Hướng dẫn lower bound python - con trăn giới hạn dưới

Đây là mã cho tìm kiếm nhị phân, tự hỏi nếu không có giá trị khớp, câu hỏi là giới hạn trên nên được định vị ở mức nhỏ hay nhỏ+1? Và giới hạn dưới nên được đặt ở nhỏ hay nhỏ-1, đúng không? Cảm ơn.

9.25930 huy hiệu vàng99 Huy hiệu bạc171 Huy hiệu đồng30 gold badges99 silver badges171 bronze badges30 gold badges99 silver badges171 bronze badges

@Paul là gần, nó sẽ trả về return (small-1, small) 72 cho giá trị trên. Thay vì tăng một ngoại lệ, đây là mã trong Python sẽ trả về các giá trị thấp hơn và trên:

Bởi vì return (small-1, small) 73 kết thúc trên chỉ số của ________ 9 khi bạn đang tìm kiếm nó, giới hạn dưới là ____10 và giới hạn trên là return (small-1, small) 73.

12.4K4 Huy hiệu vàng58 Huy hiệu bạc78 Huy hiệu đồng4 gold badges58 silver badges78 bronze badges4 gold badges58 silver badges78 bronze badges

Điều đó không đơn giản. Bạn sẽ phải tính đến thực tế là thuật toán có thể gần đúng vị trí của mục được tìm kiếm từ bên trái (giá trị thấp hơn) hoặc bên phải (giá trị cao hơn), không thể xác định được sau khi thoát khỏi vòng lặp ____ 12. Do đó, bạn sẽ phải kiểm tra xem giá trị tại

13.4K3 Huy hiệu vàng19 Huy hiệu bạc35 Huy hiệu Đồng3 gold badges19 silver badges35 bronze badges3 gold badges19 silver badges35 bronze badges

First occurrence of 4 is present at 25return (small-1, small) 2 First occurrence of 4 is present at 27First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 30First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 322.

return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 725return (small-1, small) 23return (small-1, small) 727 return (small-1, small) 735

Vui lòng tham khảo tìm kiếm nhị phân để viết mã tìm kiếm nhị phân của riêng bạn .reference: & nbsp; //docs.python.org/3/l Library/bisect.html 

  • Có giới hạn trên có sử dụng tìm kiếm nhị phân không?
  • Các hoạt động chung được thực hiện bằng tìm kiếm nhị phân: Lower_bound. giới hạn trên.
  • First occurrence of 4 is present at 25return (small-1, small) 2 First occurrence of 4 is present at 27First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 30First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 322.

    return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 725return (small-1, small) 23return (small-1, small) 727 return (small-1, small) 735

    Vui lòng tham khảo tìm kiếm nhị phân để viết mã tìm kiếm nhị phân của riêng bạn .reference: & nbsp; //docs.python.org/3/l Library/bisect.html 

    Có giới hạn trên có sử dụng tìm kiếm nhị phân không?
    Finding first occurrence of an element. 

    Các hoạt động chung được thực hiện bằng tìm kiếm nhị phân: Lower_bound. giới hạn trên.


    First occurrence of 4 is present at 25return (small-1, small) 2 First occurrence of 4 is present at 27First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 30First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 322.

    Có giới hạn trên có sử dụng tìm kiếm nhị phân không?Finding first occurrence of an element.  

    return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 725return (small-1, small) 726return (small-1, small) 727First occurrence of 4 is present at 269First occurrence of 4 is present at 20return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 725return (small-1, small) 733return (small-1, small) 727


    First occurrence of 4 is present at 2

    bisect.bisect_left (a, x, lo = 0, hi = len (a)): trả về điểm chèn ngoài cùng trái của x trong một danh sách được sắp xếp. Hai tham số cuối cùng là tùy chọn, chúng được sử dụng để tìm kiếm trong trình phụ. 


    First occurrence of 4 is present at 204 First occurrence of 4 is present at 205First occurrence of 4 is present at 206 First occurrence of 4 is present at 207First occurrence of 4 is present at 20 8 First occurrence of 4 is present at 209return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 1return (small-1, small) 2 return (small-1, small) 3return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 5 return (small-1, small) 6return (small-1, small) 2 return (small-1, small) 8return (small-1, small) 9First occurrence of 4 is present at 260First occurrence of 4 is present at 265First occurrence of 4 is present at 266 First occurrence of 4 is present at 267return (small-1, small) 0First occurrence of 4 is present at 269First occurrence of 4 is present at 20First occurrence of 4 is present at 265First occurrence of 4 is present at 266 First occurrence of 4 is present at 23First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 25return (small-1, small) 2 First occurrence of 4 is present at 27First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 30First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 32First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 3222Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 38return (small-1, small) 2 Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 390Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 391Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 32Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 393Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 394return (small-1, small) 2 Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 396

    Có giới hạn trên có sử dụng tìm kiếm nhị phân không?Finding first occurrence of an element.  

    bisect.bisect_left (a, x, lo = 0, hi = len (a)): trả về điểm chèn ngoài cùng trái của x trong một danh sách được sắp xếp. Hai tham số cuối cùng là tùy chọn, chúng được sử dụng để tìm kiếm trong trình phụ.


    Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 3

    First occurrence of 4 is present at 204 First occurrence of 4 is present at 205First occurrence of 4 is present at 206 First occurrence of 4 is present at 207First occurrence of 4 is present at 20 8 First occurrence of 4 is present at 209return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 1return (small-1, small) 2 return (small-1, small) 3return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 5 return (small-1, small) 6return (small-1, small) 2 return (small-1, small) 8return (small-1, small) 9First occurrence of 4 is present at 260First occurrence of 4 is present at 265First occurrence of 4 is present at 266 First occurrence of 4 is present at 267return (small-1, small) 0First occurrence of 4 is present at 269First occurrence of 4 is present at 20First occurrence of 4 is present at 265First occurrence of 4 is present at 266 First occurrence of 4 is present at 23First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 25return (small-1, small) 2 First occurrence of 4 is present at 27First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 30First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 32First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 3222Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 38return (small-1, small) 2 Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 390Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 391Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 32Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 393Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 394return (small-1, small) 2 Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 396



    Tìm giá trị lớn nhất nhỏ hơn x. & Nbsp; & nbsp;  

    Có giới hạn trên có sử dụng tìm kiếm nhị phân không?Finding first occurrence of an element.  

    bisect.bisect_left (a, x, lo = 0, hi = len (a)): trả về điểm chèn ngoài cùng trái của x trong một danh sách được sắp xếp. Hai tham số cuối cùng là tùy chọn, chúng được sử dụng để tìm kiếm trong trình phụ.


    Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 39

    First occurrence of 4 is present at 204 First occurrence of 4 is present at 205First occurrence of 4 is present at 206 First occurrence of 4 is present at 207First occurrence of 4 is present at 20 8 First occurrence of 4 is present at 209return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 1return (small-1, small) 2 return (small-1, small) 3return (small-1, small) 0return (small-1, small) 5 return (small-1, small) 6return (small-1, small) 2 return (small-1, small) 8return (small-1, small) 9First occurrence of 4 is present at 260First occurrence of 4 is present at 265First occurrence of 4 is present at 266 First occurrence of 4 is present at 267return (small-1, small) 0First occurrence of 4 is present at 269First occurrence of 4 is present at 20First occurrence of 4 is present at 265First occurrence of 4 is present at 266 First occurrence of 4 is present at 23First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 25return (small-1, small) 2 First occurrence of 4 is present at 27First occurrence of 4 is present at 24First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 30First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 32First occurrence of 4 is present at 29Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 3222Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 38return (small-1, small) 2 Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 390Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 391Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 32Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 393Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 394return (small-1, small) 2 Largest value smaller than 7 is at index 396
    Reference : 

    Is: lower_bound. upper_bound.

    Tìm giá trị lớn nhất nhỏ hơn x. & Nbsp; & nbsp;  the last index of the sequence.

    Khoa học dữ liệu thực tế sử dụng Python Bisect được sử dụng để tìm kiếm nhị phân.Kỹ thuật tìm kiếm nhị phân được sử dụng để tìm các yếu tố trong danh sách được sắp xếp.Bisect là một hàm thư viện.The bisect is used for binary search. The binary search technique is used to find elements in sorted list. The bisect is one library function.The bisect is used for binary search. The binary search technique is used to find elements in sorted list. The bisect is one library function.

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