Hướng dẫn python fastest 2d interpolation

Given a large (~10 million) number of irregularly spaced points in two dimensions, where each point has some intensity ("weight") associated with it, what existing python implementations are there for interpolating the value at:

  • a specific point at some random position (i.e. point = (0.5, 0.8))
  • a large number of points at random positions (i.e. points = np.random.random((1_000_000, 2)))
  • a regular grid at integer positions (i.e. np.indices((1000, 1000)).T)

I am aware that Delaunay triangulation is often used for this purpose. Are there alternatives to doing it this way?

Do any solutions take advantage of multiple CPU cores or GPUs?

As an example, here is an approach using scipy's LinearNDInterpolator. It does not appear to use more than one CPU core. There are also other options in scipy, but with this question I am especially interested in hearing about other solutions than the ones in scipy.

# The %time tags are IPython magic functions that time that specific line dimension_shape = (1000, 1000) # we spread the random [0-1] over [0-1000] to avoid floating point errors N_points = dimension_shape[0] * dimension_shape[1] known_points = np.random.random((N_points, 2)) * dimension_shape known_weights = np.random.random((N_points,)) unknown_point = (0.5, 0.8) unknown_points = np.random.random((N_points, 2)) * dimension_shape unknown_grid = np.indices(dimension_shape, dtype=float).T.reshape((-1, 2)) # reshape to a list of 2D points %time tesselation = Delaunay(known_points) # create grid to know neighbours # 6 sec %time interp_func = LinearNDInterpolator(tesselation, known_weights) # 1 ms %time interp_func(unknown_point) # 2 sec # run it once because the scipy function needs to compile %time interp_func(unknown_point) # ~ns %time interp_func(unknown_grid) # 400 ms %time interp_func(unknown_points) # 1 min 13 sec # Below I sort the above `unknown_points` array, and try again %time ind = np.lexsort(np.transpose(unknown_points)[::-1]) # 306 ms unknown_points_sorted = unknown_points[ind].copy() %time interp_func(unknown_points_sorted) # 19 sec <- much less than 1 min!

In the above code, things that take an appreciable amount of time are the construction of the Delaunay grid, and interpolation on a non-regular grid of points. Note that sorting the non-regular points first results in a significant speed improvement!

Do not feel the need to give a complete answer from the start. Tackling any aspect of the above is welcome.

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