Hướng dẫn php blank page - trang trống php

Tôi điều hành một giải đấu bóng rổ giả tưởng.Trang web PHP/Cơ sở dữ liệu SQL của tôi được thiết kế để cho phép người điều hành nhóm làm mọi thứ thông qua trang web - họ có thể từ bỏ người chơi và người chơi tự động đi vào nhóm FA, v.v.

Mọi thứ đã hoạt động hoàn hảo cho đến khoảng một tuần trước.Bất cứ lúc nào bây giờ một nhóm đi ký vào người chơi, sau khi nhấp vào "ký", họ nhận được một trang PHP trống.Tôi không biết tại sao - tôi đã không thực hiện điều chỉnh cho bất kỳ tệp nào.Nó chỉ bắt đầu xảy ra.Dưới đây là mã cho trang PHP trống - ai đó có thể giúp đỡ không?

<?php $username = "me"; $password = "mypassword"; $database = "mydatabase"; mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $Team_Offering = $_POST['Team_Name']; $Fields_Counter = $_POST['counterfields']; $Roster_Slots = $_POST['rosterslots']; $Healthy_Roster_Slots = $_POST['healthyrosterslots']; $Type_Of_Action = $_POST['Action']; $queryt="SELECT * FROM nuke_ibl_team_info WHERE team_name = '$Team_Offering' "; $resultt=mysql_query($queryt); $teamid=mysql_result($resultt,0,"teamid"); $Timestamp = intval(time()); // ADD TEAM TOTAL SALARY FOR THIS YEAR $querysalary="SELECT * FROM nuke_iblplyr WHERE teamname = '$Team_Offering' AND retired = 0 "; $results=mysql_query($querysalary); $num=mysql_numrows($results); $z=0; while($z < $num) { $cy=mysql_result($results,$z,"cy"); $cyy = "cy$cy"; $cy2=mysql_result($results,$z,"$cyy"); $TotalSalary = $TotalSalary + $cy2; $z++; } //ENT TEAM TOTAL SALARY FOR THIS YEAR $k=0; $Salary=0; while ($k < $Fields_Counter) { $Type=$_POST['type'.$k]; $Salary=$_POST['cy'.$k]; $Index=$_POST['index'.$k]; $Check=$_POST['check'.$k]; $queryn="SELECT * FROM nuke_iblplyr WHERE pid = '$Index' "; $resultn=mysql_query($queryn); $playername=mysql_result($resultn,0,"name"); $players_team=mysql_result($resultn,0,"tid"); if ($Check == "on") { if ($Type_Of_Action == "drop") { if ($Roster_Slots < 4 and $TotalSalary > 7000) { echo "You have 12 players and are over $70 mill hard cap. Therefore you can't drop a player! <br>You will be automatically redirected to <a href=\"//www.chibul.com/iblv2\">the main IBL page</a> in a moment. If you are not redirected, click the link."; }else{ $queryi = "UPDATE nuke_iblplyr SET `ordinal` = '1000', `droptime` = '$Timestamp' WHERE `pid` = '$Index' LIMIT 1;"; $resulti=mysql_query($queryi); $topicid=32; $storytitle=$Team_Offering." make waiver cuts"; $hometext="The ".$Team_Offering." cut ".$playername." to waivers."; // ==== PUT ANNOUNCEMENT INTO DATABASE ON NEWS PAGE $timestamp=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); $querycat="SELECT * FROM nuke_stories_cat WHERE title = 'Waiver Pool Moves'"; $resultcat=mysql_query($querycat); $WPMoves=mysql_result($resultcat,0,"counter"); $catid=mysql_result($resultcat,0,"catid"); $WPMoves=$WPMoves+1; $querycat2="UPDATE nuke_stories_cat SET counter = $WPMoves WHERE title = 'Waiver Pool Moves'"; $resultcat2=mysql_query($querycat2); $querystor="INSERT INTO nuke_stories (catid,aid,title,time,hometext,topic,informant,counter,alanguage) VALUES ('$catid','Associated Press','$storytitle','$timestamp','$hometext','$topicid','Associated Press','0','english')"; $resultstor=mysql_query($querystor); echo "<html><head><title>Waiver Processing</title> </head> <body> Your waiver moves should now be processed. <br>You will be automatically redirected to <a href=\"//www.chibul.com/iblv2\">the main IBL page</a> in a moment. If you are not redirected, click the link. </body></html>"; } } else { if ($players_team == $teamid) { $queryi = "UPDATE nuke_iblplyr SET `ordinal` = '800', `teamname` = '$Team_Offering', `tid` = '$teamid' WHERE `pid` = '$Index' LIMIT 1;"; $resulti=mysql_query($queryi); $Roster_Slots++; $topicid=33; $storytitle=$Team_Offering." make waiver additions"; $hometext="The ".$Team_Offering." sign ".$playername." from waivers."; // ==== PUT ANNOUNCEMENT INTO DATABASE ON NEWS PAGE $timestamp=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); $querycat="SELECT * FROM nuke_stories_cat WHERE title = 'Waiver Pool Moves'"; $resultcat=mysql_query($querycat); $WPMoves=mysql_result($resultcat,0,"counter"); $catid=mysql_result($resultcat,0,"catid"); $WPMoves=$WPMoves+1; $querycat2="UPDATE nuke_stories_cat SET counter = $WPMoves WHERE title = 'Waiver Pool Moves'"; $resultcat2=mysql_query($querycat2); $querystor="INSERT INTO nuke_stories (catid,aid,title,time,hometext,topic,informant,counter,alanguage) VALUES ('$catid','Associated Press','$storytitle','$timestamp','$hometext','$topicid','Associated Press','0','english')"; $resultstor=mysql_query($querystor); echo "<html><head><title>Waiver Processing</title> </head> <body> Your waiver moves should now be processed. <br>You will be automatically redirected to <a href=\"//www.chibul.com/iblv2\">the main IBL page</a> in a moment. If you are not redirected, click the link. </body></html>"; } else { if ($Healthy_Roster_Slots < 4 and $TotalSalary + $Salary > 7000) { echo "You have 12 or more healthy players and this signing will put you over $70. Therefore you can not make this signing. <br>You will be automatically redirected to <a href=\"//www.chibul.com/iblv2\">the main IBL page</a> in a moment. If you are not redirected, click the link."; } elseif ($Healthy_Roster_Slots > 3 and $TotalSalary + $Salary > 7000 and $Salary > 103) { echo "You are over the hard cap and therefore can only sign players who are making veteran minimum contract! <br>You will be automatically redirected to <a href=\"//www.chibul.com/iblv2\">the main IBL page</a> in a moment. If you are not redirected, click the link."; } elseif ($Healthy_Roster_Slots < 1) { echo "You have full roster of 15 players. You can't sign another player at this time! <br>You will be automatically redirected to <a href=\"//www.chibul.com/iblv2\">the main IBL page</a> in a moment. If you are not redirected, click the link."; } else { $queryi = "UPDATE nuke_iblplyr SET `ordinal` = '800', `bird` = '0', `cy` = '1', `cy1` = '$Salary', `teamname` = '$Team_Offering', `tid` = '$teamid' WHERE `pid` = '$Index' LIMIT 1;"; $resulti=mysql_query($queryi); $Roster_Slots++; $topicid=33; $storytitle=$Team_Offering." make waiver additions"; $hometext="The ".$Team_Offering." sign ".$playername." from waivers."; // ==== PUT ANNOUNCEMENT INTO DATABASE ON NEWS PAGE $timestamp=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); $querycat="SELECT * FROM nuke_stories_cat WHERE title = 'Waiver Pool Moves'"; $resultcat=mysql_query($querycat); $WPMoves=mysql_result($resultcat,0,"counter"); $catid=mysql_result($resultcat,0,"catid"); $WPMoves=$WPMoves+1; $querycat2="UPDATE nuke_stories_cat SET counter = $WPMoves WHERE title = 'Waiver Pool Moves'"; $resultcat2=mysql_query($querycat2); $querystor="INSERT INTO nuke_stories (catid,aid,title,time,hometext,topic,informant,counter,alanguage) VALUES ('$catid','Associated Press','$storytitle','$timestamp','$hometext','$topicid','Associated Press','0','english')"; $resultstor=mysql_query($querystor); echo "<html><head><title>Waiver Processing</title> </head> <body> Your waiver moves should now be processed. <br>You will be automatically redirected to <a href=\"//www.chibul.com/iblv2\">the main IBL page</a> in a moment. If you are not redirected, click the link. </body></html>"; } } } } $k++; } ?>

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