Hướng dẫn print number in words python using tuple - in số trong từ python bằng cách sử dụng tuple

Tôi rất mới lập trình nên hãy tha thứ cho tôi nếu có bất cứ điều gì không có ý nghĩa hoặc nếu tôi nói những điều không chính xác. Tôi có một câu hỏi về việc sử dụng Tuples làm khóa từ điển.

Đầu tiên, tôi có người dùng nhập một số,

num = input("Enter a number here: ")

Sau đó, tôi biến giá trị số này thành một tuple:

numTup = tuple(num)

Tiếp theo, tôi tạo một từ điển kết nối các khóa số với các giá trị từ:

numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"}

Và cuối cùng, tôi muốn nó in các giá trị từ điển tương ứng với các phím trong tuple. Tôi khá chắc chắn đây là nơi tôi hiểu sai.


Về cơ bản, những gì tôi đang cố gắng làm với chương trình này là có nó in từng chữ số được nhập của người dùng dưới dạng một từ, tức là. 456 sẽ biến thành "Bốn năm sáu".

Tập lệnh đầy đủ (không chính xác):

num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup])

Trong hướng dẫn này, chúng tôi sẽ học cách chuyển đổi một số thành từ ngữ của nó (thông minh bằng chữ số). Chẳng hạn, nếu số là 12, các từ sẽ là một hai. Một điều tương tự sẽ được thực hiện cho phần còn lại của đầu vào.

Thực hiện mã

Chúng tôi sẽ làm theo một số bước được đề cập dưới đây:

Bước 1: Tạo một danh sách toàn cầu cho chữ số để ánh xạ từ

Tạo một danh sách toàn cầu chứa các từ cho mỗi chữ số từ 0 đến 9. Danh sách sẽ chứa các yếu tố được ánh xạ tới chỉ mục như trong bảng bên dưới.

Mục lục0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Từ ngữ / giá trịsố khôngmộthaisố baBốnnămsáuBảytámchín
Danh sách toàn cầu cho chữ số để lập bản đồ từ

# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine']

Bước 2: Lấy đầu vào của số và tạo chức năng chính

Để lấy đầu vào của số, chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng hàm numTup = tuple(num) 0 và sau đó typecast nó thành số nguyên và chúng tôi cũng sẽ tạo một hàm trống sẽ chuyển đổi số của chúng tôi thành các từ thông minh.

# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n))

Bước 3: Mã hóa logic chính bên trong hàm

Đối với mã này, chúng tôi sẽ sử dụng đệ quy. Nếu bạn có rất ít hoặc không có kiến ​​thức về đệ quy, tôi khuyên bạn nên xem hướng dẫn được đề cập dưới đây:Recursion. If you have very little or no knowledge about Recursion I would recommend you to check out the tutorial mentioned below:

Đọc thêm về đệ quy: đệ quy trong Python

Đối với mỗi cuộc gọi đệ quy, chúng tôi sẽ kiểm tra xem số của tôi có trở thành 0 không, nếu chúng tôi sẽ trả lại một chuỗi trống nếu không chúng tôi sẽ tiếp tục thêm các từ cho mỗi chữ số với sự trợ giúp của hàm mô đun và chia số cho 10 để thu nhỏ số và chuyển sang chữ số tiếp theo.modulus function and divide the number by 10 to shrink the number and move to the next digit.

Việc thực hiện mã được hiển thị dưới đây và nhận xét được thêm vào để bạn hiểu.

# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n))


Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three

Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero

Sự kết luận

Vì vậy, đến cuối hướng dẫn này, chúng tôi đã thấy rằng các số có thể dễ dàng được chuyển đổi thành từ ngữ (thông minh bằng chữ số) một cách khá dễ dàng và đơn giản bằng cách sử dụng đệ quy.

Cảm ơn bạn đã đọc! Học hỏi! 😇

Xem thảo luận

Cải thiện bài viết

Lưu bài viết

  • Đọc
  • Bàn luận
  • Xem thảo luận

    Cải thiện bài viết

    Lưu bài viết

    ĐọcN, the task is to convert every digit of the number into words.

    Bàn luận N = 1234 
    Output: One Two Three Four 
    Every digit of the given number has been converted into its corresponding word.
    Input: N = 567 
    Output: Five Six Seven 

    Đưa ra một số n, nhiệm vụ là chuyển đổi mọi chữ số của số thành từ.examples: & nbsp; & nbsp; The idea is to traverse through every digit of the number and use switch-case. Since there are only ten possible values for digits, ten cases can be defined inside a switch block. For each digit, its corresponding case block will be executed and that digit will get printed in words.
    Below is the implementation of the above approach: 

    Đầu vào: n = 1234 & nbsp; đầu ra: một hai ba Four & nbsp;

    numTup = tuple(num) 1

    Cách tiếp cận: Ý tưởng là đi qua mọi chữ số của số và sử dụng trường hợp chuyển đổi. Vì chỉ có mười giá trị có thể cho các chữ số, mười trường hợp có thể được xác định bên trong một khối chuyển đổi. Đối với mỗi chữ số, khối trường hợp tương ứng của nó sẽ được thực thi và chữ số đó sẽ được in bằng Words.Below là việc thực hiện phương pháp trên: & nbsp; & nbsp;


    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numTup = tuple(num) 2 numTup = tuple(num) 3 numTup = tuple(num) 4

    numTup = tuple(num) 5 numTup = tuple(num) 6numTup = tuple(num) 7 numTup = tuple(num) 8

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 9print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 1 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 2

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 0print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 5numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 1print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 print(numWords[numTup]) 6numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 3print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 8numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 4print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 9numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 5print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 1numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 022.

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8numTup = tuple(num) 17print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8numTup = tuple(num) 06print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 8numTup = tuple(num) 28print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 13numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 24numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numTup = tuple(num) 5 numTup = tuple(num) 37

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 46

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 40 numTup = tuple(num) 41

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 43 numTup = tuple(num) 44

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 58

    numTup = tuple(num) 40 numTup = tuple(num) 51

    numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 54numTup = tuple(num) 55print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 60 numTup = tuple(num) 61

    numTup = tuple(num) 9


    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numTup = tuple(num) 63 numTup = tuple(num) 64

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numTup = tuple(num) 5 numTup = tuple(num) 6numTup = tuple(num) 7 numTup = tuple(num) 8

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 9numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 1 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 2

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 0numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 5numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 1numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 8numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 2numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 9numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 3numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 4numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 1numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 5numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 022.

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82numTup = tuple(num) 06numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 13numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82numTup = tuple(num) 17numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 24numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 82numTup = tuple(num) 28numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 92

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 40 numTup = tuple(num) 41

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 43 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 99print(numWords[numTup]) 00print(numWords[numTup]) 01

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 05

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34

    print(numWords[numTup]) 09 numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 print(numWords[numTup]) 12

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 15numTup = tuple(num) 55print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 58

    numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34


    print(numWords[numTup]) 22 print(numWords[numTup]) 23

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 25 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 5numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 print(numWords[numTup]) 6numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 71print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 8numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 32print(numWords[numTup]) 33print(numWords[numTup]) 79print(numWords[numTup]) 80print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 37print(numWords[numTup]) 38

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 9numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 1numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 numTup = tuple(num) 02numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 32___

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 numTup = tuple(num) 13numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 40 print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 numTup = tuple(num) 24numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6


    print(numWords[numTup]) 22 num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 75

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 777____327 print(numWords[numTup]) 00

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 81print(numWords[numTup]) 27 num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 83num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 86 num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 87

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 89

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 777____492print(numWords[numTup]) 27 num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 94

    num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 95print(numWords[numTup]) 27 numTup = tuple(num) 55

    num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 98


    numTup = tuple(num) 2 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 00

    numTup = tuple(num) 63 numTup = tuple(num) 64

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 numTup = tuple(num) 6numTup = tuple(num) 7 numTup = tuple(num) 8

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 1 numTup = tuple(num) 74

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 5numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 9numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 print(numWords[numTup]) 6numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 0numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 1numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 8numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 2numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 9numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 3numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 0numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 4numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 1numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 5numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 022____26

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22numTup = tuple(num) 06numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 13numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22numTup = tuple(num) 17numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 numTup = tuple(num) 24numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 22numTup = tuple(num) 28numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 34# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 35 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 36

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 40 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 41

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 43 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 44

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 9

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21numTup = tuple(num) 46

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 09 numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 57

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 35 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 62____numTup = tuple(num) 55print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 58

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34


    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 70

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 71# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 72 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 73

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 1 numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 2

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 777____24 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 79numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 9numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 777____24 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 90numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82num = input("Enter a number here: ") numTup = tuple(num) numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} print(numWords[numTup]) 0numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 777____24 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 01numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 1numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 777____24 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 12numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 2numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 777____24 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 23numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 3numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 777____24 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 34numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 4numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 77numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 45numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 5numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 777____24 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 56numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82numTup = tuple(num) 06numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 77numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 67numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82numTup = tuple(num) 17numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 77numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 4 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 78numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 6

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 82numTup = tuple(num) 28numTup = tuple(num) 84

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21print(numWords[numTup]) 2print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 34

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 71numTup = tuple(num) 34

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 71# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 72 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 93

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 95 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 96

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 77# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 98

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 43 numTup = tuple(num) 44

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 77numTup = tuple(num) 46

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 34

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 71numTup = tuple(num) 34

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 71# Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): # If all the digits are encountered return blank string if(n==0): return "" else: # compute spelling for the last digit small_ans = arr[n%10] # keep computing for the previous digits and add the spelling for the last digit ans = number_2_word(int(n/10)) + small_ans + " " # Return the final answer return ans n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 95 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 62numTup = tuple(num) 55print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 71numTup = tuple(num) 58

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 15

    Cách tiếp cận đệ quy

    Cách tiếp cận: & nbsp; ý tưởng là gọi đệ quy hàm cho đến khi số trở thành 0 bằng cách chia cho 10 và lưu trữ phần còn lại trong một biến. Sau đó, chúng tôi in chữ số từ mảng chuỗi vì chữ số sẽ lưu trữ chỉ mục của số sẽ được in từ mảng. & nbsp;

    Chúng tôi in số sau cuộc gọi đệ quy để duy trì thứ tự các chữ số trong số đầu vào, nếu chúng tôi in trước hàm đệ quy, hãy gọi tên chữ số sẽ được in theo thứ tự đảo ngược.

    Vì chúng ta đang chia n cho 10 trong mỗi cuộc gọi đệ quy, mối quan hệ tái phát sẽ là & nbsp; t (n) = t (n/10) + 1n by 10 in each recursive call the recurrence relation will be  T(n) = T(n/10) + 1

    Độ phức tạp thời gian = o (log n) & nbsp;

    Dưới đây là việc thực hiện phương pháp trên: & nbsp;


    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 16

    numTup = tuple(num) 2 numTup = tuple(num) 3 numTup = tuple(num) 4

    numTup = tuple(num) 5 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 21numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 23

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 25 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 27

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 60print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 35

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 37

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 41print(numWords[numTup]) 37print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 40 numTup = tuple(num) 51

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 49



    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 75

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 77

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 60 numTup = tuple(num) 61

    numTup = tuple(num) 34


    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 84 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 85

    numTup = tuple(num) 63 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 87

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 88numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 21numTup = tuple(num) 40

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 88numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 25 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 98print(numWords[numTup]) 00Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 00

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 71numTup = tuple(num) 60print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 08Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 09print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 12Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 09print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 18

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 82print(numWords[numTup]) 37numTup = tuple(num) 84

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 88numTup = tuple(num) 34

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 88print(numWords[numTup]) 09 numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 29

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 88numTup = tuple(num) 9


    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 56Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 57Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 58

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 88numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34


    print(numWords[numTup]) 22 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 65

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 25 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 68print(numWords[numTup]) 27print(numWords[numTup]) 27 print(numWords[numTup]) 00Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 72

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 60

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 26print(numWords[numTup]) 27 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 78Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 79 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 09

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 78print(numWords[numTup]) 27 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 78Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 85Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 85 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 09

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 89

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 32Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 92 ____327 print(numWords[numTup]) 37print(numWords[numTup]) 38

    Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 96print(numWords[numTup]) 27 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 98Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 52Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 53Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 54Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 53Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 56Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 53Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 58Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 53Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 60Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 61


    Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 78print(numWords[numTup]) 27 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 57

    Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 89


    numTup = tuple(num) 2 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 00

    print(numWords[numTup]) 09 numTup = tuple(num) 63 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 87

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 21numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 93

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7print(numWords[numTup]) 25 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 27

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] 21numTup = tuple(num) 60print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 35

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 37

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 053print(numWords[numTup]) 37numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 09 numTup = tuple(num) 66 numTup = tuple(num) 5 # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 57

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 9



    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 40 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 75

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 77

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numTup = tuple(num) 34


    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 70

    # Global Array storing word for each digit arr = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine'] def number_2_word(n): pass n = int(input()) print("Number Entered was : ", n) print("Converted to word it becomes: ",end="") print(number_2_word(n)) 72 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 89

    numTup = tuple(num) 9

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0print(numWords[numTup]) 25 Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 27

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 7numTup = tuple(num) 60print(numWords[numTup]) 0

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 34

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 114

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 116

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    numWords = {'1': "One", '2': "Two", '3': "Three", '4': "Four", '5': "Five", '6': "Six", '7': "Seven", '8': "Eight", '9': "Nine"} 0numTup = tuple(num) 120print(numWords[numTup]) 37numTup = tuple(num) 84

    numTup = tuple(num) 34



    numTup = tuple(num) 146

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 39

    Number Entered was : 123 Converted to word it becomes: one two three 15

    Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 78print(numWords[numTup]) 27 Number Entered was : 46830 Converted to word it becomes: four six eight three zero 57 Print individual digits as words without using if or switch

    Làm cách nào để in số bằng từ trong Python?

    Mô-đun Num2Words trong Python, chuyển đổi số (như 34) thành các từ (như ba mươi tư). Ngoài ra, thư viện này có hỗ trợ cho nhiều ngôn ngữ. Trong bài viết này, chúng ta sẽ thấy cách chuyển đổi số thành các từ bằng mô -đun Num2Words. Người ta có thể dễ dàng cài đặt num2words bằng PIP. in Python, which converts number (like 34) to words (like thirty-four). Also, this library has support for multiple languages. In this article, we will see how to convert number to words using num2words module. One can easily install num2words using pip.

    Làm thế nào để bạn in số lượng vật phẩm trong một tuple?

    Phương thức Python phương thức Len () Trả về số lượng các phần tử trong bộ tuple.len() returns the number of elements in the tuple.

    Làm thế nào để bạn chuyển đổi một số thành một tuple thành một chuỗi trong Python?

    Tạo một chuỗi trống và sử dụng một vòng lặp cho vòng lặp thông qua các phần tử của tuple và tiếp tục thêm từng phần tử vào chuỗi trống.Theo cách này, bộ tuple được chuyển đổi thành một chuỗi.Đây là một trong những cách tiếp cận đơn giản nhất và dễ dàng nhất để chuyển đổi một tuple thành một chuỗi trong Python.. In this way, the tuple is converted to a string. It is one of the simplest and the easiest approaches to convert a tuple to a string in Python.

    Làm cách nào để in một tuple dưới dạng chuỗi?

    Sử dụng hàm str.join () để chuyển đổi Tuple thành chuỗi trong Python.Hàm nối (), như tên của nó cho thấy, được sử dụng để trả về một chuỗi chứa tất cả các phần tử của chuỗi được nối bởi một bộ phân cách str.Chúng tôi sử dụng hàm nối () để thêm tất cả các ký tự trong bộ gốc đầu vào và sau đó chuyển đổi nó thành chuỗi. join() Function to Convert Tuple to String in Python. The join() function, as its name suggests, is used to return a string that contains all the elements of sequence joined by an str separator. We use the join() function to add all the characters in the input tuple and then convert it to string.

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