p;p = toán học.số Pi;In p.always showing a fixed number of significant digits. Try import math; p=3.14; print p; p=math. pi; print p .

Tại sao Python làm tròn kỳ lạ?

Trực tiếp từ tài liệu: hành vi của vòng () cho phao có thể gây ngạc nhiên: ví dụ, vòng (2.675, 2) cho 2,67 thay vì 2,68 dự kiến.Đây không phải là một lỗi: đó là kết quả của thực tế là hầu hết các phân số thập phân không thể được biểu diễn chính xác dưới dạng phao.most decimal fractions can't be represented exactly as a float.